You can see the index of <<def_index:,documented definitions>>.
+For news and incompatible changes in this version, see the <<relnotes:,Release notes>>.
- <<basics:,Basics>>
- <<config:,Configuration file syntax>>
- <<docsys:,Documentation system>>
- <<generic:,Macro-generated generics>>
-- <<relnotes:,Release notes>>
Yet undocumented modules
* *Incompatible:* Several modules now have their own header files:
** `process.h` -- all functions related to processes, previously declared in `lib.h`
** `io.h` -- functions related to files from `lib.h` and `lfs.h`
+** `time.h` -- timestamps and interval timers, previously in `lib.h`
* *Incompatible:* Several configuration options were renamed or removed:
* system boot if POSIX monotonic clock is used.
+/* time-stamp.c */
timestamp_t get_timestamp(void); /** Get current time as a millisecond timestamp. **/
* the number of milliseconds elapsed since the previous read or initialization.
+/* time-timer.c */
void init_timer(timestamp_t *timer); /** Initialize a timer. **/
uns get_timer(timestamp_t *timer); /** Get the number of milliseconds since last init/get of a timer. **/
uns switch_timer(timestamp_t *oldt, timestamp_t *newt); /** Stop ticking of one timer and resume another. **/