address = {Redwood City, CA, USA},
+@book{ knuth:sas,
+ author = {Donald E. Knuth},
+ title = {{The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3 (2nd ed.): Sorting and Searching}},
+ year = {1998},
+ isbn = {978-0-201-89685-5},
+ publisher = {Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.},
+ address = {Redwood City, CA, USA},
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author = {Torben Hagerup},
title = {{Sorting and Searching on the Word RAM}},
year = "1998",
url = ""
+@article{ myrvold:rank,
+ title={{Ranking and unranking permutations in linear time}},
+ author={Myrvold, W.J. and Ruskey, F.},
+ journal={Information Processing Letters},
+ volume={79},
+ number={6},
+ pages={281--284},
+ year={2001}
+@inproceedings{ critani:rau,
+ title={{Ranking and unranking permutations with applications}},
+ author={Critani, F. and Dall'Aglio, M. and Di Biase, G.},
+ booktitle={Innovation in Mathematics: Proceedings of Second International Mathematica Symposium},
+ pages = "99-106",
+ year = "1997"
+@article{ ruskey:ham,
+ title={{The Hamiltonicity of directed-Cayley graphs (or: A tale of backtracking)}},
+ author={Ruskey, F. and Jiang, M. and Weston, A.},
+ journal={Discrete Appl. Math},
+ volume={57},
+ pages={75--83},
+ year={1995}
+@article{ ruskey:hce,
+ title={{Hamilton Cycles that Extend Transposition Matchings in Cayley Graphs of Sn}},
+ author={Ruskey, F. and Savage, C.D.},
+ journal={SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics},
+ volume={6},
+ number={1},
+ pages={152--166},
+ year={1993}
+@article{ liehe:raulow,
+ title={{Ranking and Unranking of Lexicographically Ordered Words: An Average-Case Analysis}},
+ author={Liebehenschel, J.},
+ journal={Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics},
+ volume={2},
+ number={4},
+ pages={227--268},
+ year={1997}
+@book{ reingold:catp,
+ title={{Combinatorial Algorithms: Theory and Practice}},
+ author={Reingold, E.M.},
+ year={1977},
+ publisher={Prentice Hall College Div}
+@inproceedings{ dietz:oal,
+ author = {Paul F. Dietz},
+ title = {Optimal Algorithms for List Indexing and Subset Rank},
+ booktitle = {WADS '89: Proceedings of the Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures},
+ year = {1989},
+ isbn = {3-540-51542-9},
+ pages = {39--46},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+ address = {London, UK},
+@book { ss:fifteen,
+ title={{The 15 Puzzle Book}},
+ author={Slocum, J. and Sonneveld D.},
+ year={2006},
+ publisher={The Slocum Puzzle Foundation, Beverly Hills, CA, USA}