+++ /dev/null
-%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\r
-%%Creator: Mayura Draw, Version 4.3\r
-%%Title: 1_9_deleni_bloku.ai\r
-%%CreationDate: Mon Oct 29 23:24:27 2007\r
-%%BoundingBox: -9 -9 276 157\r
-%%BeginResource: procset MayuraDraw_ops\r
-%%Version: 4.3\r
-%%Copyright: (c) 1993-2003 Mayura Software\r
-/PDXDict 100 dict def\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-% width height matrix proc key cache\r
-% definepattern -\> font\r
-/definepattern { %def\r
- 7 dict begin\r
- /FontDict 9 dict def\r
- FontDict begin\r
- /cache exch def\r
- /key exch def\r
- /proc exch cvx def\r
- /mtx exch matrix invertmatrix def\r
- /height exch def\r
- /width exch def\r
- /ctm matrix currentmatrix def\r
- /ptm matrix identmatrix def\r
- /str\r
- (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)\r
- def\r
- end\r
- /FontBBox [ %def\r
- 0 0 FontDict /width get\r
- FontDict /height get\r
- ] def\r
- /FontMatrix FontDict /mtx get def\r
- /Encoding StandardEncoding def\r
- /FontType 3 def\r
- /BuildChar { %def\r
- pop begin\r
- FontDict begin\r
- width 0 cache { %ifelse\r
- 0 0 width height setcachedevice\r
- }{ %else\r
- setcharwidth\r
- } ifelse\r
- 0 0 moveto width 0 lineto\r
- width height lineto 0 height lineto\r
- closepath clip newpath\r
- gsave proc grestore\r
- end end\r
- } def\r
- FontDict /key get currentdict definefont\r
- end\r
-} bind def\r
-% dict patternpath -\r
-% dict matrix patternpath -\r
-/patternpath { %def\r
- dup type /dicttype eq { %ifelse\r
- begin FontDict /ctm get setmatrix\r
- }{ %else\r
- exch begin FontDict /ctm get setmatrix\r
- concat\r
- } ifelse\r
- currentdict setfont\r
- FontDict begin\r
- FontMatrix concat\r
- width 0 dtransform\r
- round width div exch round width div exch\r
- 0 height dtransform\r
- round height div exch\r
- round height div exch\r
- 0 0 transform round exch round exch\r
- ptm astore setmatrix\r
- pathbbox\r
- height div ceiling height mul 4 1 roll\r
- width div ceiling width mul 4 1 roll\r
- height div floor height mul 4 1 roll\r
- width div floor width mul 4 1 roll\r
- 2 index sub height div ceiling cvi exch\r
- 3 index sub width div ceiling cvi exch\r
- 4 2 roll moveto\r
- FontMatrix ptm invertmatrix pop\r
- { %repeat\r
- gsave\r
- ptm concat\r
- dup str length idiv { %repeat\r
- str show\r
- } repeat\r
- dup str length mod str exch\r
- 0 exch getinterval show\r
- grestore\r
- 0 height rmoveto\r
- } repeat\r
- pop\r
- end end\r
-} bind def\r
-% dict patternfill -\r
-% dict matrix patternfill -\r
-/patternfill { %def\r
- gsave\r
- eoclip patternpath\r
- grestore\r
- newpath\r
-} bind def\r
-/img { %def\r
- gsave\r
- /imgh exch def\r
- /imgw exch def\r
- concat\r
- imgw imgh 8\r
- [imgw 0 0 imgh neg 0 imgh]\r
- /colorstr 768 string def\r
- /colorimage where {\r
- pop\r
- { currentfile colorstr readhexstring pop }\r
- false 3 colorimage\r
- }{\r
- /graystr 256 string def\r
- {\r
- currentfile colorstr readhexstring pop\r
- length 3 idiv\r
- dup 1 sub 0 1 3 -1 roll\r
- {\r
- graystr exch\r
- colorstr 1 index 3 mul get 30 mul\r
- colorstr 2 index 3 mul 1 add get 59 mul\r
- colorstr 3 index 3 mul 2 add get 11 mul\r
- add add 100 idiv\r
- put\r
- } for\r
- graystr 0 3 -1 roll getinterval\r
- } image\r
- } ifelse\r
- grestore\r
-} bind def\r
-/arrowhead {\r
- gsave\r
- [] 0 setdash\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor\r
- 2 copy moveto\r
- 4 2 roll exch 4 -1 roll exch\r
- sub 3 1 roll sub\r
- exch atan rotate dup scale\r
- arrowtype\r
- dup 0 eq {\r
- -1 2 rlineto 7 -2 rlineto -7 -2 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 1 eq {\r
- 0 3 rlineto 9 -3 rlineto -9 -3 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 2 eq {\r
- -6 -6 rmoveto 6 6 rlineto -6 6 rlineto\r
- -1.4142 -1.4142 rlineto 4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto\r
- -4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 3 eq {\r
- -6 0 rmoveto -1 2 rlineto 7 -2 rlineto -7 -2 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 4 eq {\r
- -9 0 rmoveto 0 3 rlineto 9 -3 rlineto -9 -3 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 5 eq {\r
- currentpoint newpath 3 0 360 arc\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 6 eq {\r
- 2.5 2.5 rmoveto 0 -5 rlineto -5 0 rlineto 0 5 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- pop\r
- grestore\r
-} bind def\r
-/setcmykcolor where { %ifelse\r
- pop\r
-}{ %else\r
- /setcmykcolor {\r
- /black exch def /yellow exch def\r
- /magenta exch def /cyan exch def\r
- cyan black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- magenta black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- yellow black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- setrgbcolor\r
- } bind def\r
-} ifelse\r
-/RE { %def\r
- findfont begin\r
- currentdict dup length dict begin\r
- { %forall\r
- 1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne { %if\r
- /Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def\r
- 0 exch { %forall\r
- dup type /nametype eq { %ifelse\r
- Encoding 2 index 2 index put\r
- pop 1 add\r
- }{ %else\r
- exch pop\r
- } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- } if pop\r
- currentdict dup end end\r
- /FontName get exch definefont pop\r
-} bind def\r
-/spacecount { %def\r
- 0 exch\r
- ( ) { %loop\r
- search { %ifelse\r
- pop 3 -1 roll 1 add 3 1 roll\r
- }{ pop exit } ifelse\r
- } loop\r
-} bind def\r
-/WinAnsiEncoding [\r
- 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase/florin/quotedblbase\r
- /ellipsis/dagger/daggerdbl/circumflex/perthousand\r
- /Scaron/guilsinglleft/OE 145/quoteleft/quoteright\r
- /quotedblleft/quotedblright/bullet/endash/emdash\r
- /tilde/trademark/scaron/guilsinglright/oe/dotlessi\r
- 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis/copyright\r
- /ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered/macron/ring\r
- 177/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu\r
- 183/periodcentered/cedilla/onesuperior/ordmasculine\r
- 188/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters 192/Agrave/Aacute\r
- /Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla\r
- /Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute\r
- /Icircumflex/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute\r
- /Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply/Oslash\r
- /Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn\r
- /germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis\r
- /aring/ae/ccedilla/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex\r
- /edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis\r
- /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde\r
- /odieresis/divide/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex\r
- /udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis\r
-] def\r
-/SymbolEncoding [\r
- 32/space/exclam/universal/numbersign/existential/percent\r
- /ampersand/suchthat/parenleft/parenright/asteriskmath/plus\r
- /comma/minus/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six\r
- /seven/eight/nine/colon/semicolon/less/equal/greater/question\r
- /congruent/Alpha/Beta/Chi/Delta/Epsilon/Phi/Gamma/Eta/Iota\r
- /theta1/Kappa/Lambda/Mu/Nu/Omicron/Pi/Theta/Rho/Sigma/Tau\r
- /Upsilon/sigma1/Omega/Xi/Psi/Zeta/bracketleft/therefore\r
- /bracketright/perpendicular/underscore/radicalex/alpha\r
- /beta/chi/delta/epsilon/phi/gamma/eta/iota/phi1/kappa/lambda\r
- /mu/nu/omicron/pi/theta/rho/sigma/tau/upsilon/omega1/omega\r
- /xi/psi/zeta/braceleft/bar/braceright/similar\r
- 161/Upsilon1/minute/lessequal/fraction/infinity/florin/club\r
- /diamond/heart/spade/arrowboth/arrowleft/arrowup/arrowright\r
- /arrowdown/degree/plusminus/second/greaterequal/multiply\r
- /proportional/partialdiff/bullet/divide/notequal/equivalence\r
- /approxequal/ellipsis/arrowvertex/arrowhorizex/carriagereturn\r
- /aleph/Ifraktur/Rfraktur/weierstrass/circlemultiply\r
- /circleplus/emptyset/intersection/union/propersuperset\r
- /reflexsuperset/notsubset/propersubset/reflexsubset/element\r
- /notelement/angle/gradient/registerserif/copyrightserif\r
- /trademarkserif/product/radical/dotmath/logicalnot/logicaland\r
- /logicalor/arrowdblboth/arrowdblleft/arrowdblup/arrowdblright\r
- /arrowdbldown/lozenge/angleleft/registersans/copyrightsans\r
- /trademarksans/summation/parenlefttp/parenleftex/parenleftbt\r
- /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp\r
- /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex\r
- 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt\r
- /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp\r
- /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid\r
- /bracerightbt\r
-] def\r
-/patarray [\r
-/leftdiagonal /rightdiagonal /crossdiagonal /horizontal\r
-/vertical /crosshatch /fishscale /wave /brick\r
-] def\r
-/arrowtype 0 def\r
-/fillC 0 def /fillM 0 def /fillY 0 def /fillK 0 def\r
-/strokeC 0 def /strokeM 0 def /strokeY 0 def /strokeK 1 def\r
-/pattern -1 def\r
-/mat matrix def\r
-/mat2 matrix def\r
-/nesting 0 def\r
-/deferred /N def\r
-/c /curveto load def\r
-/c2 { pop pop c } bind def\r
-/C /curveto load def\r
-/C2 { pop pop C } bind def\r
-/e { gsave concat 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/F {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pattern -1 eq { %ifelse\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill\r
- }{ %else\r
- gsave fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill grestore\r
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor\r
- patarray pattern get findfont patternfill\r
- } ifelse\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /F def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/f { closepath F } bind def\r
-/K { /strokeK exch def /strokeY exch def\r
- /strokeM exch def /strokeC exch def } bind def\r
-/k { /fillK exch def /fillY exch def\r
- /fillM exch def /fillC exch def } bind def\r
-/opc { pop } bind def\r
-/Opc { pop } bind def\r
-/L /lineto load def\r
-/L2 { pop pop L } bind def\r
-/m /moveto load def\r
-/m2 { pop pop m } bind def\r
-/n /newpath load def\r
-/N {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- newpath\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /N def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} def\r
-/S {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor stroke\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /S def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/s { closepath S } bind def\r
-/Tx { fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor show\r
- 0 leading neg translate 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/T { grestore } bind def\r
-/TX { pop } bind def\r
-/Ts { pop } bind def\r
-/tal { pop } bind def\r
-/tld { pop } bind def\r
-/tbx { pop exch pop sub /jwidth exch def } def\r
-/tpt { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto show\r
-} bind def\r
-/tpj { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto\r
- dup stringwidth pop\r
- 3 -1 roll\r
- exch sub\r
- 1 index spacecount\r
- dup 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pop pop show\r
- }{ %else\r
- div 0 8#040 4 -1 roll widthshow\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/u {} def\r
-/U {} def\r
-/*u { /nesting nesting 1 add def } def\r
-/*U {\r
- /nesting nesting 1 sub def\r
- nesting 0 eq {\r
- deferred cvx exec\r
- } if\r
-} def\r
-/w /setlinewidth load def\r
-/d /setdash load def\r
-/B {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- gsave F grestore S\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /B def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/b { closepath B } bind def\r
-/z { /align exch def pop /leading exch def exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/tfn { exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/Pat { /pattern exch def } bind def\r
-/cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def\r
-/q { mat2 currentmatrix pop } bind def\r
-/Q { mat2 setmatrix } bind def\r
-/Ah {\r
- pop /arrowtype exch def\r
- currentlinewidth 5 1 roll arrowhead\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc2 { pop pop Arc } bind def\r
-/Bx {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\r
- x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Rr {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /yrad exch def /xrad exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /x2 exch def /x1 exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /y2 exch def /y1 exch def\r
- x1 xrad add y2 moveto\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 90 -180 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 180 270 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 270 0 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 0 90 arc setmatrix\r
- closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Ov {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-%PDX g 3 3 0 0\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-%%Page: 1 1\r
-/_PDX_savepage save def\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/rightdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/leftdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/horizontal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/vertical true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crosshatch true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 30 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 22.5 moveto 30 22.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 22.5 moveto 7.5 30 lineto\r
- 22.5 7.5 moveto 22.5 22.5 lineto\r
- 1 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/brick true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crossdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 1 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 0 15 7.5 270 360 arc\r
- 7.5 15 moveto 15 15 7.5 180 270 arc\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 7.5 7.5 180 360 arc\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/fishscale true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 1 setlinecap 0.5 setlinewidth\r
- 7.5 0 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 15 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
- 7.5 15 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 30 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/wave true definepattern pop\r
-newpath 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 2 setmiterlimit\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
--9 -9 moveto -9 157 lineto 276 157 lineto 276 -9 lineto closepath clip\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 46.7549 m\r
-111.096 147.412 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-266.179 147.412 m\r
-266.179 46.7549 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 46.7549 m\r
-266.179 46.7549 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 61.1611 m\r
-266.179 61.1611 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 75.5049 m\r
-266.179 75.5049 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 89.915 m\r
-266.179 89.915 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 104.257 m\r
-266.179 104.257 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 133.005 m\r
-266.179 133.005 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-246.793 147.412 m\r
-246.793 89.915 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-227.408 147.412 m\r
-227.408 75.5049 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-208.023 147.412 m\r
-208.023 89.915 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-188.638 147.412 m\r
-188.638 61.1611 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-169.252 147.412 m\r
-169.252 89.915 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-149.866 147.412 m\r
-149.866 75.5049 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-130.48 147.412 m\r
-130.48 89.915 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-119.922 136.578 m\r
-120.016 137.156 120.215 137.852 120.519 138.664 c\r
-120.882 139.645 121.358 140.618 121.948 141.585 c\r
-122.537 142.552 123.193 143.383 123.915 144.078 c\r
-123.915 144.078 119.634 144.078 119.634 144.078 c\r
-119.634 144.078 119.84 145.055 119.84 145.055 c\r
-119.84 145.055 125.32 145.055 125.32 145.055 c\r
-125.32 145.055 125.121 144.078 125.121 144.078 c\r
-124.192 143.262 123.381 142.209 122.687 140.92 c\r
-121.88 139.432 121.328 137.984 121.031 136.578 c\r
-121.031 136.578 119.922 136.578 119.922 136.578 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-140.605 141.557 m\r
-140.901 141.804 141.197 141.988 141.491 142.112 c\r
-141.786 142.235 142.078 142.297 142.366 142.297 c\r
-143.018 142.297 143.557 142.074 143.981 141.629 c\r
-144.406 141.183 144.619 140.583 144.619 139.829 c\r
-144.619 138.856 144.303 138.022 143.67 137.326 c\r
-143.123 136.729 142.46 136.43 141.679 136.43 c\r
-140.968 136.43 140.376 136.69 139.901 137.212 c\r
-139.427 137.733 139.189 138.477 139.189 139.442 c\r
-139.189 140.306 139.342 141.198 139.646 142.12 c\r
-139.881 142.828 140.171 143.411 140.517 143.87 c\r
-140.862 144.329 141.23 144.666 141.618 144.881 c\r
-142.007 145.096 142.445 145.203 142.934 145.203 c\r
-143.52 145.203 143.998 145.02 144.369 144.655 c\r
-144.74 144.289 144.951 143.766 145.002 143.086 c\r
-145.002 143.086 144.018 142.992 144.018 142.992 c\r
-143.963 143.458 143.831 143.794 143.623 144.001 c\r
-143.414 144.209 143.159 144.313 142.858 144.313 c\r
-142.542 144.313 142.225 144.189 141.904 143.943 c\r
-141.585 143.697 141.309 143.332 141.079 142.85 c\r
-140.849 142.367 140.69 141.936 140.605 141.557 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-140.236 138.99 m\r
-140.236 138.506 140.386 138.099 140.686 137.769 c\r
-140.987 137.439 141.326 137.273 141.705 137.273 c\r
-141.97 137.273 142.251 137.374 142.547 137.575 c\r
-142.843 137.776 143.095 138.082 143.301 138.492 c\r
-143.508 138.902 143.611 139.311 143.611 139.717 c\r
-143.611 140.24 143.468 140.659 143.182 140.974 c\r
-142.895 141.288 142.549 141.445 142.143 141.445 c\r
-141.675 141.445 141.24 141.216 140.839 140.757 c\r
-140.437 140.298 140.236 139.709 140.236 138.99 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-159.033 139.031 m\r
-159.033 139.031 160.109 139.141 160.109 139.141 c\r
-160.102 138.988 160.098 138.896 160.098 138.865 c\r
-160.098 138.606 160.163 138.346 160.295 138.084 c\r
-160.426 137.821 160.604 137.621 160.828 137.482 c\r
-161.054 137.343 161.291 137.273 161.542 137.273 c\r
-161.871 137.273 162.206 137.387 162.547 137.613 c\r
-162.887 137.84 163.163 138.171 163.374 138.605 c\r
-163.586 139.039 163.691 139.469 163.691 139.895 c\r
-163.691 140.376 163.549 140.761 163.266 141.05 c\r
-162.982 141.34 162.609 141.484 162.146 141.484 c\r
-161.838 141.484 161.545 141.41 161.27 141.261 c\r
-160.993 141.112 160.738 140.89 160.504 140.594 c\r
-160.504 140.594 159.574 140.656 159.574 140.656 c\r
-159.574 140.656 160.871 145.055 160.871 145.055 c\r
-160.871 145.055 165.064 145.055 165.064 145.055 c\r
-165.064 145.055 164.859 144.078 164.859 144.078 c\r
-164.859 144.078 161.596 144.078 161.596 144.078 c\r
-161.596 144.078 160.953 141.895 160.953 141.895 c\r
-161.195 142.07 161.443 142.202 161.699 142.29 c\r
-161.955 142.378 162.219 142.422 162.488 142.422 c\r
-163.145 142.422 163.684 142.205 164.105 141.771 c\r
-164.527 141.337 164.738 140.743 164.738 139.989 c\r
-164.738 139.328 164.594 138.719 164.305 138.162 c\r
-164.016 137.605 163.617 137.177 163.111 136.878 c\r
-162.605 136.579 162.059 136.43 161.473 136.43 c\r
-160.98 136.43 160.544 136.541 160.165 136.764 c\r
-159.785 136.986 159.501 137.293 159.311 137.684 c\r
-159.122 138.074 159.027 138.465 159.027 138.855 c\r
-159.027 138.895 159.029 138.953 159.033 139.031 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-181.795 136.578 m\r
-182.261 138.773 L\r
-178.756 138.773 L\r
-178.982 139.822 L\r
-183.811 145.172 L\r
-184.679 145.172 L\r
-183.52 139.711 L\r
-184.748 139.711 L\r
-184.553 138.773 L\r
-183.322 138.773 L\r
-182.856 136.578 L\r
-181.795 136.578 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-182.459 139.711 m\r
-183.22 143.296 L\r
-180.006 139.711 L\r
-182.459 139.711 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-195.541 138.828 m\r
-195.541 138.828 196.572 138.961 196.572 138.961 c\r
-196.65 138.357 196.823 137.925 197.091 137.665 c\r
-197.359 137.404 197.709 137.273 198.144 137.273 c\r
-198.667 137.273 199.119 137.461 199.5 137.836 c\r
-199.882 138.211 200.072 138.642 200.072 139.126 c\r
-200.072 139.548 199.93 139.897 199.645 140.173 c\r
-199.359 140.448 198.977 140.586 198.496 140.586 c\r
-198.441 140.586 198.328 140.578 198.156 140.563 c\r
-198.156 140.563 198.338 141.445 198.338 141.445 c\r
-198.439 141.43 198.537 141.422 198.631 141.422 c\r
-199.236 141.422 199.702 141.569 200.028 141.864 c\r
-200.355 142.159 200.518 142.521 200.518 142.951 c\r
-200.518 143.346 200.384 143.678 200.117 143.947 c\r
-199.85 144.217 199.523 144.352 199.137 144.352 c\r
-198.758 144.352 198.418 144.214 198.115 143.939 c\r
-197.813 143.663 197.619 143.273 197.533 142.77 c\r
-197.533 142.77 196.486 142.98 196.486 142.98 c\r
-196.658 143.688 196.988 144.235 197.477 144.623 c\r
-197.965 145.01 198.543 145.203 199.211 145.203 c\r
-199.914 145.203 200.483 144.99 200.919 144.564 c\r
-201.355 144.139 201.572 143.615 201.572 142.994 c\r
-201.572 142.54 201.454 142.145 201.219 141.807 c\r
-200.982 141.469 200.629 141.189 200.156 140.966 c\r
-200.492 140.767 200.743 140.526 200.909 140.245 c\r
-201.075 139.964 201.158 139.642 201.158 139.278 c\r
-201.158 138.508 200.87 137.841 200.293 137.276 c\r
-199.717 136.712 199.027 136.43 198.227 136.43 c\r
-197.449 136.43 196.82 136.648 196.342 137.083 c\r
-195.862 137.52 195.596 138.101 195.541 138.828 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-215.598 136.578 m\r
-215.707 137.09 215.858 137.52 216.052 137.865 c\r
-216.245 138.211 216.502 138.54 216.822 138.851 c\r
-217.143 139.161 217.759 139.682 218.673 140.412 c\r
-219.227 140.852 219.605 141.179 219.809 141.389 c\r
-220.102 141.694 220.314 141.992 220.447 142.285 c\r
-220.537 142.484 220.582 142.701 220.582 142.935 c\r
-220.582 143.329 220.442 143.664 220.164 143.939 c\r
-219.885 144.214 219.543 144.352 219.138 144.352 c\r
-218.736 144.352 218.385 144.212 218.085 143.933 c\r
-217.784 143.654 217.57 143.206 217.441 142.589 c\r
-217.441 142.589 216.402 142.742 216.402 142.742 c\r
-216.504 143.503 216.799 144.104 217.289 144.544 c\r
-217.779 144.983 218.389 145.203 219.119 145.203 c\r
-219.607 145.203 220.049 145.102 220.445 144.898 c\r
-220.842 144.695 221.139 144.41 221.338 144.043 c\r
-221.537 143.676 221.637 143.297 221.637 142.907 c\r
-221.637 142.336 221.434 141.788 221.027 141.261 c\r
-220.777 140.933 220.043 140.287 218.824 139.323 c\r
-218.301 138.909 217.911 138.569 217.655 138.304 c\r
-217.399 138.039 217.207 137.789 217.078 137.555 c\r
-217.078 137.555 220.918 137.555 220.918 137.555 c\r
-220.918 137.555 220.713 136.578 220.713 136.578 c\r
-220.713 136.578 215.598 136.578 215.598 136.578 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-237.795 136.578 m\r
-237.795 136.578 239.154 143.068 239.154 143.068 c\r
-238.568 142.607 237.744 142.238 236.682 141.961 c\r
-236.682 141.961 236.881 142.922 236.881 142.922 c\r
-237.408 143.132 237.929 143.407 238.442 143.747 c\r
-238.956 144.086 239.342 144.382 239.599 144.636 c\r
-239.754 144.792 239.902 144.981 240.043 145.203 c\r
-240.043 145.203 240.656 145.203 240.656 145.203 c\r
-240.656 145.203 238.856 136.578 238.856 136.578 c\r
-238.856 136.578 237.795 136.578 237.795 136.578 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-255.766 139.395 m\r
-255.766 140.122 255.874 140.86 256.091 141.61 c\r
-256.307 142.36 256.548 142.96 256.814 143.41 c\r
-257.079 143.859 257.353 144.211 257.639 144.465 c\r
-257.924 144.719 258.203 144.905 258.478 145.024 c\r
-258.754 145.144 259.06 145.203 259.395 145.203 c\r
-260.051 145.203 260.598 144.959 261.037 144.471 c\r
-261.476 143.982 261.695 143.277 261.695 142.355 c\r
-261.695 141.405 261.543 140.466 261.238 139.536 c\r
-260.88 138.434 260.38 137.607 259.74 137.057 c\r
-259.248 136.639 258.689 136.43 258.06 136.43 c\r
-257.416 136.43 256.873 136.683 256.43 137.189 c\r
-255.987 137.694 255.766 138.43 255.766 139.395 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-256.789 139.125 m\r
-256.789 138.598 256.877 138.186 257.053 137.889 c\r
-257.291 137.479 257.644 137.273 258.112 137.273 c\r
-258.522 137.273 258.895 137.459 259.23 137.83 c\r
-259.714 138.354 260.078 139.12 260.321 140.13 c\r
-260.565 141.14 260.688 141.965 260.688 142.605 c\r
-260.688 143.223 260.569 143.668 260.333 143.941 c\r
-260.098 144.215 259.786 144.352 259.399 144.352 c\r
-259.119 144.352 258.856 144.279 258.612 144.135 c\r
-258.368 143.99 258.136 143.742 257.913 143.391 c\r
-257.597 142.895 257.322 142.152 257.088 141.164 c\r
-256.889 140.32 256.789 139.641 256.789 139.125 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-121.473 130.803 m\r
-122.304 130.803 122.953 130.506 123.421 129.912 c\r
-123.979 129.209 124.258 128.043 124.258 126.414 c\r
-124.258 124.788 123.977 123.62 123.415 122.909 c\r
-122.951 122.323 122.304 122.03 121.473 122.03 c\r
-120.638 122.03 119.965 122.351 119.454 122.994 c\r
-118.943 123.637 118.688 124.782 118.688 126.431 c\r
-118.688 128.049 118.968 129.213 119.53 129.924 c\r
-119.994 130.51 120.642 130.803 121.473 130.803 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-121.473 129.436 m\r
-121.275 129.436 121.099 129.373 120.943 129.246 c\r
-120.788 129.119 120.668 128.891 120.583 128.564 c\r
-120.47 128.138 120.414 127.421 120.414 126.414 c\r
-120.414 125.406 120.464 124.714 120.565 124.337 c\r
-120.666 123.96 120.793 123.71 120.946 123.585 c\r
-121.1 123.46 121.275 123.397 121.473 123.397 c\r
-121.67 123.397 121.847 123.46 122.002 123.587 c\r
-122.157 123.714 122.277 123.941 122.362 124.27 c\r
-122.475 124.691 122.531 125.406 122.531 126.414 c\r
-122.531 127.421 122.481 128.113 122.38 128.49 c\r
-122.279 128.867 122.152 129.119 121.999 129.246 c\r
-121.846 129.373 121.67 129.436 121.473 129.436 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-142.908 122.178 m\r
-142.908 122.178 141.26 122.178 141.26 122.178 c\r
-141.26 122.178 141.26 128.386 141.26 128.386 c\r
-140.659 127.824 139.95 127.408 139.135 127.139 c\r
-139.135 127.139 139.135 128.631 139.135 128.631 c\r
-139.564 128.771 140.031 129.038 140.535 129.431 c\r
-141.039 129.823 141.385 130.28 141.572 130.803 c\r
-141.572 130.803 142.908 130.803 142.908 130.803 c\r
-142.908 130.803 142.908 122.178 142.908 122.178 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-162.918 122.178 m\r
-162.918 122.178 161.27 122.178 161.27 122.178 c\r
-161.27 122.178 161.27 128.386 161.27 128.386 c\r
-160.668 127.824 159.96 127.408 159.145 127.139 c\r
-159.145 127.139 159.145 128.631 159.145 128.631 c\r
-159.574 128.771 160.041 129.038 160.545 129.431 c\r
-161.049 129.823 161.395 130.28 161.582 130.803 c\r
-161.582 130.803 162.918 130.803 162.918 130.803 c\r
-162.918 130.803 162.918 122.178 162.918 122.178 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-182.928 122.178 m\r
-182.928 122.178 181.279 122.178 181.279 122.178 c\r
-181.279 122.178 181.279 128.386 181.279 128.386 c\r
-180.678 127.824 179.97 127.408 179.154 127.139 c\r
-179.154 127.139 179.154 128.631 179.154 128.631 c\r
-179.584 128.771 180.051 129.038 180.555 129.431 c\r
-181.059 129.823 181.404 130.28 181.592 130.803 c\r
-181.592 130.803 182.928 130.803 182.928 130.803 c\r
-182.928 130.803 182.928 122.178 182.928 122.178 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-198.178 130.803 m\r
-199.009 130.803 199.658 130.506 200.126 129.912 c\r
-200.684 129.209 200.963 128.043 200.963 126.414 c\r
-200.963 124.788 200.682 123.62 200.12 122.909 c\r
-199.656 122.323 199.009 122.03 198.178 122.03 c\r
-197.343 122.03 196.67 122.351 196.159 122.994 c\r
-195.648 123.637 195.393 124.782 195.393 126.431 c\r
-195.393 128.049 195.674 129.213 196.235 129.924 c\r
-196.699 130.51 197.347 130.803 198.178 130.803 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-198.178 129.436 m\r
-197.98 129.436 197.804 129.373 197.648 129.246 c\r
-197.493 129.119 197.373 128.891 197.288 128.564 c\r
-197.176 128.138 197.119 127.421 197.119 126.414 c\r
-197.119 125.406 197.17 124.714 197.27 124.337 c\r
-197.371 123.96 197.498 123.71 197.651 123.585 c\r
-197.805 123.46 197.98 123.397 198.178 123.397 c\r
-198.375 123.397 198.552 123.46 198.707 123.587 c\r
-198.862 123.714 198.982 123.941 199.067 124.27 c\r
-199.18 124.691 199.236 125.406 199.236 126.414 c\r
-199.236 127.421 199.186 128.113 199.085 128.49 c\r
-198.984 128.867 198.857 129.119 198.704 129.246 c\r
-198.551 129.373 198.375 129.436 198.178 129.436 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-219.613 122.178 m\r
-219.613 122.178 217.965 122.178 217.965 122.178 c\r
-217.965 122.178 217.965 128.386 217.965 128.386 c\r
-217.363 127.824 216.655 127.408 215.84 127.139 c\r
-215.84 127.139 215.84 128.631 215.84 128.631 c\r
-216.27 128.771 216.736 129.038 217.24 129.431 c\r
-217.744 129.823 218.09 130.28 218.277 130.803 c\r
-218.277 130.803 219.613 130.803 219.613 130.803 c\r
-219.613 130.803 219.613 122.178 219.613 122.178 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-238.197 130.803 m\r
-239.028 130.803 239.678 130.506 240.145 129.912 c\r
-240.703 129.209 240.982 128.043 240.982 126.414 c\r
-240.982 124.788 240.701 123.62 240.14 122.909 c\r
-239.676 122.323 239.028 122.03 238.197 122.03 c\r
-237.362 122.03 236.689 122.351 236.179 122.994 c\r
-235.668 123.637 235.412 124.782 235.412 126.431 c\r
-235.412 128.049 235.693 129.213 236.255 129.924 c\r
-236.719 130.51 237.366 130.803 238.197 130.803 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-238.197 129.436 m\r
-238 129.436 237.823 129.373 237.668 129.246 c\r
-237.513 129.119 237.393 128.891 237.308 128.564 c\r
-237.195 128.138 237.139 127.421 237.139 126.414 c\r
-237.139 125.406 237.189 124.714 237.29 124.337 c\r
-237.391 123.96 237.518 123.71 237.671 123.585 c\r
-237.824 123.46 238 123.397 238.197 123.397 c\r
-238.395 123.397 238.571 123.46 238.727 123.587 c\r
-238.882 123.714 239.002 123.941 239.087 124.27 c\r
-239.199 124.691 239.256 125.406 239.256 126.414 c\r
-239.256 127.421 239.205 128.113 239.105 128.49 c\r
-239.004 128.867 238.877 129.119 238.724 129.246 c\r
-238.57 129.373 238.395 129.436 238.197 129.436 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-258.207 130.803 m\r
-259.038 130.803 259.688 130.506 260.155 129.912 c\r
-260.713 129.209 260.992 128.043 260.992 126.414 c\r
-260.992 124.788 260.711 123.62 260.149 122.909 c\r
-259.685 122.323 259.038 122.03 258.207 122.03 c\r
-257.372 122.03 256.699 122.351 256.189 122.994 c\r
-255.678 123.637 255.422 124.782 255.422 126.431 c\r
-255.422 128.049 255.703 129.213 256.265 129.924 c\r
-256.728 130.51 257.376 130.803 258.207 130.803 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-258.207 129.436 m\r
-258.01 129.436 257.833 129.373 257.678 129.246 c\r
-257.522 129.119 257.402 128.891 257.317 128.564 c\r
-257.205 128.138 257.148 127.421 257.148 126.414 c\r
-257.148 125.406 257.199 124.714 257.3 124.337 c\r
-257.4 123.96 257.527 123.71 257.681 123.585 c\r
-257.834 123.46 258.01 123.397 258.207 123.397 c\r
-258.404 123.397 258.581 123.46 258.736 123.587 c\r
-258.892 123.714 259.012 123.941 259.097 124.27 c\r
-259.209 124.691 259.266 125.406 259.266 126.414 c\r
-259.266 127.421 259.215 128.113 259.114 128.49 c\r
-259.014 128.867 258.887 129.119 258.733 129.246 c\r
-258.58 129.373 258.404 129.436 258.207 129.436 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-121.473 116.403 m\r
-122.304 116.403 122.953 116.106 123.421 115.513 c\r
-123.979 114.809 124.258 113.643 124.258 112.014 c\r
-124.258 110.388 123.977 109.22 123.415 108.509 c\r
-122.951 107.923 122.304 107.63 121.473 107.63 c\r
-120.638 107.63 119.965 107.951 119.454 108.594 c\r
-118.943 109.237 118.688 110.382 118.688 112.031 c\r
-118.688 113.648 118.968 114.813 119.53 115.524 c\r
-119.994 116.11 120.642 116.403 121.473 116.403 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-121.473 115.036 m\r
-121.275 115.036 121.099 114.973 120.943 114.846 c\r
-120.788 114.719 120.668 114.491 120.583 114.163 c\r
-120.47 113.738 120.414 113.021 120.414 112.014 c\r
-120.414 111.006 120.464 110.314 120.565 109.937 c\r
-120.666 109.561 120.793 109.31 120.946 109.185 c\r
-121.1 109.06 121.275 108.997 121.473 108.997 c\r
-121.67 108.997 121.847 109.061 122.002 109.188 c\r
-122.157 109.314 122.277 109.542 122.362 109.87 c\r
-122.475 110.291 122.531 111.006 122.531 112.014 c\r
-122.531 113.021 122.481 113.713 122.38 114.09 c\r
-122.279 114.467 122.152 114.719 121.999 114.846 c\r
-121.846 114.973 121.67 115.036 121.473 115.036 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-141.482 116.403 m\r
-142.314 116.403 142.963 116.106 143.431 115.513 c\r
-143.988 114.809 144.268 113.643 144.268 112.014 c\r
-144.268 110.388 143.986 109.22 143.425 108.509 c\r
-142.961 107.923 142.314 107.63 141.482 107.63 c\r
-140.648 107.63 139.975 107.951 139.464 108.594 c\r
-138.953 109.237 138.697 110.382 138.697 112.031 c\r
-138.697 113.648 138.978 114.813 139.54 115.524 c\r
-140.004 116.11 140.651 116.403 141.482 116.403 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-141.482 115.036 m\r
-141.285 115.036 141.108 114.973 140.953 114.846 c\r
-140.798 114.719 140.678 114.491 140.593 114.163 c\r
-140.48 113.738 140.424 113.021 140.424 112.014 c\r
-140.424 111.006 140.474 110.314 140.575 109.937 c\r
-140.676 109.561 140.803 109.31 140.956 109.185 c\r
-141.109 109.06 141.285 108.997 141.482 108.997 c\r
-141.68 108.997 141.856 109.061 142.012 109.188 c\r
-142.167 109.314 142.287 109.542 142.372 109.87 c\r
-142.485 110.291 142.541 111.006 142.541 112.014 c\r
-142.541 113.021 142.491 113.713 142.39 114.09 c\r
-142.289 114.467 142.162 114.719 142.009 114.846 c\r
-141.855 114.973 141.68 115.036 141.482 115.036 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-162.918 107.778 m\r
-162.918 107.778 161.27 107.778 161.27 107.778 c\r
-161.27 107.778 161.27 113.986 161.27 113.986 c\r
-160.668 113.424 159.96 113.008 159.145 112.739 c\r
-159.145 112.739 159.145 114.231 159.145 114.231 c\r
-159.574 114.372 160.041 114.638 160.545 115.03 c\r
-161.049 115.423 161.395 115.88 161.582 116.403 c\r
-161.582 116.403 162.918 116.403 162.918 116.403 c\r
-162.918 116.403 162.918 107.778 162.918 107.778 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-182.928 107.778 m\r
-182.928 107.778 181.279 107.778 181.279 107.778 c\r
-181.279 107.778 181.279 113.986 181.279 113.986 c\r
-180.678 113.424 179.97 113.008 179.154 112.739 c\r
-179.154 112.739 179.154 114.231 179.154 114.231 c\r
-179.584 114.372 180.051 114.638 180.555 115.03 c\r
-181.059 115.423 181.404 115.88 181.592 116.403 c\r
-181.592 116.403 182.928 116.403 182.928 116.403 c\r
-182.928 116.403 182.928 107.778 182.928 107.778 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-199.604 107.778 m\r
-199.604 107.778 197.955 107.778 197.955 107.778 c\r
-197.955 107.778 197.955 113.986 197.955 113.986 c\r
-197.354 113.424 196.645 113.008 195.83 112.739 c\r
-195.83 112.739 195.83 114.231 195.83 114.231 c\r
-196.26 114.372 196.727 114.638 197.23 115.03 c\r
-197.734 115.423 198.08 115.88 198.268 116.403 c\r
-198.268 116.403 199.604 116.403 199.604 116.403 c\r
-199.604 116.403 199.604 107.778 199.604 107.778 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-218.188 116.403 m\r
-219.019 116.403 219.668 116.106 220.136 115.513 c\r
-220.693 114.809 220.973 113.643 220.973 112.014 c\r
-220.973 110.388 220.691 109.22 220.13 108.509 c\r
-219.666 107.923 219.019 107.63 218.188 107.63 c\r
-217.352 107.63 216.68 107.951 216.169 108.594 c\r
-215.658 109.237 215.402 110.382 215.402 112.031 c\r
-215.402 113.648 215.684 114.813 216.245 115.524 c\r
-216.709 116.11 217.356 116.403 218.188 116.403 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-218.188 115.036 m\r
-217.99 115.036 217.814 114.973 217.658 114.846 c\r
-217.503 114.719 217.383 114.491 217.298 114.163 c\r
-217.186 113.738 217.129 113.021 217.129 112.014 c\r
-217.129 111.006 217.18 110.314 217.28 109.937 c\r
-217.381 109.561 217.508 109.31 217.661 109.185 c\r
-217.814 109.06 217.99 108.997 218.188 108.997 c\r
-218.385 108.997 218.561 109.061 218.717 109.188 c\r
-218.872 109.314 218.992 109.542 219.077 109.87 c\r
-219.189 110.291 219.246 111.006 219.246 112.014 c\r
-219.246 113.021 219.195 113.713 219.095 114.09 c\r
-218.994 114.467 218.867 114.719 218.714 114.846 c\r
-218.561 114.973 218.385 115.036 218.188 115.036 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-239.623 107.778 m\r
-239.623 107.778 237.975 107.778 237.975 107.778 c\r
-237.975 107.778 237.975 113.986 237.975 113.986 c\r
-237.373 113.424 236.665 113.008 235.85 112.739 c\r
-235.85 112.739 235.85 114.231 235.85 114.231 c\r
-236.279 114.372 236.746 114.638 237.25 115.03 c\r
-237.754 115.423 238.1 115.88 238.287 116.403 c\r
-238.287 116.403 239.623 116.403 239.623 116.403 c\r
-239.623 116.403 239.623 107.778 239.623 107.778 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-259.633 107.778 m\r
-259.633 107.778 257.984 107.778 257.984 107.778 c\r
-257.984 107.778 257.984 113.986 257.984 113.986 c\r
-257.383 113.424 256.675 113.008 255.859 112.739 c\r
-255.859 112.739 255.859 114.231 255.859 114.231 c\r
-256.289 114.372 256.756 114.638 257.26 115.03 c\r
-257.764 115.423 258.109 115.88 258.297 116.403 c\r
-258.297 116.403 259.633 116.403 259.633 116.403 c\r
-259.633 116.403 259.633 107.778 259.633 107.778 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-118.68 97.6172 m\r
-118.68 98.6338 118.784 99.4531 118.993 100.074 c\r
-119.201 100.695 119.512 101.173 119.923 101.508 c\r
-120.335 101.843 120.853 102.011 121.477 102.011 c\r
-121.937 102.011 122.341 101.918 122.689 101.732 c\r
-123.038 101.546 123.325 101.278 123.55 100.929 c\r
-123.774 100.578 123.952 100.152 124.08 99.6494 c\r
-124.209 99.1475 124.273 98.4697 124.273 97.6172 c\r
-124.273 96.6084 124.17 95.793 123.963 95.1719 c\r
-123.756 94.5508 123.447 94.0718 123.036 93.7349 c\r
-122.624 93.3979 122.104 93.2295 121.477 93.2295 c\r
-120.649 93.2295 120 93.5254 119.528 94.1172 c\r
-118.962 94.8354 118.68 96.002 118.68 97.6172 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-119.766 97.6162 m\r
-119.766 96.2021 119.93 95.2617 120.259 94.7959 c\r
-120.588 94.3296 120.994 94.0967 121.477 94.0967 c\r
-121.959 94.0967 122.365 94.3306 122.694 94.7988 c\r
-123.023 95.2666 123.188 96.2061 123.188 97.6162 c\r
-123.188 99.0317 123.023 99.9722 122.695 100.438 c\r
-122.367 100.903 121.956 101.136 121.465 101.136 c\r
-120.982 101.136 120.596 100.931 120.307 100.52 c\r
-119.946 99.9956 119.766 99.0278 119.766 97.6162 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-138.846 97.1357 m\r
-138.846 98.1201 L\r
-144.525 100.526 L\r
-144.525 99.4717 L\r
-140.025 97.624 L\r
-144.525 95.7607 L\r
-144.525 94.7061 L\r
-138.846 97.1357 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-163.002 93.3779 m\r
-163.002 93.3779 161.947 93.3779 161.947 93.3779 c\r
-161.947 93.3779 161.947 100.104 161.947 100.104 c\r
-161.693 99.8623 161.36 99.6201 160.948 99.3774 c\r
-160.536 99.1348 160.166 98.9531 159.838 98.832 c\r
-159.838 98.832 159.838 99.8525 159.838 99.8525 c\r
-160.428 100.13 160.943 100.466 161.385 100.861 c\r
-161.826 101.256 162.139 101.639 162.322 102.011 c\r
-162.322 102.011 163.002 102.011 163.002 102.011 c\r
-163.002 102.011 163.002 93.3779 163.002 93.3779 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-183.012 93.3779 m\r
-183.012 93.3779 181.957 93.3779 181.957 93.3779 c\r
-181.957 93.3779 181.957 100.104 181.957 100.104 c\r
-181.703 99.8623 181.37 99.6201 180.958 99.3774 c\r
-180.546 99.1348 180.176 98.9531 179.848 98.832 c\r
-179.848 98.832 179.848 99.8525 179.848 99.8525 c\r
-180.438 100.13 180.953 100.466 181.395 100.861 c\r
-181.836 101.256 182.148 101.639 182.332 102.011 c\r
-182.332 102.011 183.012 102.011 183.012 102.011 c\r
-183.012 102.011 183.012 93.3779 183.012 93.3779 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-195.875 97.1357 m\r
-195.875 98.1201 L\r
-201.555 100.526 L\r
-201.555 99.4717 L\r
-197.055 97.624 L\r
-201.555 95.7607 L\r
-201.555 94.7061 L\r
-195.875 97.1357 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-216.219 97.1357 m\r
-216.219 98.1201 L\r
-221.898 100.526 L\r
-221.898 99.4717 L\r
-217.398 97.624 L\r
-221.898 95.7607 L\r
-221.898 94.7061 L\r
-216.219 97.1357 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-236.563 97.1357 m\r
-236.563 98.1201 L\r
-242.242 100.526 L\r
-242.242 99.4717 L\r
-237.742 97.624 L\r
-242.242 95.7607 L\r
-242.242 94.7061 L\r
-236.563 97.1357 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-253.572 97.1357 m\r
-253.572 98.1201 L\r
-259.252 100.526 L\r
-259.252 99.4717 L\r
-254.752 97.624 L\r
-259.252 95.7607 L\r
-259.252 94.7061 L\r
-253.572 97.1357 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-128.682 83.2178 m\r
-128.682 84.2344 128.786 85.0537 128.995 85.6748 c\r
-129.203 86.2959 129.514 86.7739 129.925 87.1089 c\r
-130.336 87.4438 130.855 87.6113 131.479 87.6113 c\r
-131.939 87.6113 132.343 87.5186 132.691 87.3325 c\r
-133.04 87.147 133.327 86.8789 133.552 86.5293 c\r
-133.776 86.1787 133.954 85.7529 134.082 85.25 c\r
-134.211 84.748 134.275 84.0703 134.275 83.2178 c\r
-134.275 82.209 134.172 81.3936 133.965 80.7725 c\r
-133.758 80.1514 133.449 79.6719 133.038 79.3359 c\r
-132.626 78.998 132.106 78.8301 131.479 78.8301 c\r
-130.651 78.8301 130.002 79.126 129.53 79.7178 c\r
-128.964 80.4355 128.682 81.6025 128.682 83.2178 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-129.768 83.2168 m\r
-129.768 81.8027 129.932 80.8623 130.261 80.3965 c\r
-130.59 79.9297 130.996 79.6973 131.479 79.6973 c\r
-131.961 79.6973 132.367 79.9316 132.696 80.3994 c\r
-133.025 80.8672 133.189 81.8066 133.189 83.2168 c\r
-133.189 84.6323 133.025 85.5728 132.697 86.0381 c\r
-132.369 86.5034 131.958 86.7363 131.467 86.7363 c\r
-130.984 86.7363 130.598 86.5313 130.309 86.1201 c\r
-129.948 85.5962 129.768 84.6284 129.768 83.2168 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-169.33 78.9785 m\r
-169.33 78.9785 168.275 78.9785 168.275 78.9785 c\r
-168.275 78.9785 168.275 85.7051 168.275 85.7051 c\r
-168.021 85.4629 167.689 85.2207 167.276 84.978 c\r
-166.864 84.7354 166.494 84.5537 166.166 84.4326 c\r
-166.166 84.4326 166.166 85.4531 166.166 85.4531 c\r
-166.756 85.7305 167.271 86.0669 167.713 86.4619 c\r
-168.154 86.8564 168.467 87.2397 168.65 87.6113 c\r
-168.65 87.6113 169.33 87.6113 169.33 87.6113 c\r
-169.33 87.6113 169.33 78.9785 169.33 78.9785 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-205.531 82.7363 m\r
-205.531 83.7207 L\r
-211.211 86.127 L\r
-211.211 85.0723 L\r
-206.711 83.2246 L\r
-211.211 81.3613 L\r
-211.211 80.3066 L\r
-205.531 82.7363 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-242.545 82.7363 m\r
-242.545 83.7207 L\r
-248.225 86.127 L\r
-248.225 85.0723 L\r
-243.725 83.2246 L\r
-248.225 81.3613 L\r
-248.225 80.3066 L\r
-242.545 82.7363 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-145.352 68.8174 m\r
-145.352 69.834 145.456 70.6533 145.664 71.2744 c\r
-145.873 71.8955 146.184 72.373 146.595 72.708 c\r
-147.006 73.043 147.524 73.2109 148.148 73.2109 c\r
-148.608 73.2109 149.014 73.1182 149.361 72.9326 c\r
-149.71 72.7461 149.996 72.4785 150.222 72.1289 c\r
-150.446 71.7783 150.623 71.3525 150.752 70.8496 c\r
-150.881 70.3477 150.945 69.6699 150.945 68.8174 c\r
-150.945 67.8086 150.842 66.9932 150.635 66.3721 c\r
-150.428 65.751 150.119 65.2715 149.708 64.9355 c\r
-149.296 64.5977 148.776 64.4297 148.148 64.4297 c\r
-147.321 64.4297 146.672 64.7256 146.2 65.3174 c\r
-145.635 66.0352 145.352 67.2021 145.352 68.8174 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-146.438 68.8164 m\r
-146.438 67.4023 146.602 66.4619 146.931 65.9961 c\r
-147.26 65.5293 147.666 65.2969 148.148 65.2969 c\r
-148.631 65.2969 149.037 65.5313 149.366 65.999 c\r
-149.695 66.4668 149.859 67.4063 149.859 68.8164 c\r
-149.859 70.2324 149.695 71.1729 149.367 71.6377 c\r
-149.039 72.1035 148.629 72.3359 148.137 72.3359 c\r
-147.654 72.3359 147.268 72.1309 146.979 71.7197 c\r
-146.617 71.1963 146.438 70.2285 146.438 68.8164 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-225.529 68.3359 m\r
-225.529 69.3203 L\r
-231.209 71.7266 L\r
-231.209 70.6719 L\r
-226.709 68.8242 L\r
-231.209 66.9609 L\r
-231.209 65.9063 L\r
-225.529 68.3359 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-188.693 54.417 m\r
-188.693 55.4336 188.798 56.2529 189.006 56.874 c\r
-189.215 57.4951 189.525 57.9727 189.936 58.3076 c\r
-190.348 58.6426 190.866 58.8105 191.49 58.8105 c\r
-191.95 58.8105 192.355 58.7178 192.703 58.5322 c\r
-193.052 58.3457 193.338 58.0781 193.564 57.7285 c\r
-193.788 57.3779 193.965 56.9521 194.094 56.4492 c\r
-194.223 55.9473 194.287 55.2695 194.287 54.417 c\r
-194.287 53.4082 194.184 52.5928 193.977 51.9717 c\r
-193.77 51.3506 193.461 50.8711 193.05 50.5352 c\r
-192.638 50.1973 192.118 50.0293 191.49 50.0293 c\r
-190.663 50.0293 190.014 50.3252 189.542 50.917 c\r
-188.977 51.6348 188.693 52.8018 188.693 54.417 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-189.779 54.416 m\r
-189.779 53.002 189.943 52.0615 190.273 51.5957 c\r
-190.602 51.1289 191.008 50.8965 191.49 50.8965 c\r
-191.973 50.8965 192.379 51.1309 192.708 51.5986 c\r
-193.037 52.0664 193.201 53.0059 193.201 54.416 c\r
-193.201 55.832 193.037 56.7725 192.709 57.2373 c\r
-192.381 57.7031 191.971 57.9355 191.479 57.9355 c\r
-190.996 57.9355 190.609 57.7305 190.32 57.3193 c\r
-189.959 56.7959 189.779 55.8281 189.779 54.416 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-42.9297 135.599 m\r
-42.9297 135.599 42.9297 144.193 42.9297 144.193 c\r
-42.9297 144.193 46.1689 144.193 46.1689 144.193 c\r
-46.7393 144.193 47.1743 144.165 47.4751 144.111 c\r
-47.897 144.04 48.25 143.906 48.5352 143.709 c\r
-48.8203 143.512 49.0498 143.235 49.2236 142.879 c\r
-49.3975 142.523 49.4844 142.133 49.4844 141.706 c\r
-49.4844 140.976 49.252 140.357 48.7881 139.851 c\r
-48.3232 139.344 47.4844 139.091 46.271 139.091 c\r
-46.271 139.091 44.0703 139.091 44.0703 139.091 c\r
-44.0703 139.091 44.0703 135.599 44.0703 135.599 c\r
-44.0703 135.599 42.9297 135.599 42.9297 135.599 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-44.0703 140.107 m\r
-44.0703 140.107 46.2881 140.107 46.2881 140.107 c\r
-47.0215 140.107 47.542 140.244 47.8501 140.517 c\r
-48.1582 140.79 48.3125 141.175 48.3125 141.671 c\r
-48.3125 142.031 48.2217 142.338 48.0405 142.594 c\r
-47.8589 142.85 47.6201 143.019 47.3237 143.101 c\r
-47.1323 143.152 46.7793 143.177 46.2646 143.177 c\r
-46.2646 143.177 44.0703 143.177 44.0703 143.177 c\r
-44.0703 143.177 44.0703 140.107 44.0703 140.107 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-50.4023 138.712 m\r
-50.4023 139.865 50.7227 140.72 51.3628 141.274 c\r
-51.8979 141.736 52.5498 141.966 53.3193 141.966 c\r
-54.1743 141.966 54.8735 141.686 55.416 141.125 c\r
-55.959 140.564 56.2305 139.789 56.2305 138.8 c\r
-56.2305 137.999 56.1104 137.369 55.8701 136.91 c\r
-55.6299 136.45 55.2803 136.094 54.8218 135.84 c\r
-54.3628 135.585 53.8623 135.458 53.3193 135.458 c\r
-52.4482 135.458 51.7446 135.738 51.208 136.297 c\r
-50.6709 136.855 50.4023 137.661 50.4023 138.712 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-51.4883 138.711 m\r
-51.4883 137.914 51.6616 137.317 52.0088 136.921 c\r
-52.356 136.524 52.793 136.326 53.3193 136.326 c\r
-53.8418 136.326 54.2769 136.525 54.624 136.924 c\r
-54.9707 137.322 55.1445 137.93 55.1445 138.747 c\r
-55.1445 139.517 54.9697 140.1 54.6211 140.496 c\r
-54.272 140.893 53.8379 141.091 53.3193 141.091 c\r
-52.793 141.091 52.356 140.894 52.0088 140.499 c\r
-51.6616 140.105 51.4883 139.509 51.4883 138.711 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-59.1309 143.248 m\r
-59.7754 144.24 L\r
-60.9785 144.24 L\r
-59.6543 142.599 L\r
-58.5293 142.599 L\r
-57.2676 144.24 L\r
-58.4707 144.24 L\r
-59.1309 143.248 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-57.459 135.599 m\r
-57.459 135.599 57.459 141.826 57.459 141.826 c\r
-57.459 141.826 58.4043 141.826 58.4043 141.826 c\r
-58.4043 141.826 58.4043 140.878 58.4043 140.878 c\r
-58.647 141.321 58.8711 141.613 59.0767 141.755 c\r
-59.2822 141.895 59.5083 141.966 59.7554 141.966 c\r
-60.1113 141.966 60.4736 141.852 60.8418 141.626 c\r
-60.8418 141.626 60.4727 140.649 60.4727 140.649 c\r
-60.2158 140.798 59.9585 140.873 59.7012 140.873 c\r
-59.4712 140.873 59.2646 140.803 59.0815 140.665 c\r
-58.8984 140.526 58.7676 140.333 58.6895 140.087 c\r
-58.5723 139.712 58.5137 139.302 58.5137 138.857 c\r
-58.5137 138.857 58.5137 135.599 58.5137 135.599 c\r
-58.5137 135.599 57.459 135.599 57.459 135.599 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-65.5254 136.365 m\r
-65.1328 136.033 64.7563 135.8 64.3955 135.663 c\r
-64.0352 135.527 63.6479 135.458 63.2344 135.458 c\r
-62.5522 135.458 62.0273 135.626 61.6611 135.96 c\r
-61.2944 136.294 61.1113 136.722 61.1113 137.241 c\r
-61.1113 137.546 61.1807 137.825 61.3188 138.077 c\r
-61.4575 138.329 61.6387 138.532 61.8628 138.684 c\r
-62.0869 138.837 62.3398 138.952 62.6201 139.03 c\r
-62.8271 139.085 63.1387 139.138 63.5562 139.189 c\r
-64.4063 139.29 65.0322 139.411 65.4336 139.552 c\r
-65.4375 139.696 65.4395 139.788 65.4395 139.827 c\r
-65.4395 140.256 65.3398 140.559 65.1411 140.734 c\r
-64.8721 140.972 64.4727 141.091 63.9424 141.091 c\r
-63.4473 141.091 63.0815 141.005 62.8457 140.831 c\r
-62.6099 140.658 62.4355 140.352 62.3223 139.912 c\r
-62.3223 139.912 61.291 140.052 61.291 140.052 c\r
-61.3848 140.493 61.5391 140.849 61.7534 141.121 c\r
-61.9683 141.392 62.2783 141.601 62.6846 141.747 c\r
-63.0903 141.893 63.5605 141.966 64.0957 141.966 c\r
-64.6265 141.966 65.0576 141.904 65.3896 141.779 c\r
-65.7212 141.654 65.9653 141.497 66.1211 141.308 c\r
-66.2773 141.118 66.3867 140.879 66.4492 140.59 c\r
-66.4844 140.411 66.502 140.086 66.502 139.617 c\r
-66.502 139.617 66.502 138.21 66.502 138.21 c\r
-66.502 137.229 66.5244 136.608 66.5698 136.348 c\r
-66.6147 136.087 66.7041 135.838 66.8379 135.599 c\r
-66.8379 135.599 65.7363 135.599 65.7363 135.599 c\r
-65.627 135.817 65.5566 136.072 65.5254 136.365 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-65.4395 138.724 m\r
-65.0566 138.568 64.4829 138.435 63.7178 138.326 c\r
-63.2847 138.263 62.978 138.193 62.7983 138.115 c\r
-62.6191 138.037 62.4805 137.922 62.3828 137.772 c\r
-62.2852 137.622 62.2363 137.455 62.2363 137.271 c\r
-62.2363 136.99 62.3423 136.755 62.5547 136.568 c\r
-62.7671 136.38 63.0781 136.287 63.4873 136.287 c\r
-63.8926 136.287 64.2529 136.376 64.5684 136.554 c\r
-64.8843 136.731 65.1162 136.975 65.2642 137.283 c\r
-65.377 137.521 65.4336 137.873 65.4336 138.337 c\r
-65.4336 138.337 65.4395 138.724 65.4395 138.724 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-72.1758 135.599 m\r
-72.1758 135.599 72.1758 136.384 72.1758 136.384 c\r
-71.7808 135.767 71.2002 135.458 70.4341 135.458 c\r
-69.9375 135.458 69.481 135.595 69.0645 135.869 c\r
-68.6484 136.143 68.3257 136.524 68.0967 137.015 c\r
-67.8682 137.505 67.7539 138.069 67.7539 138.706 c\r
-67.7539 139.328 67.8574 139.892 68.064 140.398 c\r
-68.271 140.904 68.5811 141.292 68.9951 141.561 c\r
-69.4087 141.831 69.8711 141.966 70.3823 141.966 c\r
-70.7568 141.966 71.0908 141.887 71.3833 141.729 c\r
-71.6763 141.57 71.9141 141.363 72.0977 141.109 c\r
-72.0977 141.109 72.0977 144.193 72.0977 144.193 c\r
-72.0977 144.193 73.1523 144.193 73.1523 144.193 c\r
-73.1523 144.193 73.1523 135.599 73.1523 135.599 c\r
-73.1523 135.599 72.1758 135.599 72.1758 135.599 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-68.8398 138.706 m\r
-68.8398 137.908 69.0078 137.313 69.3438 136.918 c\r
-69.6797 136.523 70.0762 136.326 70.5332 136.326 c\r
-70.9941 136.326 71.3857 136.514 71.708 136.892 c\r
-72.0303 137.269 72.1914 137.844 72.1914 138.618 c\r
-72.1914 139.47 72.0273 140.095 71.6992 140.493 c\r
-71.3711 140.892 70.9668 141.091 70.4863 141.091 c\r
-70.0176 141.091 69.626 140.9 69.3115 140.517 c\r
-68.9971 140.134 68.8398 139.53 68.8398 138.706 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-74.8418 142.599 m\r
-75.6152 144.24 L\r
-77.0059 144.24 L\r
-75.7168 142.599 L\r
-74.8418 142.599 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-75.1855 135.599 m\r
-75.1855 141.826 L\r
-76.2402 141.826 L\r
-76.2402 135.599 L\r
-75.1855 135.599 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-82.4551 135.599 m\r
-82.4551 135.599 81.4785 135.599 81.4785 135.599 c\r
-81.4785 135.599 81.4785 144.193 81.4785 144.193 c\r
-81.4785 144.193 82.5332 144.193 82.5332 144.193 c\r
-82.5332 144.193 82.5332 141.128 82.5332 141.128 c\r
-82.9785 141.687 83.5474 141.966 84.2393 141.966 c\r
-84.6221 141.966 84.9844 141.889 85.3262 141.735 c\r
-85.6685 141.58 85.9497 141.363 86.1704 141.084 c\r
-86.3916 140.805 86.5645 140.467 86.6895 140.073 c\r
-86.8145 139.678 86.877 139.256 86.877 138.806 c\r
-86.877 137.739 86.6133 136.915 86.085 136.332 c\r
-85.5576 135.749 84.9238 135.458 84.1851 135.458 c\r
-83.4502 135.458 82.8735 135.765 82.4551 136.378 c\r
-82.4551 136.378 82.4551 135.599 82.4551 135.599 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-82.4395 138.759 m\r
-82.4395 138.013 82.541 137.473 82.7441 137.141 c\r
-83.0762 136.597 83.5254 136.326 84.0918 136.326 c\r
-84.5527 136.326 84.9512 136.526 85.2871 136.927 c\r
-85.623 137.327 85.791 137.925 85.791 138.718 c\r
-85.791 139.531 85.6299 140.131 85.3076 140.519 c\r
-84.9854 140.905 84.5957 141.099 84.1387 141.099 c\r
-83.6777 141.099 83.2793 140.898 82.9434 140.498 c\r
-82.6074 140.097 82.4395 139.518 82.4395 138.759 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-88.1602 142.982 m\r
-88.1602 144.193 L\r
-89.2148 144.193 L\r
-89.2148 142.982 L\r
-88.1602 142.982 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-88.1602 135.599 m\r
-88.1602 141.826 L\r
-89.2148 141.826 L\r
-89.2148 135.599 L\r
-88.1602 135.599 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-93.123 136.539 m\r
-93.123 136.539 93.2793 135.607 93.2793 135.607 c\r
-92.9819 135.544 92.7158 135.513 92.481 135.513 c\r
-92.0977 135.513 91.8003 135.574 91.5889 135.695 c\r
-91.3774 135.816 91.229 135.976 91.1426 136.173 c\r
-91.0566 136.371 91.0137 136.786 91.0137 137.42 c\r
-91.0137 137.42 91.0137 141.005 91.0137 141.005 c\r
-91.0137 141.005 90.2324 141.005 90.2324 141.005 c\r
-90.2324 141.005 90.2324 141.826 90.2324 141.826 c\r
-90.2324 141.826 91.0137 141.826 91.0137 141.826 c\r
-91.0137 141.826 91.0137 143.367 91.0137 143.367 c\r
-91.0137 143.367 92.0684 143.999 92.0684 143.999 c\r
-92.0684 143.999 92.0684 141.826 92.0684 141.826 c\r
-92.0684 141.826 93.123 141.826 93.123 141.826 c\r
-93.123 141.826 93.123 141.005 93.123 141.005 c\r
-93.123 141.005 92.0684 141.005 92.0684 141.005 c\r
-92.0684 141.005 92.0684 137.36 92.0684 137.36 c\r
-92.0684 137.059 92.0869 136.865 92.1235 136.779 c\r
-92.1606 136.693 92.2207 136.624 92.3042 136.574 c\r
-92.3877 136.523 92.5073 136.498 92.6626 136.498 c\r
-92.7793 136.498 92.9326 136.511 93.123 136.539 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-98.2305 135.599 m\r
-98.2305 135.599 98.2305 136.511 98.2305 136.511 c\r
-97.7461 135.81 97.0879 135.458 96.2559 135.458 c\r
-95.8887 135.458 95.5459 135.529 95.2275 135.669 c\r
-94.9092 135.81 94.6729 135.987 94.5186 136.2 c\r
-94.3643 136.413 94.2559 136.674 94.1934 136.983 c\r
-94.1504 137.19 94.1289 137.519 94.1289 137.968 c\r
-94.1289 137.968 94.1289 141.826 94.1289 141.826 c\r
-94.1289 141.826 95.1836 141.826 95.1836 141.826 c\r
-95.1836 141.826 95.1836 138.371 95.1836 138.371 c\r
-95.1836 137.819 95.2051 137.448 95.248 137.256 c\r
-95.3145 136.979 95.4551 136.761 95.6699 136.602 c\r
-95.8853 136.444 96.1509 136.365 96.4678 136.365 c\r
-96.7842 136.365 97.0811 136.446 97.3589 136.608 c\r
-97.6362 136.77 97.833 136.991 97.9482 137.271 c\r
-98.0635 137.55 98.1211 137.956 98.1211 138.488 c\r
-98.1211 138.488 98.1211 141.826 98.1211 141.826 c\r
-98.1211 141.826 99.1758 141.826 99.1758 141.826 c\r
-99.1758 141.826 99.1758 135.599 99.1758 135.599 c\r
-99.1758 135.599 98.2305 135.599 98.2305 135.599 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-44.9297 120.079 m\r
-44.9297 120.079 44.9297 128.673 44.9297 128.673 c\r
-44.9297 128.673 48.1689 128.673 48.1689 128.673 c\r
-48.7393 128.673 49.1743 128.645 49.4751 128.591 c\r
-49.897 128.52 50.25 128.387 50.5352 128.189 c\r
-50.8203 127.992 51.0498 127.715 51.2236 127.359 c\r
-51.3975 127.003 51.4844 126.612 51.4844 126.187 c\r
-51.4844 125.456 51.252 124.837 50.7881 124.331 c\r
-50.3232 123.824 49.4844 123.571 48.271 123.571 c\r
-48.271 123.571 46.0703 123.571 46.0703 123.571 c\r
-46.0703 123.571 46.0703 120.079 46.0703 120.079 c\r
-46.0703 120.079 44.9297 120.079 44.9297 120.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-46.0703 124.587 m\r
-46.0703 124.587 48.2881 124.587 48.2881 124.587 c\r
-49.0215 124.587 49.542 124.724 49.8501 124.997 c\r
-50.1582 125.271 50.3125 125.655 50.3125 126.151 c\r
-50.3125 126.511 50.2217 126.818 50.0405 127.074 c\r
-49.8589 127.33 49.6201 127.499 49.3237 127.581 c\r
-49.1323 127.632 48.7793 127.657 48.2646 127.657 c\r
-48.2646 127.657 46.0703 127.657 46.0703 127.657 c\r
-46.0703 127.657 46.0703 124.587 46.0703 124.587 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-52.7852 120.079 m\r
-52.7852 120.079 52.7852 126.306 52.7852 126.306 c\r
-52.7852 126.306 53.7305 126.306 53.7305 126.306 c\r
-53.7305 126.306 53.7305 125.358 53.7305 125.358 c\r
-53.9731 125.801 54.1973 126.094 54.4028 126.234 c\r
-54.6084 126.376 54.8345 126.446 55.0815 126.446 c\r
-55.4375 126.446 55.7998 126.332 56.168 126.105 c\r
-56.168 126.105 55.7988 125.129 55.7988 125.129 c\r
-55.542 125.278 55.2847 125.353 55.0273 125.353 c\r
-54.7974 125.353 54.5908 125.283 54.4077 125.145 c\r
-54.2246 125.006 54.0938 124.813 54.0156 124.567 c\r
-53.8984 124.192 53.8398 123.782 53.8398 123.337 c\r
-53.8398 123.337 53.8398 120.079 53.8398 120.079 c\r
-53.8398 120.079 52.7852 120.079 52.7852 120.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-58.519 120.079 m\r
-58.519 120.079 56.1563 126.306 56.1563 126.306 c\r
-56.1563 126.306 57.2695 126.306 57.2695 126.306 c\r
-57.2695 126.306 58.6055 122.577 58.6055 122.577 c\r
-58.75 122.174 58.8828 121.756 59.0039 121.322 c\r
-59.0977 121.65 59.2285 122.045 59.397 122.506 c\r
-59.397 122.506 60.7832 126.306 60.7832 126.306 c\r
-60.7832 126.306 61.8672 126.306 61.8672 126.306 c\r
-61.8672 126.306 59.5049 120.079 59.5049 120.079 c\r
-59.5049 120.079 58.519 120.079 58.519 120.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-62.7891 120.079 m\r
-62.7891 120.079 62.7891 126.306 62.7891 126.306 c\r
-62.7891 126.306 63.7344 126.306 63.7344 126.306 c\r
-63.7344 126.306 63.7344 125.421 63.7344 125.421 c\r
-64.1914 126.104 64.8521 126.446 65.7158 126.446 c\r
-66.0908 126.446 66.4355 126.379 66.7505 126.244 c\r
-67.0649 126.109 67.3008 125.932 67.457 125.713 c\r
-67.6133 125.495 67.7227 125.234 67.7852 124.934 c\r
-67.8242 124.738 67.8438 124.396 67.8438 123.908 c\r
-67.8438 123.908 67.8438 120.079 67.8438 120.079 c\r
-67.8438 120.079 66.7891 120.079 66.7891 120.079 c\r
-66.7891 120.079 66.7891 123.867 66.7891 123.867 c\r
-66.7891 124.297 66.748 124.618 66.666 124.831 c\r
-66.584 125.044 66.4385 125.215 66.23 125.342 c\r
-66.021 125.469 65.7759 125.532 65.4951 125.532 c\r
-65.0459 125.532 64.6587 125.39 64.3325 125.104 c\r
-64.0068 124.819 63.8438 124.277 63.8438 123.48 c\r
-63.8438 123.48 63.8438 120.079 63.8438 120.079 c\r
-63.8438 120.079 62.7891 120.079 62.7891 120.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-69.4941 127.079 m\r
-70.2676 128.72 L\r
-71.6582 128.72 L\r
-70.3691 127.079 L\r
-69.4941 127.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-69.8379 120.079 m\r
-69.8379 126.306 L\r
-70.8926 126.306 L\r
-70.8926 120.079 L\r
-69.8379 120.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-80.1934 122.36 m\r
-80.1934 122.36 81.2324 122.22 81.2324 122.22 c\r
-81.1191 121.506 80.8291 120.947 80.3618 120.544 c\r
-79.895 120.14 79.3213 119.938 78.6416 119.938 c\r
-77.79 119.938 77.105 120.217 76.5869 120.774 c\r
-76.0693 121.331 75.8105 122.129 75.8105 123.169 c\r
-75.8105 123.841 75.9219 124.43 76.1445 124.934 c\r
-76.3672 125.438 76.7061 125.816 77.1611 126.068 c\r
-77.6162 126.32 78.1113 126.446 78.6465 126.446 c\r
-79.3223 126.446 79.875 126.275 80.3047 125.934 c\r
-80.7344 125.592 81.0098 125.106 81.1309 124.478 c\r
-81.1309 124.478 80.1074 124.321 80.1074 124.321 c\r
-80.0098 124.738 79.8369 125.053 79.5889 125.263 c\r
-79.3408 125.474 79.041 125.579 78.6895 125.579 c\r
-78.1582 125.579 77.7266 125.389 77.3945 125.007 c\r
-77.0625 124.626 76.8965 124.023 76.8965 123.198 c\r
-76.8965 122.361 77.0566 121.754 77.3765 121.374 c\r
-77.6968 120.995 78.1143 120.806 78.6299 120.806 c\r
-79.0439 120.806 79.3892 120.933 79.6665 121.187 c\r
-79.9434 121.441 80.1191 121.832 80.1934 122.36 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-78.623 127.728 m\r
-79.2676 128.72 L\r
-80.4707 128.72 L\r
-79.1465 127.079 L\r
-78.0215 127.079 L\r
-76.7598 128.72 L\r
-77.9629 128.72 L\r
-78.623 127.728 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-82.1621 127.079 m\r
-82.9355 128.72 L\r
-84.3262 128.72 L\r
-83.0371 127.079 L\r
-82.1621 127.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-82.5059 120.079 m\r
-82.5059 126.306 L\r
-83.5605 126.306 L\r
-83.5605 120.079 L\r
-82.5059 120.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-85.043 121.938 m\r
-85.043 121.938 86.0898 122.103 86.0898 122.103 c\r
-86.1484 121.684 86.3115 121.363 86.5786 121.14 c\r
-86.8462 120.917 87.2197 120.806 87.7002 120.806 c\r
-88.1841 120.806 88.5435 120.904 88.7773 121.102 c\r
-89.0117 121.299 89.1289 121.531 89.1289 121.797 c\r
-89.1289 122.035 89.0259 122.223 88.8198 122.36 c\r
-88.6758 122.454 88.3174 122.573 87.7441 122.718 c\r
-86.9717 122.913 86.4355 123.082 86.1362 123.225 c\r
-85.8364 123.367 85.6094 123.565 85.4546 123.817 c\r
-85.2998 124.069 85.2227 124.348 85.2227 124.652 c\r
-85.2227 124.93 85.2861 125.187 85.4131 125.423 c\r
-85.54 125.66 85.7129 125.856 85.9316 126.013 c\r
-86.0957 126.134 86.3193 126.236 86.6025 126.32 c\r
-86.8857 126.404 87.1895 126.446 87.5137 126.446 c\r
-88.002 126.446 88.4307 126.376 88.7998 126.235 c\r
-89.1689 126.094 89.4414 125.903 89.6172 125.662 c\r
-89.793 125.421 89.9141 125.1 89.9805 124.696 c\r
-89.9805 124.696 88.9492 124.556 88.9492 124.556 c\r
-88.9023 124.877 88.7666 125.128 88.5425 125.309 c\r
-88.3184 125.489 88.0015 125.579 87.5918 125.579 c\r
-87.1084 125.579 86.7627 125.499 86.5562 125.339 c\r
-86.3496 125.178 86.2461 124.991 86.2461 124.775 c\r
-86.2461 124.639 86.2891 124.516 86.375 124.406 c\r
-86.4604 124.293 86.5952 124.199 86.7783 124.124 c\r
-86.8838 124.085 87.1938 123.995 87.709 123.854 c\r
-88.4536 123.655 88.9736 123.492 89.2686 123.365 c\r
-89.5635 123.238 89.7949 123.053 89.9629 122.811 c\r
-90.1309 122.569 90.2148 122.268 90.2148 121.908 c\r
-90.2148 121.557 90.1123 121.225 89.9072 120.915 c\r
-89.7017 120.604 89.4053 120.363 89.0186 120.193 c\r
-88.6318 120.023 88.1938 119.938 87.7051 119.938 c\r
-86.896 119.938 86.2793 120.106 85.855 120.443 c\r
-85.4307 120.779 85.1602 121.277 85.043 121.938 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-91.4414 120.079 m\r
-91.4414 128.673 L\r
-92.4961 128.673 L\r
-92.4961 120.079 L\r
-91.4414 120.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-93.7402 123.192 m\r
-93.7402 124.346 94.0605 125.199 94.7007 125.754 c\r
-95.2358 126.216 95.8877 126.446 96.6572 126.446 c\r
-97.5122 126.446 98.2114 126.166 98.7539 125.605 c\r
-99.2969 125.044 99.5684 124.269 99.5684 123.28 c\r
-99.5684 122.479 99.4482 121.849 99.208 121.39 c\r
-98.9678 120.93 98.6182 120.574 98.1597 120.319 c\r
-97.7007 120.065 97.2002 119.938 96.6572 119.938 c\r
-95.7861 119.938 95.0825 120.218 94.5459 120.777 c\r
-94.0088 121.336 93.7402 122.141 93.7402 123.192 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-94.8262 123.191 m\r
-94.8262 122.394 94.9995 121.797 95.3467 121.4 c\r
-95.6938 121.004 96.1309 120.806 96.6572 120.806 c\r
-97.1797 120.806 97.6147 121.005 97.9619 121.403 c\r
-98.3086 121.802 98.4824 122.41 98.4824 123.227 c\r
-98.4824 123.996 98.3076 124.58 97.959 124.977 c\r
-97.6099 125.373 97.1758 125.571 96.6572 125.571 c\r
-96.1309 125.571 95.6938 125.374 95.3467 124.979 c\r
-94.9995 124.585 94.8262 123.988 94.8262 123.191 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-39.9297 105.079 m\r
-39.9297 105.079 39.9297 113.673 39.9297 113.673 c\r
-39.9297 113.673 42.8853 113.673 42.8853 113.673 c\r
-43.5527 113.673 44.0615 113.632 44.4131 113.55 c\r
-44.9048 113.437 45.3242 113.231 45.6714 112.934 c\r
-46.124 112.551 46.4624 112.062 46.687 111.466 c\r
-46.9111 110.87 47.0234 110.188 47.0234 109.423 c\r
-47.0234 108.771 46.9473 108.192 46.7949 107.688 c\r
-46.6431 107.184 46.4478 106.767 46.21 106.436 c\r
-45.9717 106.106 45.7114 105.846 45.4287 105.656 c\r
-45.1455 105.467 44.8042 105.323 44.4043 105.226 c\r
-44.0044 105.128 43.5449 105.079 43.0259 105.079 c\r
-43.0259 105.079 39.9297 105.079 39.9297 105.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-41.0703 106.095 m\r
-41.0703 106.095 42.8999 106.095 42.8999 106.095 c\r
-43.4648 106.095 43.9082 106.147 44.2295 106.253 c\r
-44.5508 106.358 44.8071 106.507 44.998 106.698 c\r
-45.2671 106.968 45.4766 107.33 45.6265 107.785 c\r
-45.7764 108.24 45.8516 108.792 45.8516 109.44 c\r
-45.8516 110.339 45.7046 111.029 45.4102 111.512 c\r
-45.1162 111.994 44.7588 112.317 44.3379 112.481 c\r
-44.0337 112.599 43.5449 112.657 42.8706 112.657 c\r
-42.8706 112.657 41.0703 112.657 41.0703 112.657 c\r
-41.0703 112.657 41.0703 106.095 41.0703 106.095 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-48.4473 105.079 m\r
-48.4473 105.079 48.4473 111.306 48.4473 111.306 c\r
-48.4473 111.306 49.3926 111.306 49.3926 111.306 c\r
-49.3926 111.306 49.3926 110.358 49.3926 110.358 c\r
-49.6353 110.801 49.8594 111.094 50.0649 111.234 c\r
-50.2705 111.376 50.4966 111.446 50.7437 111.446 c\r
-51.0996 111.446 51.4619 111.332 51.8301 111.105 c\r
-51.8301 111.105 51.4609 110.129 51.4609 110.129 c\r
-51.2041 110.278 50.9468 110.353 50.6895 110.353 c\r
-50.4595 110.353 50.2529 110.283 50.0698 110.145 c\r
-49.8867 110.006 49.7559 109.813 49.6777 109.567 c\r
-49.5605 109.192 49.502 108.782 49.502 108.337 c\r
-49.502 108.337 49.502 105.079 49.502 105.079 c\r
-49.502 105.079 48.4473 105.079 48.4473 105.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-56.5293 105.079 m\r
-56.5293 105.079 56.5293 105.991 56.5293 105.991 c\r
-56.0449 105.29 55.3867 104.938 54.5547 104.938 c\r
-54.1875 104.938 53.8447 105.009 53.5264 105.149 c\r
-53.208 105.29 52.9717 105.467 52.8174 105.68 c\r
-52.6631 105.893 52.5547 106.154 52.4922 106.463 c\r
-52.4492 106.67 52.4277 106.998 52.4277 107.448 c\r
-52.4277 107.448 52.4277 111.306 52.4277 111.306 c\r
-52.4277 111.306 53.4824 111.306 53.4824 111.306 c\r
-53.4824 111.306 53.4824 107.851 53.4824 107.851 c\r
-53.4824 107.299 53.5039 106.928 53.5469 106.736 c\r
-53.6133 106.459 53.7539 106.241 53.9688 106.082 c\r
-54.1841 105.924 54.4497 105.845 54.7666 105.845 c\r
-55.083 105.845 55.3799 105.926 55.6577 106.088 c\r
-55.9351 106.251 56.1318 106.471 56.2471 106.751 c\r
-56.3623 107.03 56.4199 107.436 56.4199 107.968 c\r
-56.4199 107.968 56.4199 111.306 56.4199 111.306 c\r
-56.4199 111.306 57.4746 111.306 57.4746 111.306 c\r
-57.4746 111.306 57.4746 105.079 57.4746 105.079 c\r
-57.4746 105.079 56.5293 105.079 56.5293 105.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-59.125 105.079 m\r
-59.125 105.079 59.125 113.673 59.125 113.673 c\r
-59.125 113.673 60.1797 113.673 60.1797 113.673 c\r
-60.1797 113.673 60.1797 110.593 60.1797 110.593 c\r
-60.6719 111.162 61.2935 111.446 62.0439 111.446 c\r
-62.5049 111.446 62.9053 111.355 63.2456 111.174 c\r
-63.5854 110.992 63.8291 110.741 63.9756 110.42 c\r
-64.1221 110.1 64.1953 109.635 64.1953 109.025 c\r
-64.1953 109.025 64.1953 105.079 64.1953 105.079 c\r
-64.1953 105.079 63.1406 105.079 63.1406 105.079 c\r
-63.1406 105.079 63.1406 109.027 63.1406 109.027 c\r
-63.1406 109.555 63.0264 109.939 62.7979 110.179 c\r
-62.5688 110.42 62.2456 110.54 61.8271 110.54 c\r
-61.5146 110.54 61.2202 110.459 60.9448 110.297 c\r
-60.6689 110.134 60.4727 109.914 60.3555 109.637 c\r
-60.2383 109.359 60.1797 108.976 60.1797 108.487 c\r
-60.1797 108.487 60.1797 105.079 60.1797 105.079 c\r
-60.1797 105.079 59.125 105.079 59.125 105.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-70.0527 107.087 m\r
-70.0527 107.087 71.1465 106.946 71.1465 106.946 c\r
-70.9746 106.31 70.6563 105.816 70.1914 105.465 c\r
-69.7271 105.114 69.1333 104.938 68.4111 104.938 c\r
-67.501 104.938 66.7798 105.219 66.2466 105.78 c\r
-65.7139 106.341 65.4473 107.127 65.4473 108.14 c\r
-65.4473 109.187 65.7168 110 66.2554 110.579 c\r
-66.7944 111.157 67.4932 111.446 68.3525 111.446 c\r
-69.1841 111.446 69.8638 111.163 70.3906 110.596 c\r
-70.918 110.029 71.1816 109.232 71.1816 108.204 c\r
-71.1816 108.142 71.1797 108.048 71.1758 107.923 c\r
-71.1758 107.923 66.5332 107.923 66.5332 107.923 c\r
-66.5723 107.238 66.7656 106.715 67.1128 106.351 c\r
-67.4604 105.987 67.8936 105.806 68.4131 105.806 c\r
-68.7993 105.806 69.1294 105.907 69.4028 106.111 c\r
-69.6758 106.315 69.8926 106.64 70.0527 107.087 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-66.5957 108.79 m\r
-66.5957 108.79 70.0645 108.79 70.0645 108.79 c\r
-70.0176 109.314 69.8848 109.707 69.667 109.969 c\r
-69.3311 110.376 68.8965 110.579 68.3623 110.579 c\r
-67.8789 110.579 67.4722 110.417 67.1426 110.092 c\r
-66.813 109.768 66.6309 109.334 66.5957 108.79 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-67.4785 112.079 m\r
-68.252 113.72 L\r
-69.6426 113.72 L\r
-68.3535 112.079 L\r
-67.4785 112.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-79.8691 107.36 m\r
-79.8691 107.36 80.9082 107.22 80.9082 107.22 c\r
-80.7949 106.506 80.5049 105.947 80.0376 105.544 c\r
-79.5708 105.14 78.9971 104.938 78.3174 104.938 c\r
-77.4658 104.938 76.7808 105.217 76.2627 105.774 c\r
-75.7451 106.331 75.4863 107.129 75.4863 108.169 c\r
-75.4863 108.841 75.5977 109.43 75.8203 109.934 c\r
-76.043 110.438 76.3818 110.816 76.8369 111.068 c\r
-77.292 111.32 77.7871 111.446 78.3223 111.446 c\r
-78.998 111.446 79.5508 111.275 79.9805 110.934 c\r
-80.4102 110.592 80.6855 110.106 80.8066 109.478 c\r
-80.8066 109.478 79.7832 109.321 79.7832 109.321 c\r
-79.6855 109.738 79.5127 110.053 79.2646 110.263 c\r
-79.0166 110.474 78.7168 110.579 78.3652 110.579 c\r
-77.834 110.579 77.4023 110.389 77.0703 110.007 c\r
-76.7383 109.626 76.5723 109.023 76.5723 108.198 c\r
-76.5723 107.361 76.7324 106.754 77.0522 106.374 c\r
-77.3726 105.995 77.79 105.806 78.3057 105.806 c\r
-78.7197 105.806 79.0649 105.933 79.3423 106.187 c\r
-79.6191 106.441 79.7949 106.832 79.8691 107.36 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-78.2988 112.728 m\r
-78.9434 113.72 L\r
-80.1465 113.72 L\r
-78.8223 112.079 L\r
-77.6973 112.079 L\r
-76.4355 113.72 L\r
-77.6387 113.72 L\r
-78.2988 112.728 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-81.8379 112.079 m\r
-82.6113 113.72 L\r
-84.002 113.72 L\r
-82.7129 112.079 L\r
-81.8379 112.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-82.1816 105.079 m\r
-82.1816 111.306 L\r
-83.2363 111.306 L\r
-83.2363 105.079 L\r
-82.1816 105.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-84.7188 106.938 m\r
-84.7188 106.938 85.7656 107.103 85.7656 107.103 c\r
-85.8242 106.684 85.9873 106.363 86.2544 106.14 c\r
-86.522 105.917 86.8955 105.806 87.376 105.806 c\r
-87.8599 105.806 88.2192 105.904 88.4531 106.102 c\r
-88.6875 106.299 88.8047 106.531 88.8047 106.797 c\r
-88.8047 107.035 88.7017 107.223 88.4956 107.36 c\r
-88.3516 107.454 87.9932 107.573 87.4199 107.718 c\r
-86.6475 107.913 86.1113 108.082 85.812 108.225 c\r
-85.5122 108.367 85.2852 108.565 85.1304 108.817 c\r
-84.9756 109.069 84.8984 109.348 84.8984 109.652 c\r
-84.8984 109.93 84.9619 110.187 85.0889 110.423 c\r
-85.2158 110.66 85.3887 110.856 85.6074 111.013 c\r
-85.7715 111.134 85.9951 111.236 86.2783 111.32 c\r
-86.5615 111.404 86.8652 111.446 87.1895 111.446 c\r
-87.6777 111.446 88.1064 111.376 88.4756 111.235 c\r
-88.8447 111.094 89.1172 110.903 89.293 110.662 c\r
-89.4688 110.421 89.5898 110.1 89.6563 109.696 c\r
-89.6563 109.696 88.625 109.556 88.625 109.556 c\r
-88.5781 109.877 88.4424 110.128 88.2183 110.309 c\r
-87.9941 110.489 87.6772 110.579 87.2676 110.579 c\r
-86.7842 110.579 86.4385 110.499 86.2319 110.339 c\r
-86.0254 110.178 85.9219 109.991 85.9219 109.775 c\r
-85.9219 109.639 85.9648 109.516 86.0508 109.406 c\r
-86.1362 109.293 86.271 109.199 86.4541 109.124 c\r
-86.5596 109.085 86.8696 108.995 87.3848 108.854 c\r
-88.1294 108.655 88.6494 108.492 88.9443 108.365 c\r
-89.2393 108.238 89.4707 108.053 89.6387 107.811 c\r
-89.8066 107.569 89.8906 107.268 89.8906 106.908 c\r
-89.8906 106.557 89.7881 106.225 89.583 105.915 c\r
-89.3774 105.604 89.0811 105.363 88.6943 105.193 c\r
-88.3076 105.023 87.8696 104.938 87.3809 104.938 c\r
-86.5718 104.938 85.9551 105.106 85.5308 105.443 c\r
-85.1064 105.779 84.8359 106.277 84.7188 106.938 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-91.1172 105.079 m\r
-91.1172 113.673 L\r
-92.1719 113.673 L\r
-92.1719 105.079 L\r
-91.1172 105.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-93.416 108.192 m\r
-93.416 109.346 93.7363 110.199 94.3765 110.754 c\r
-94.9116 111.216 95.5635 111.446 96.333 111.446 c\r
-97.188 111.446 97.8872 111.166 98.4297 110.605 c\r
-98.9727 110.044 99.2441 109.269 99.2441 108.28 c\r
-99.2441 107.479 99.124 106.849 98.8838 106.39 c\r
-98.6436 105.93 98.2939 105.574 97.8354 105.319 c\r
-97.3765 105.065 96.876 104.938 96.333 104.938 c\r
-95.4619 104.938 94.7583 105.218 94.2217 105.777 c\r
-93.6846 106.336 93.416 107.141 93.416 108.192 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-94.502 108.191 m\r
-94.502 107.394 94.6753 106.797 95.0225 106.4 c\r
-95.3696 106.004 95.8066 105.806 96.333 105.806 c\r
-96.8555 105.806 97.2905 106.005 97.6377 106.403 c\r
-97.9844 106.802 98.1582 107.41 98.1582 108.227 c\r
-98.1582 108.996 97.9834 109.58 97.6348 109.977 c\r
-97.2856 110.373 96.8516 110.571 96.333 110.571 c\r
-95.8066 110.571 95.3696 110.374 95.0225 109.979 c\r
-94.6753 109.585 94.502 108.988 94.502 108.191 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-8.21582 71.4131 m\r
-8.21582 71.4131 8.21582 80.0068 8.21582 80.0068 c\r
-8.21582 80.0068 11.4385 80.0068 11.4385 80.0068 c\r
-12.0947 80.0068 12.6211 79.9199 13.0176 79.7461 c\r
-13.4141 79.5713 13.7246 79.3037 13.9492 78.9424 c\r
-14.1738 78.5811 14.2861 78.2021 14.2861 77.8076 c\r
-14.2861 77.4395 14.1865 77.0938 13.9878 76.7695 c\r
-13.7891 76.4443 13.4883 76.1826 13.0869 75.9834 c\r
-13.6055 75.8311 14.0039 75.5713 14.2822 75.2041 c\r
-14.5605 74.8369 14.7002 74.4033 14.7002 73.9033 c\r
-14.7002 73.501 14.6152 73.127 14.4453 72.7813 c\r
-14.2754 72.4355 14.0654 72.1689 13.8154 71.9814 c\r
-13.5654 71.7939 13.2524 71.6523 12.8755 71.5566 c\r
-12.4985 71.4609 12.0371 71.4131 11.4902 71.4131 c\r
-11.4902 71.4131 8.21582 71.4131 8.21582 71.4131 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-9.35645 76.3975 m\r
-9.35645 76.3975 11.2129 76.3975 11.2129 76.3975 c\r
-11.7168 76.3975 12.0776 76.4307 12.2964 76.4971 c\r
-12.585 76.583 12.8027 76.7256 12.9492 76.9248 c\r
-13.0957 77.123 13.1689 77.373 13.1689 77.6738 c\r
-13.1689 77.959 13.1006 78.21 12.9639 78.4268 c\r
-12.8271 78.6426 12.6318 78.791 12.3784 78.8711 c\r
-12.1245 78.9512 11.6895 78.9912 11.0723 78.9912 c\r
-11.0723 78.9912 9.35645 78.9912 9.35645 78.9912 c\r
-9.35645 78.9912 9.35645 76.3975 9.35645 76.3975 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-9.35645 72.4287 m\r
-9.35645 72.4287 11.4951 72.4287 11.4951 72.4287 c\r
-11.8623 72.4287 12.1201 72.4424 12.2686 72.4697 c\r
-12.5303 72.5166 12.749 72.5947 12.9248 72.7041 c\r
-13.1006 72.8135 13.2451 72.9727 13.3584 73.1816 c\r
-13.4717 73.3906 13.5283 73.6318 13.5283 73.9053 c\r
-13.5283 74.2256 13.4458 74.5039 13.2813 74.7402 c\r
-13.1167 74.9766 12.8887 75.1426 12.5981 75.2383 c\r
-12.3071 75.334 11.8887 75.3818 11.3418 75.3818 c\r
-11.3418 75.3818 9.35645 75.3818 9.35645 75.3818 c\r
-9.35645 75.3818 9.35645 72.4287 9.35645 72.4287 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-16.1025 71.4131 m\r
-16.1025 80.0068 L\r
-17.1572 80.0068 L\r
-17.1572 71.4131 L\r
-16.1025 71.4131 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-18.4014 74.5264 m\r
-18.4014 75.6797 18.7217 76.5332 19.3618 77.0889 c\r
-19.897 77.5498 20.5488 77.7803 21.3184 77.7803 c\r
-22.1733 77.7803 22.8726 77.5 23.415 76.9385 c\r
-23.958 76.3779 24.2295 75.6035 24.2295 74.6143 c\r
-24.2295 73.8135 24.1094 73.1826 23.8691 72.7236 c\r
-23.6289 72.2646 23.2793 71.9072 22.8208 71.6533 c\r
-22.3618 71.3994 21.8613 71.2725 21.3184 71.2725 c\r
-20.4473 71.2725 19.7437 71.5518 19.207 72.1104 c\r
-18.6699 72.6699 18.4014 73.4746 18.4014 74.5264 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-19.4873 74.5254 m\r
-19.4873 73.7285 19.6606 73.1309 20.0078 72.7344 c\r
-20.355 72.3379 20.792 72.1396 21.3184 72.1396 c\r
-21.8408 72.1396 22.2759 72.3389 22.623 72.7373 c\r
-22.9697 73.1357 23.1436 73.7441 23.1436 74.5605 c\r
-23.1436 75.3301 22.9688 75.9131 22.6201 76.3105 c\r
-22.271 76.707 21.8369 76.9053 21.3184 76.9053 c\r
-20.792 76.9053 20.355 76.708 20.0078 76.3135 c\r
-19.6606 75.9189 19.4873 75.3223 19.4873 74.5254 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-25.4736 71.4131 m\r
-25.4736 80.0068 L\r
-26.5283 80.0068 L\r
-26.5283 75.1123 L\r
-29.0234 77.6396 L\r
-30.3877 77.6396 L\r
-28.0127 75.3271 L\r
-30.6299 71.4131 L\r
-29.3291 71.4131 L\r
-27.2646 74.5986 L\r
-26.5283 73.8818 L\r
-26.5283 71.4131 L\r
-25.4736 71.4131 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-31.4189 69.0186 m\r
-31.4189 69.0186 31.3018 70.0068 31.3018 70.0068 c\r
-31.5322 69.9443 31.7339 69.9131 31.9058 69.9131 c\r
-32.1406 69.9131 32.3281 69.9521 32.4688 70.0303 c\r
-32.6094 70.1084 32.7251 70.2178 32.8149 70.3584 c\r
-32.8813 70.4639 32.9888 70.7256 33.1377 71.1445 c\r
-33.1572 71.2031 33.1885 71.2891 33.2314 71.4023 c\r
-33.2314 71.4023 30.8643 77.6396 30.8643 77.6396 c\r
-30.8643 77.6396 31.9917 77.6396 31.9917 77.6396 c\r
-31.9917 77.6396 33.292 74.041 33.292 74.041 c\r
-33.4609 73.585 33.6118 73.1045 33.7451 72.6016 c\r
-33.8701 73.0791 34.0166 73.5488 34.1851 74.0088 c\r
-34.1851 74.0088 35.5127 77.6396 35.5127 77.6396 c\r
-35.5127 77.6396 36.5674 77.6396 36.5674 77.6396 c\r
-36.5674 77.6396 34.209 71.3047 34.209 71.3047 c\r
-33.9541 70.6221 33.7563 70.1523 33.6157 69.8955 c\r
-33.4277 69.5488 33.2119 69.2939 32.9697 69.1318 c\r
-32.7266 68.9707 32.437 68.8896 32.1001 68.8896 c\r
-31.8965 68.8896 31.6694 68.9326 31.4189 69.0186 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-40.3779 73.2725 m\r
-40.3779 73.2725 41.4248 73.4365 41.4248 73.4365 c\r
-41.4834 73.0176 41.6465 72.6973 41.9136 72.4736 c\r
-42.1812 72.251 42.5547 72.1396 43.0352 72.1396 c\r
-43.519 72.1396 43.8784 72.2383 44.1123 72.4355 c\r
-44.3467 72.6338 44.4639 72.8652 44.4639 73.1309 c\r
-44.4639 73.3691 44.3608 73.5566 44.1548 73.6943 c\r
-44.0107 73.7881 43.6523 73.9072 43.0791 74.0518 c\r
-42.3066 74.2471 41.7705 74.416 41.4712 74.5586 c\r
-41.1714 74.7012 40.9443 74.8984 40.7896 75.1514 c\r
-40.6348 75.4033 40.5576 75.6816 40.5576 75.9863 c\r
-40.5576 76.2637 40.6211 76.5205 40.748 76.7568 c\r
-40.875 76.9932 41.0479 77.1904 41.2666 77.3467 c\r
-41.4307 77.4678 41.6543 77.5703 41.9375 77.6543 c\r
-42.2207 77.7383 42.5244 77.7803 42.8486 77.7803 c\r
-43.3369 77.7803 43.7656 77.71 44.1348 77.5693 c\r
-44.5039 77.4277 44.7764 77.2373 44.9521 76.9961 c\r
-45.1279 76.7559 45.249 76.4336 45.3154 76.0303 c\r
-45.3154 76.0303 44.2842 75.8896 44.2842 75.8896 c\r
-44.2373 76.2109 44.1016 76.4619 43.8774 76.6426 c\r
-43.6533 76.8232 43.3364 76.9131 42.9268 76.9131 c\r
-42.4434 76.9131 42.0977 76.833 41.8911 76.6729 c\r
-41.6846 76.5127 41.5811 76.3242 41.5811 76.1094 c\r
-41.5811 75.9727 41.624 75.8496 41.71 75.7402 c\r
-41.7954 75.626 41.9302 75.5322 42.1133 75.458 c\r
-42.2188 75.4189 42.5288 75.3291 43.0439 75.1885 c\r
-43.7886 74.9893 44.3086 74.8262 44.6035 74.6992 c\r
-44.8984 74.5723 45.1299 74.3877 45.2979 74.1455 c\r
-45.4658 73.9023 45.5498 73.6016 45.5498 73.2422 c\r
-45.5498 72.8906 45.4473 72.5596 45.2422 72.249 c\r
-45.0366 71.9375 44.7402 71.6973 44.3535 71.5273 c\r
-43.9668 71.3574 43.5288 71.2725 43.04 71.2725 c\r
-42.231 71.2725 41.6143 71.4404 41.1899 71.7764 c\r
-40.7656 72.1133 40.4951 72.6113 40.3779 73.2725 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-50.1338 69.0303 m\r
-50.1338 69.0303 50.1338 77.6396 50.1338 77.6396 c\r
-50.1338 77.6396 51.0947 77.6396 51.0947 77.6396 c\r
-51.0947 77.6396 51.0947 76.8291 51.0947 76.8291 c\r
-51.3213 77.1465 51.5776 77.3838 51.8628 77.542 c\r
-52.1484 77.7012 52.4941 77.7803 52.9009 77.7803 c\r
-53.4326 77.7803 53.9019 77.6436 54.3086 77.3701 c\r
-54.7148 77.0967 55.022 76.71 55.2295 76.2119 c\r
-55.4365 75.7139 55.54 75.167 55.54 74.5732 c\r
-55.54 73.9365 55.4258 73.3623 55.1968 72.8525 c\r
-54.9683 72.3428 54.6357 71.9512 54.2002 71.6797 c\r
-53.7637 71.4082 53.3057 71.2725 52.8247 71.2725 c\r
-52.4727 71.2725 52.1572 71.3467 51.8774 71.4951 c\r
-51.5981 71.6436 51.3682 71.8311 51.1885 72.0576 c\r
-51.1885 72.0576 51.1885 69.0303 51.1885 69.0303 c\r
-51.1885 69.0303 50.1338 69.0303 50.1338 69.0303 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-51.0869 74.4902 m\r
-51.0869 73.6895 51.249 73.0967 51.5728 72.7139 c\r
-51.897 72.3311 52.2891 72.1396 52.75 72.1396 c\r
-53.2188 72.1396 53.6196 72.3379 53.9531 72.7344 c\r
-54.2871 73.1309 54.4541 73.7461 54.4541 74.5781 c\r
-54.4541 75.3711 54.291 75.9658 53.9648 76.3604 c\r
-53.6392 76.7549 53.25 76.9521 52.7969 76.9521 c\r
-52.3477 76.9521 51.9507 76.7422 51.605 76.3223 c\r
-51.2598 75.9014 51.0869 75.291 51.0869 74.4902 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-58.4717 79.0615 m\r
-59.1162 80.0537 L\r
-60.3193 80.0537 L\r
-58.9951 78.4131 L\r
-57.8701 78.4131 L\r
-56.6084 80.0537 L\r
-57.8115 80.0537 L\r
-58.4717 79.0615 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-56.7998 71.4131 m\r
-56.7998 71.4131 56.7998 77.6396 56.7998 77.6396 c\r
-56.7998 77.6396 57.7451 77.6396 57.7451 77.6396 c\r
-57.7451 77.6396 57.7451 76.6924 57.7451 76.6924 c\r
-57.9878 77.1357 58.2119 77.4277 58.4175 77.5684 c\r
-58.623 77.71 58.8491 77.7803 59.0962 77.7803 c\r
-59.4521 77.7803 59.8145 77.667 60.1826 77.4395 c\r
-60.1826 77.4395 59.8135 76.4629 59.8135 76.4629 c\r
-59.5566 76.6123 59.2993 76.6865 59.042 76.6865 c\r
-58.812 76.6865 58.6055 76.6172 58.4224 76.4785 c\r
-58.2393 76.3398 58.1084 76.1475 58.0303 75.9014 c\r
-57.9131 75.5264 57.8545 75.1162 57.8545 74.6709 c\r
-57.8545 74.6709 57.8545 71.4131 57.8545 71.4131 c\r
-57.8545 71.4131 56.7998 71.4131 56.7998 71.4131 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-65.0576 73.4209 m\r
-65.0576 73.4209 66.1514 73.2803 66.1514 73.2803 c\r
-65.9795 72.6445 65.6611 72.1504 65.1963 71.7998 c\r
-64.7319 71.4482 64.1382 71.2725 63.416 71.2725 c\r
-62.5059 71.2725 61.7847 71.5527 61.2515 72.1143 c\r
-60.7188 72.6748 60.4521 73.4609 60.4521 74.4736 c\r
-60.4521 75.5205 60.7217 76.334 61.2603 76.9121 c\r
-61.7993 77.4912 62.498 77.7803 63.3574 77.7803 c\r
-64.189 77.7803 64.8687 77.4971 65.3955 76.9307 c\r
-65.9229 76.3633 66.1865 75.5664 66.1865 74.5381 c\r
-66.1865 74.4756 66.1846 74.3818 66.1807 74.2568 c\r
-66.1807 74.2568 61.5381 74.2568 61.5381 74.2568 c\r
-61.5771 73.5723 61.7705 73.0488 62.1177 72.6846 c\r
-62.4653 72.3213 62.8984 72.1396 63.418 72.1396 c\r
-63.8042 72.1396 64.1343 72.2412 64.4077 72.4453 c\r
-64.6807 72.6494 64.8975 72.9736 65.0576 73.4209 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-61.6006 75.124 m\r
-61.6006 75.124 65.0693 75.124 65.0693 75.124 c\r
-65.0225 75.6475 64.8896 76.041 64.6719 76.3027 c\r
-64.3359 76.71 63.9014 76.9131 63.3672 76.9131 c\r
-62.8838 76.9131 62.4771 76.751 62.1475 76.4258 c\r
-61.8179 76.1016 61.6357 75.667 61.6006 75.124 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-67.4775 71.4131 m\r
-67.4775 71.4131 67.4775 77.6396 67.4775 77.6396 c\r
-67.4775 77.6396 68.4229 77.6396 68.4229 77.6396 c\r
-68.4229 77.6396 68.4229 76.7549 68.4229 76.7549 c\r
-68.8799 77.4385 69.5405 77.7803 70.4043 77.7803 c\r
-70.7793 77.7803 71.124 77.7129 71.439 77.5781 c\r
-71.7534 77.4434 71.9893 77.2666 72.1455 77.0479 c\r
-72.3018 76.8281 72.4111 76.5684 72.4736 76.2676 c\r
-72.5127 76.0723 72.5322 75.7305 72.5322 75.2412 c\r
-72.5322 75.2412 72.5322 71.4131 72.5322 71.4131 c\r
-72.5322 71.4131 71.4775 71.4131 71.4775 71.4131 c\r
-71.4775 71.4131 71.4775 75.2012 71.4775 75.2012 c\r
-71.4775 75.6309 71.4365 75.9521 71.3545 76.165 c\r
-71.2725 76.3789 71.127 76.5488 70.9185 76.6758 c\r
-70.7095 76.8027 70.4644 76.8662 70.1836 76.8662 c\r
-69.7344 76.8662 69.3472 76.7236 69.021 76.4385 c\r
-68.6953 76.1523 68.5322 75.6113 68.5322 74.8135 c\r
-68.5322 74.8135 68.5322 71.4131 68.5322 71.4131 c\r
-68.5322 71.4131 67.4775 71.4131 67.4775 71.4131 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-73.7607 74.5264 m\r
-73.7607 75.6797 74.0811 76.5332 74.7212 77.0889 c\r
-75.2563 77.5498 75.9082 77.7803 76.6777 77.7803 c\r
-77.5327 77.7803 78.2319 77.5 78.7744 76.9385 c\r
-79.3174 76.3779 79.5889 75.6035 79.5889 74.6143 c\r
-79.5889 73.8135 79.4688 73.1826 79.2285 72.7236 c\r
-78.9883 72.2646 78.6387 71.9072 78.1802 71.6533 c\r
-77.7212 71.3994 77.2207 71.2725 76.6777 71.2725 c\r
-75.8066 71.2725 75.103 71.5518 74.5664 72.1104 c\r
-74.0293 72.6699 73.7607 73.4746 73.7607 74.5264 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-74.8467 74.5254 m\r
-74.8467 73.7285 75.02 73.1309 75.3672 72.7344 c\r
-75.7144 72.3379 76.1514 72.1396 76.6777 72.1396 c\r
-77.2002 72.1396 77.6353 72.3389 77.9824 72.7373 c\r
-78.3291 73.1357 78.5029 73.7441 78.5029 74.5605 c\r
-78.5029 75.3301 78.3281 75.9131 77.9795 76.3105 c\r
-77.6304 76.707 77.1963 76.9053 76.6777 76.9053 c\r
-76.1514 76.9053 75.7144 76.708 75.3672 76.3135 c\r
-75.02 75.9189 74.8467 75.3223 74.8467 74.5254 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-80.4033 73.2725 m\r
-80.4033 73.2725 81.4502 73.4365 81.4502 73.4365 c\r
-81.5088 73.0176 81.6719 72.6973 81.939 72.4736 c\r
-82.2065 72.251 82.5801 72.1396 83.0605 72.1396 c\r
-83.5444 72.1396 83.9038 72.2383 84.1377 72.4355 c\r
-84.3721 72.6338 84.4893 72.8652 84.4893 73.1309 c\r
-84.4893 73.3691 84.3862 73.5566 84.1802 73.6943 c\r
-84.0361 73.7881 83.6777 73.9072 83.1045 74.0518 c\r
-82.332 74.2471 81.7959 74.416 81.4966 74.5586 c\r
-81.1968 74.7012 80.9697 74.8984 80.8149 75.1514 c\r
-80.6602 75.4033 80.583 75.6816 80.583 75.9863 c\r
-80.583 76.2637 80.6465 76.5205 80.7734 76.7568 c\r
-80.9004 76.9932 81.0732 77.1904 81.292 77.3467 c\r
-81.4561 77.4678 81.6797 77.5703 81.9629 77.6543 c\r
-82.2461 77.7383 82.5498 77.7803 82.874 77.7803 c\r
-83.3623 77.7803 83.791 77.71 84.1602 77.5693 c\r
-84.5293 77.4277 84.8018 77.2373 84.9775 76.9961 c\r
-85.1533 76.7559 85.2744 76.4336 85.3408 76.0303 c\r
-85.3408 76.0303 84.3096 75.8896 84.3096 75.8896 c\r
-84.2627 76.2109 84.127 76.4619 83.9028 76.6426 c\r
-83.6787 76.8232 83.3618 76.9131 82.9521 76.9131 c\r
-82.4688 76.9131 82.123 76.833 81.9165 76.6729 c\r
-81.71 76.5127 81.6064 76.3242 81.6064 76.1094 c\r
-81.6064 75.9727 81.6494 75.8496 81.7354 75.7402 c\r
-81.8208 75.626 81.9556 75.5322 82.1387 75.458 c\r
-82.2441 75.4189 82.5542 75.3291 83.0693 75.1885 c\r
-83.814 74.9893 84.334 74.8262 84.6289 74.6992 c\r
-84.9238 74.5723 85.1553 74.3877 85.3232 74.1455 c\r
-85.4912 73.9023 85.5752 73.6016 85.5752 73.2422 c\r
-85.5752 72.8906 85.4727 72.5596 85.2676 72.249 c\r
-85.062 71.9375 84.7656 71.6973 84.3789 71.5273 c\r
-83.9922 71.3574 83.5542 71.2725 83.0654 71.2725 c\r
-82.2563 71.2725 81.6396 71.4404 81.2153 71.7764 c\r
-80.791 72.1133 80.5205 72.6113 80.4033 73.2725 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-86.7783 69.0186 m\r
-86.7783 69.0186 86.6611 70.0068 86.6611 70.0068 c\r
-86.8916 69.9443 87.0933 69.9131 87.2651 69.9131 c\r
-87.5 69.9131 87.6875 69.9521 87.8281 70.0303 c\r
-87.9688 70.1084 88.0845 70.2178 88.1743 70.3584 c\r
-88.2407 70.4639 88.3481 70.7256 88.4971 71.1445 c\r
-88.5166 71.2031 88.5479 71.2891 88.5908 71.4023 c\r
-88.5908 71.4023 86.2236 77.6396 86.2236 77.6396 c\r
-86.2236 77.6396 87.3511 77.6396 87.3511 77.6396 c\r
-87.3511 77.6396 88.6514 74.041 88.6514 74.041 c\r
-88.8203 73.585 88.9712 73.1045 89.1045 72.6016 c\r
-89.2295 73.0791 89.376 73.5488 89.5444 74.0088 c\r
-89.5444 74.0088 90.8721 77.6396 90.8721 77.6396 c\r
-90.8721 77.6396 91.9268 77.6396 91.9268 77.6396 c\r
-91.9268 77.6396 89.5684 71.3047 89.5684 71.3047 c\r
-89.3135 70.6221 89.1157 70.1523 88.9751 69.8955 c\r
-88.7871 69.5488 88.5713 69.2939 88.3291 69.1318 c\r
-88.0859 68.9707 87.7964 68.8896 87.4595 68.8896 c\r
-87.2559 68.8896 87.0288 68.9326 86.7783 69.0186 c\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-107.75 102.66 m\r
-92.75 102.521 109 74.4102 95.0811 74.4102 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-95.3198 74.4111 m\r
-110.32 74.2705 94.0698 46.1611 107.989 46.1611 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-110.764 32.0791 m\r
-266.333 32.0791 L\r
-266.333 17.0801 L\r
-110.764 17.0801 L\r
-110.764 32.0791 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-246.887 32.0791 m\r
-246.887 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-227.441 32.0791 m\r
-227.441 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-207.993 32.0791 m\r
-207.993 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-188.55 32.0791 m\r
-188.55 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-169.104 32.0791 m\r
-169.104 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-149.656 32.0791 m\r
-149.656 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-130.209 32.0791 m\r
-130.209 17.0801 L\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-118.98 29.3711 m\r
-119.812 29.3711 120.461 29.0742 120.929 28.4805 c\r
-121.487 27.7773 121.766 26.6104 121.766 24.9814 c\r
-121.766 23.3564 121.485 22.1875 120.923 21.4766 c\r
-120.459 20.8906 119.812 20.5977 118.98 20.5977 c\r
-118.146 20.5977 117.473 20.9189 116.962 21.5615 c\r
-116.451 22.2041 116.195 23.3506 116.195 24.999 c\r
-116.195 26.6162 116.476 27.7813 117.038 28.4922 c\r
-117.502 29.0781 118.149 29.3711 118.98 29.3711 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-118.98 28.0039 m\r
-118.783 28.0039 118.606 27.9404 118.451 27.8135 c\r
-118.296 27.6865 118.176 27.459 118.091 27.1309 c\r
-117.978 26.7051 117.922 25.9893 117.922 24.9814 c\r
-117.922 23.9736 117.972 23.2813 118.073 22.9053 c\r
-118.174 22.5283 118.301 22.2773 118.454 22.1523 c\r
-118.607 22.0273 118.783 21.9648 118.98 21.9648 c\r
-119.178 21.9648 119.354 22.0283 119.51 22.1553 c\r
-119.665 22.2822 119.785 22.5098 119.87 22.8379 c\r
-119.983 23.2598 120.039 23.9736 120.039 24.9814 c\r
-120.039 25.9893 119.989 26.6807 119.888 27.0576 c\r
-119.787 27.4346 119.66 27.6865 119.507 27.8135 c\r
-119.354 27.9404 119.178 28.0039 118.98 28.0039 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-140.416 20.7461 m\r
-140.416 20.7461 138.768 20.7461 138.768 20.7461 c\r
-138.768 20.7461 138.768 26.9531 138.768 26.9531 c\r
-138.167 26.3916 137.458 25.9766 136.643 25.707 c\r
-136.643 25.707 136.643 27.1992 136.643 27.1992 c\r
-137.072 27.3398 137.539 27.6055 138.043 27.998 c\r
-138.547 28.3906 138.893 28.8477 139.08 29.3711 c\r
-139.08 29.3711 140.416 29.3711 140.416 29.3711 c\r
-140.416 29.3711 140.416 20.7461 140.416 20.7461 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-160.426 20.7461 m\r
-160.426 20.7461 158.777 20.7461 158.777 20.7461 c\r
-158.777 20.7461 158.777 26.9531 158.777 26.9531 c\r
-158.176 26.3916 157.468 25.9766 156.652 25.707 c\r
-156.652 25.707 156.652 27.1992 156.652 27.1992 c\r
-157.082 27.3398 157.549 27.6055 158.053 27.998 c\r
-158.557 28.3906 158.902 28.8477 159.09 29.3711 c\r
-159.09 29.3711 160.426 29.3711 160.426 29.3711 c\r
-160.426 29.3711 160.426 20.7461 160.426 20.7461 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-180.436 20.7461 m\r
-180.436 20.7461 178.787 20.7461 178.787 20.7461 c\r
-178.787 20.7461 178.787 26.9531 178.787 26.9531 c\r
-178.186 26.3916 177.477 25.9766 176.662 25.707 c\r
-176.662 25.707 176.662 27.1992 176.662 27.1992 c\r
-177.092 27.3398 177.559 27.6055 178.063 27.998 c\r
-178.566 28.3906 178.912 28.8477 179.1 29.3711 c\r
-179.1 29.3711 180.436 29.3711 180.436 29.3711 c\r
-180.436 29.3711 180.436 20.7461 180.436 20.7461 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-199.02 29.3711 m\r
-199.851 29.3711 200.5 29.0742 200.968 28.4805 c\r
-201.525 27.7773 201.805 26.6104 201.805 24.9814 c\r
-201.805 23.3564 201.523 22.1875 200.962 21.4766 c\r
-200.498 20.8906 199.851 20.5977 199.02 20.5977 c\r
-198.185 20.5977 197.512 20.9189 197.001 21.5615 c\r
-196.49 22.2041 196.234 23.3506 196.234 24.999 c\r
-196.234 26.6162 196.516 27.7813 197.077 28.4922 c\r
-197.541 29.0781 198.189 29.3711 199.02 29.3711 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-199.02 28.0039 m\r
-198.822 28.0039 198.645 27.9404 198.49 27.8135 c\r
-198.335 27.6865 198.215 27.459 198.13 27.1309 c\r
-198.018 26.7051 197.961 25.9893 197.961 24.9814 c\r
-197.961 23.9736 198.012 23.2813 198.112 22.9053 c\r
-198.213 22.5283 198.34 22.2773 198.493 22.1523 c\r
-198.646 22.0273 198.822 21.9648 199.02 21.9648 c\r
-199.217 21.9648 199.394 22.0283 199.549 22.1553 c\r
-199.704 22.2822 199.824 22.5098 199.909 22.8379 c\r
-200.021 23.2598 200.078 23.9736 200.078 24.9814 c\r
-200.078 25.9893 200.027 26.6807 199.927 27.0576 c\r
-199.826 27.4346 199.699 27.6865 199.546 27.8135 c\r
-199.393 27.9404 199.217 28.0039 199.02 28.0039 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-219.029 29.3711 m\r
-219.86 29.3711 220.51 29.0742 220.977 28.4805 c\r
-221.535 27.7773 221.814 26.6104 221.814 24.9814 c\r
-221.814 23.3564 221.533 22.1875 220.972 21.4766 c\r
-220.508 20.8906 219.86 20.5977 219.029 20.5977 c\r
-218.194 20.5977 217.521 20.9189 217.011 21.5615 c\r
-216.5 22.2041 216.244 23.3506 216.244 24.999 c\r
-216.244 26.6162 216.525 27.7813 217.087 28.4922 c\r
-217.551 29.0781 218.198 29.3711 219.029 29.3711 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-219.029 28.0039 m\r
-218.832 28.0039 218.655 27.9404 218.5 27.8135 c\r
-218.345 27.6865 218.225 27.459 218.14 27.1309 c\r
-218.027 26.7051 217.971 25.9893 217.971 24.9814 c\r
-217.971 23.9736 218.021 23.2813 218.122 22.9053 c\r
-218.223 22.5283 218.35 22.2773 218.503 22.1523 c\r
-218.656 22.0273 218.832 21.9648 219.029 21.9648 c\r
-219.227 21.9648 219.403 22.0283 219.559 22.1553 c\r
-219.714 22.2822 219.834 22.5098 219.919 22.8379 c\r
-220.031 23.2598 220.088 23.9736 220.088 24.9814 c\r
-220.088 25.9893 220.037 26.6807 219.936 27.0576 c\r
-219.836 27.4346 219.709 27.6865 219.556 27.8135 c\r
-219.402 27.9404 219.227 28.0039 219.029 28.0039 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-239.039 29.3711 m\r
-239.87 29.3711 240.52 29.0742 240.987 28.4805 c\r
-241.545 27.7773 241.824 26.6104 241.824 24.9814 c\r
-241.824 23.3564 241.543 22.1875 240.981 21.4766 c\r
-240.518 20.8906 239.87 20.5977 239.039 20.5977 c\r
-238.204 20.5977 237.531 20.9189 237.02 21.5615 c\r
-236.51 22.2041 236.254 23.3506 236.254 24.999 c\r
-236.254 26.6162 236.535 27.7813 237.097 28.4922 c\r
-237.561 29.0781 238.208 29.3711 239.039 29.3711 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-239.039 28.0039 m\r
-238.842 28.0039 238.665 27.9404 238.51 27.8135 c\r
-238.355 27.6865 238.234 27.459 238.149 27.1309 c\r
-238.037 26.7051 237.98 25.9893 237.98 24.9814 c\r
-237.98 23.9736 238.031 23.2813 238.132 22.9053 c\r
-238.232 22.5283 238.359 22.2773 238.513 22.1523 c\r
-238.666 22.0273 238.842 21.9648 239.039 21.9648 c\r
-239.236 21.9648 239.413 22.0283 239.568 22.1553 c\r
-239.724 22.2822 239.844 22.5098 239.929 22.8379 c\r
-240.041 23.2598 240.098 23.9736 240.098 24.9814 c\r
-240.098 25.9893 240.047 26.6807 239.946 27.0576 c\r
-239.846 27.4346 239.719 27.6865 239.565 27.8135 c\r
-239.412 27.9404 239.236 28.0039 239.039 28.0039 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-255.715 29.3711 m\r
-256.546 29.3711 257.195 29.0742 257.663 28.4805 c\r
-258.221 27.7773 258.5 26.6104 258.5 24.9814 c\r
-258.5 23.3564 258.219 22.1875 257.657 21.4766 c\r
-257.193 20.8906 256.546 20.5977 255.715 20.5977 c\r
-254.88 20.5977 254.207 20.9189 253.696 21.5615 c\r
-253.186 22.2041 252.93 23.3506 252.93 24.999 c\r
-252.93 26.6162 253.211 27.7813 253.773 28.4922 c\r
-254.236 29.0781 254.884 29.3711 255.715 29.3711 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-255.715 28.0039 m\r
-255.518 28.0039 255.341 27.9404 255.186 27.8135 c\r
-255.03 27.6865 254.91 27.459 254.825 27.1309 c\r
-254.713 26.7051 254.656 25.9893 254.656 24.9814 c\r
-254.656 23.9736 254.707 23.2813 254.808 22.9053 c\r
-254.908 22.5283 255.035 22.2773 255.189 22.1523 c\r
-255.342 22.0273 255.518 21.9648 255.715 21.9648 c\r
-255.912 21.9648 256.089 22.0283 256.244 22.1553 c\r
-256.399 22.2822 256.52 22.5098 256.604 22.8379 c\r
-256.717 23.2598 256.773 23.9736 256.773 24.9814 c\r
-256.773 25.9893 256.723 26.6807 256.622 27.0576 c\r
-256.522 27.4346 256.395 27.6865 256.241 27.8135 c\r
-256.088 27.9404 255.912 28.0039 255.715 28.0039 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-61.9297 21.4131 m\r
-61.9297 21.4131 61.9297 30.0068 61.9297 30.0068 c\r
-61.9297 30.0068 65.1689 30.0068 65.1689 30.0068 c\r
-65.7388 30.0068 66.1743 29.9795 66.4751 29.9248 c\r
-66.897 29.8545 67.2505 29.7207 67.5356 29.5234 c\r
-67.8203 29.3252 68.0498 29.0488 68.2236 28.6934 c\r
-68.3975 28.3379 68.4844 27.9463 68.4844 27.5205 c\r
-68.4844 26.7891 68.2524 26.1709 67.7876 25.665 c\r
-67.3237 25.1582 66.4844 24.9053 65.271 24.9053 c\r
-65.271 24.9053 63.0703 24.9053 63.0703 24.9053 c\r
-63.0703 24.9053 63.0703 21.4131 63.0703 21.4131 c\r
-63.0703 21.4131 61.9297 21.4131 61.9297 21.4131 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-63.0703 25.9209 m\r
-63.0703 25.9209 65.2881 25.9209 65.2881 25.9209 c\r
-66.021 25.9209 66.542 26.0576 66.8501 26.3311 c\r
-67.1582 26.6045 67.3125 26.9893 67.3125 27.4854 c\r
-67.3125 27.8447 67.2217 28.1523 67.0405 28.4082 c\r
-66.8589 28.6641 66.6201 28.833 66.3237 28.915 c\r
-66.1323 28.9658 65.7793 28.9912 65.2646 28.9912 c\r
-65.2646 28.9912 63.0703 28.9912 63.0703 28.9912 c\r
-63.0703 28.9912 63.0703 25.9209 63.0703 25.9209 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-71.457 29.0615 m\r
-72.1016 30.0537 L\r
-73.3047 30.0537 L\r
-71.9805 28.4131 L\r
-70.8555 28.4131 L\r
-69.5938 30.0537 L\r
-70.7969 30.0537 L\r
-71.457 29.0615 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-69.7852 21.4131 m\r
-69.7852 21.4131 69.7852 27.6396 69.7852 27.6396 c\r
-69.7852 27.6396 70.7305 27.6396 70.7305 27.6396 c\r
-70.7305 27.6396 70.7305 26.6924 70.7305 26.6924 c\r
-70.9731 27.1357 71.1973 27.4277 71.4028 27.5684 c\r
-71.6084 27.71 71.8345 27.7803 72.0815 27.7803 c\r
-72.4375 27.7803 72.7998 27.667 73.168 27.4395 c\r
-73.168 27.4395 72.7993 26.4629 72.7993 26.4629 c\r
-72.5415 26.6123 72.2847 26.6865 72.0273 26.6865 c\r
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-73.4375 25.5215 73.707 26.334 74.2456 26.9121 c\r
-74.7847 27.4912 75.4839 27.7803 76.3428 27.7803 c\r
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-79.166 24.2568 74.5234 24.2568 74.5234 24.2568 c\r
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-76.7896 22.1396 77.1196 22.2412 77.3931 22.4453 c\r
-77.666 22.6484 77.8828 22.9746 78.043 23.4209 c\r
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-74.5859 25.124 m\r
-74.5859 25.124 78.0547 25.124 78.0547 25.124 c\r
-78.0078 25.6484 77.8755 26.041 77.6567 26.3027 c\r
-77.3218 26.71 76.8867 26.9131 76.3525 26.9131 c\r
-75.8687 26.9131 75.4624 26.751 75.1328 26.4258 c\r
-74.8032 26.1016 74.6211 25.668 74.5859 25.124 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-80.4629 21.4131 m\r
-80.4629 21.4131 80.4629 27.6396 80.4629 27.6396 c\r
-80.4629 27.6396 81.4082 27.6396 81.4082 27.6396 c\r
-81.4082 27.6396 81.4082 26.7549 81.4082 26.7549 c\r
-81.8657 27.4385 82.5259 27.7803 83.3896 27.7803 c\r
-83.7646 27.7803 84.1099 27.7129 84.4243 27.5781 c\r
-84.7388 27.4434 84.9741 27.2666 85.1304 27.0469 c\r
-85.2866 26.8281 85.3965 26.5684 85.459 26.2676 c\r
-85.498 26.0723 85.5176 25.7305 85.5176 25.2412 c\r
-85.5176 25.2412 85.5176 21.4131 85.5176 21.4131 c\r
-85.5176 21.4131 84.4629 21.4131 84.4629 21.4131 c\r
-84.4629 21.4131 84.4629 25.2012 84.4629 25.2012 c\r
-84.4629 25.6309 84.4219 25.9521 84.3398 26.166 c\r
-84.2578 26.3789 84.1123 26.5488 83.9038 26.6758 c\r
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-82.7197 26.8662 82.3325 26.7236 82.0063 26.4385 c\r
-81.6807 26.1523 81.5176 25.6113 81.5176 24.8145 c\r
-81.5176 24.8145 81.5176 21.4131 81.5176 21.4131 c\r
-81.5176 21.4131 80.4629 21.4131 80.4629 21.4131 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-86.7461 24.5264 m\r
-86.7461 25.6797 87.0664 26.5332 87.7065 27.0889 c\r
-88.2417 27.5498 88.894 27.7803 89.6631 27.7803 c\r
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-92.3027 26.3779 92.5742 25.6035 92.5742 24.6143 c\r
-92.5742 23.8125 92.4541 23.1826 92.2139 22.7236 c\r
-91.9736 22.2646 91.6245 21.9072 91.1655 21.6533 c\r
-90.7065 21.3994 90.2056 21.2725 89.6631 21.2725 c\r
-88.7925 21.2725 88.0884 21.5518 87.5513 22.1113 c\r
-87.0146 22.6699 86.7461 23.4746 86.7461 24.5264 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-87.832 24.5254 m\r
-87.832 23.7285 88.0054 23.1309 88.3525 22.7344 c\r
-88.6997 22.3379 89.1362 22.1396 89.6631 22.1396 c\r
-90.1855 22.1396 90.6206 22.3389 90.9678 22.7373 c\r
-91.3149 23.1357 91.4883 23.7441 91.4883 24.5605 c\r
-91.4883 25.3301 91.314 25.9141 90.9648 26.3105 c\r
-90.6157 26.707 90.1816 26.9053 89.6631 26.9053 c\r
-89.1362 26.9053 88.6997 26.708 88.3525 26.3135 c\r
-88.0054 25.918 87.832 25.3223 87.832 24.5254 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-93.3887 23.2725 m\r
-93.3887 23.2725 94.4355 23.4365 94.4355 23.4365 c\r
-94.4941 23.0176 94.6572 22.6973 94.9243 22.4746 c\r
-95.1919 22.251 95.5659 22.1396 96.0459 22.1396 c\r
-96.5298 22.1396 96.8892 22.2383 97.1235 22.4355 c\r
-97.3574 22.6328 97.4746 22.8652 97.4746 23.1309 c\r
-97.4746 23.3691 97.3716 23.5566 97.1655 23.6943 c\r
-97.0215 23.7881 96.6631 23.9072 96.0894 24.0518 c\r
-95.3174 24.2471 94.7813 24.416 94.4819 24.5586 c\r
-94.1821 24.7012 93.9551 24.8984 93.8003 25.1504 c\r
-93.6455 25.4033 93.5684 25.6816 93.5684 25.9863 c\r
-93.5684 26.2637 93.6318 26.5205 93.7588 26.7568 c\r
-93.8857 26.9941 94.0586 27.1904 94.2773 27.3467 c\r
-94.4414 27.4678 94.665 27.5703 94.9482 27.6543 c\r
-95.2314 27.7383 95.5352 27.7803 95.8594 27.7803 c\r
-96.3477 27.7803 96.7764 27.71 97.1455 27.5684 c\r
-97.5146 27.4277 97.7871 27.2373 97.9629 26.9961 c\r
-98.1387 26.7559 98.2598 26.4336 98.3262 26.0303 c\r
-98.3262 26.0303 97.2949 25.8896 97.2949 25.8896 c\r
-97.248 26.2109 97.1128 26.4619 96.8882 26.6426 c\r
-96.6641 26.8232 96.3472 26.9131 95.9375 26.9131 c\r
-95.4536 26.9131 95.1089 26.833 94.9019 26.6729 c\r
-94.6948 26.5117 94.5918 26.3242 94.5918 26.1094 c\r
-94.5918 25.9727 94.6348 25.8496 94.7207 25.7402 c\r
-94.8062 25.627 94.9409 25.5322 95.1245 25.458 c\r
-95.2295 25.4189 95.5396 25.3291 96.0547 25.1885 c\r
-96.7993 24.9893 97.3193 24.8262 97.6143 24.6992 c\r
-97.9092 24.5723 98.1406 24.3877 98.3086 24.1445 c\r
-98.4766 23.9023 98.5605 23.6016 98.5605 23.2422 c\r
-98.5605 22.8906 98.458 22.5596 98.2524 22.248 c\r
-98.0474 21.9375 97.7515 21.6973 97.3643 21.5273 c\r
-96.9771 21.3574 96.5396 21.2725 96.0508 21.2725 c\r
-95.2417 21.2725 94.625 21.4404 94.2007 21.7773 c\r
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-% showpage\r
\:$\Theta(1)$ hladin na samotné seètení: $\forall i: z_i = x_i \oplus y_i \oplus c_i$.
-\figure{1_9_deleni_bloku.eps}{Výpoèet pøenosu}{2.5in}
+\figure{deleni_bloku.eps}{Výpoèet pøenosu}{2.5in}
Algoritmus tedy pracuje v~èase $\Theta(\log n)$. Hradel je pou¾ito lineárnì: pøi
výpoètu chování blokù na jednotlivých hladinách poèet hradel exponenciálnì klesá
od~$n$ k~1, bìhem zahu¹»ování pøenosù naopak exponenciálnì stoupá od~1 k~$n$.
-Obì geometrické øady mají souèet $\Theta(n)$.
+Obì geometrické øady se seètou na $\Theta(n)$.
\h{Paralelní násobení}
-Podobnì jako u~sèítání si vzpomeneme na~¹kolní algoritmus -- tentokráte v¹ak pro násobení.
-To fungovalo tak, ¾e~jsme si jedno ze~dvou binárních èísel na~vstupu (øíkejme mu tøeba $x$) $n$-krát posouvali. Tam kde pak byly v~èísle~$y$ jednièky, pøíslu¹né kopie $x$ jsme seèetli. Jinými slovy tedy násobení umíme pøevést na~nìjaké posuny (ty lze realizovat pouze \uv{pøedrátováním} -- nic nás nestojí), násobení jedním bitem (co¾ je
-{\csc and} ) a~nakonec potøebujeme výsledných~$n$ èísel seèíst.
-\figure{skolni_scitani.eps}{©kolní sèítání}{2in}
-Jak nyní seèíst $n$ $n$-bitových èísel..? Nabízí se vyu¾ít osvìdèený \uv{stromeèek} -- sèítat dvojice èísel, výsledky pak opìt po~dvojicích seèíst, a¾ na~konci vyjde jediný výsledek.
-Toto øe¹ení by v¹ak vedlo na~èasovou slo¾itost $\Theta (\log^2 n)$, nebo» sèítat umíme v~èase $\Theta (\log n)$. To je sice dle na¹ich mìøítek
-docela efektivní, ale pøekvapivì to jde je¹tì lépe -- toti¾ na~$\Theta (\log n)$ hladin. Této
-slo¾itosti dosáhneme malým trikem.
-Vymyslíme obvod konstantní hloubky, který na~vstupu dostane tøi èísla. Odpoví pak dvìma èísly
-takovými, ¾e budou mít stejný souèet jako pùvodní tøi èísla. Jinými slovy pomocí
-tohoto obvodu budeme umìt seètení tøí èísel pøevést na seètení dvou èísel.
-\figure{obvod.eps}{$x+y+z = p+q$}{0.3in}
-V¹imnìme si, ¾e~kdy¾ sèítáme tøi bity, mù¾e být pøenos do~vy¹¹ího øádu nula èi~jednièka. Vezmeme si tedy bity $x_i$, $y_i$, $z_i$ a~ty seèteme. To nám dá dvoubitový výsledek, pøièem¾ ni¾¹í bit z~tohoto výsledku po¹leme do~èísla~$p$, vy¹¹í do~èísla~$q$.
-\figure{obvod_real.eps}{Redukování sèítání}{1.2in}
-Toto zredukování sèítání nám nyní umo¾ní opìt stavit strom, by» o malièko slo¾itìj¹í.
-\figure{sl_stromecek.eps}{Slo¾itìj¹í stromeèek}{0.9in}
-Pokud jsme mìli na~zaèátku $n$ èísel, po~první redukci nám jich zbývá jen $2/3 \cdot n$ a~obecnì v~$k$-té hladiné $(2/3)^k \cdot n$. Znamená to, ¾e èísel nám ubývá exponenciálnì, tak¾e poèet hladin bude logaritmický. Redukující obvod je pøi tom jen konstantnì hluboký, tak¾e celé redukování zvládneme v~èase $\Theta (\log n)$. Na~konci Slo¾itìj¹ího stromeèku pak máme umístìnou jednu obyèejnou sèítaèku, která zbývající dvì èísla seète v~logaritmickém èase.
-Seètení v¹ech $n$ èísel tedy zabere $\Theta (\log n)$ hladin.
-Kdy¾ se nyní vrátíme k~násobení, zbývá nám vyøe¹it posouvání a~{\csc and}ování. Uvìdomme si, ¾e to je plnì paralelní a~zvládneme ho za~konstantnì mnoho hladin. Celé násobení tedy zvládneme v~logaritmickém èase.
+Je¹tì si rozmysleme, jak rychle by bylo mo¾né èísla násobit. Opìt se inspirujeme
+¹kolním algoritmem: pokud násobíme dvì $n$-ciferná èísla $x$ a~$y$, uvá¾íme
+v¹ech~$n$ posunutí èísla~$y$, ka¾dé z~nich vynásobíme pøíslu¹nou èíslicí v~$y$
+a výsledky posèítáme.
+\figure{skolni_nasobeni.eps}{©kolní násobení}{2in}
+Ve~dvojkové soustavì je to je¹tì jednodu¹¹í: násobení jednou èíslicí je prostý
+{\csc and.} Paralelnì tedy vytvoøíme v¹echna posunutí a spoèítáme v¹echny {\csc and}y.
+To v¹e stihneme za 1~takt výpoètu.
+Zbývá seèíst $n$~èísel, z~nich¾ ka¾dé má $\Theta(n)$ bitù. Mohli bychom opìt
+pou¾ít osvìdèený trik: sèítat dvojice èísel, pak dvojice souètù dvojic, atd.
+Taková sí» by mìla tvar binárního stromu hloubky $\log n$, jeho¾ ka¾dý vrchol
+obsahuje jednu sèítaèku a na tu, jak víme, postaèí $\Theta(\log n)$ hladin.
+Celý výpoèet tedy bì¾í v~èase $\Theta(\log^2 n)$.
+Jde to ale rychleji, pou¾ijeme-li jednoduchý, témìø kouzelnický trik.
+Sestrojíme {\I kompresor} -- to bude obvod konstantní hloubky, který na~vstupu
+dostane tøi èísla a vypoète z~nich dvì èísla mající stejný souèet jako zadaná
+K~èemu je to dobré? Máme-li seèíst $n$~èísel, v~konstantním èase doká¾eme tento
+úkol pøevést na seètení $\lceil 2/3\cdot n\rceil$ èísel, to pak opìt v~konstantním èase
+na seètení $\lceil (2/3)^2\cdot n\rceil$ èísel atd., a¾ nám po $\lceil\log_{3/2} n\rceil = \Theta(\log n)$ krocích
+zbudou dvì èísla a ta seèteme klasickou sèítaèkou. Zbývá vymyslet kompresor.
+\s{Konstrukce kompresoru:}
+Oznaème vstupy kompresoru $x$, $y$ a~$z$ a výstupy $p$ a~$q$.
+Pro ka¾dý øád~$i$ spoèteme souèet $x_i + y_i + z_i$. To je nìjaké
+dvoubitové èíslo, tak¾e mù¾eme jeho ní¾¹í bit prohlásit za~$p_i$
+a vy¹¹í za~$q_{i+1}$.
+Jinými slovy jsme v¹echna tøi èísla normálnì seèetli, ale místo abychom
+pøenosy posílali do vy¹¹ího øádu, vytvoøili jsme z~nich dal¹í èíslo,
+které má být k~výsledku èasem pøièteno.
+\s{Shrnutí:} Na¹e sí» pro paralelní násobení pracuje v~èase $\Theta(\log n)$
+-- nejdøíve v~konstantním èase vytváøíme mezivýsledky, pak pou¾ijeme $\Theta(\log n)$
+hladin kompresorù konstantní hloubky a nakonec jednu sèítaèku hloubky $\Theta(\log n)$.
+Jistou vadou na kráse ov¹em je, ¾e na to potøebujeme $\Theta(n^2)$ hradel.
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+172.90773 208.30836 172.34458 208.09677 171.65448 208.09676 curveto
+170.97088 208.09677 170.40122 208.31161 169.9455 208.74129 curveto
+169.48976 209.17099 169.19679 209.81552 169.06659 210.67488 curveto
+167.30878 210.36238 lineto
+167.52362 209.18401 168.0119 208.27255 168.77362 207.62801 curveto
+169.53534 206.97698 170.4826 206.65146 171.61542 206.65144 curveto
+172.39666 206.65146 173.11606 206.82073 173.77362 207.15926 curveto
+174.43116 207.4913 174.93247 207.94703 175.27753 208.52644 curveto
+175.62908 209.10588 175.80486 209.72112 175.80487 210.37215 curveto
+175.80486 210.99065 175.63885 211.5538 175.30682 212.0616 curveto
+174.97478 212.56942 174.48325 212.97307 173.83221 213.27254 curveto
+174.67856 213.46786 175.33611 213.87476 175.80487 214.49324 curveto
+176.27361 215.10523 176.50799 215.87345 176.508 216.79793 curveto
+176.50799 218.04793 176.05226 219.10913 175.14081 219.98152 curveto
+174.22934 220.84741 173.077 221.28035 171.68378 221.28035 curveto
+170.42726 221.28035 169.38234 220.906 168.54901 220.1573 curveto
+167.72219 219.40861 167.25018 218.43856 167.133 217.24715 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+167.133 266.21994 moveto
+168.89081 265.98557 lineto
+169.09263 266.98166 169.43442 267.70106 169.9162 268.14377 curveto
+170.40448 268.57997 170.99692 268.79807 171.69354 268.79807 curveto
+172.52036 268.79807 173.21697 268.51161 173.78339 267.93869 curveto
+174.35629 267.36578 174.64275 266.65614 174.64276 265.80978 curveto
+174.64275 265.0025 174.37908 264.33844 173.85175 263.8176 curveto
+173.32439 263.29026 172.65382 263.02659 171.84003 263.02658 curveto
+171.50799 263.02659 171.09458 263.09169 170.59979 263.22189 curveto
+170.7951 261.67892 lineto
+170.91229 261.69195 171.00669 261.69846 171.07831 261.69846 curveto
+171.827 261.69846 172.50083 261.50315 173.09979 261.11252 curveto
+173.69874 260.7219 173.99822 260.11969 173.99823 259.30588 curveto
+173.99822 258.66136 173.78012 258.1275 173.34393 257.70432 curveto
+172.90773 257.28115 172.34458 257.06956 171.65448 257.06955 curveto
+170.97088 257.06956 170.40122 257.28441 169.9455 257.71408 curveto
+169.48976 258.14378 169.19679 258.78831 169.06659 259.64767 curveto
+167.30878 259.33517 lineto
+167.52362 258.1568 168.0119 257.24534 168.77362 256.6008 curveto
+169.53534 255.94977 170.4826 255.62425 171.61542 255.62424 curveto
+172.39666 255.62425 173.11606 255.79352 173.77362 256.13205 curveto
+174.43116 256.46409 174.93247 256.91982 175.27753 257.49924 curveto
+175.62908 258.07868 175.80486 258.69391 175.80487 259.34494 curveto
+175.80486 259.96344 175.63885 260.52659 175.30682 261.03439 curveto
+174.97478 261.54221 174.48325 261.94586 173.83221 262.24533 curveto
+174.67856 262.44065 175.33611 262.84755 175.80487 263.46603 curveto
+176.27361 264.07802 176.50799 264.84625 176.508 265.77072 curveto
+176.50799 267.02072 176.05226 268.08192 175.14081 268.95432 curveto
+174.22934 269.8202 173.077 270.25314 171.68378 270.25314 curveto
+170.42726 270.25314 169.38234 269.87879 168.54901 269.1301 curveto
+167.72219 268.3814 167.25018 267.41135 167.133 266.21994 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+194.54907 163.7908 moveto
+202.1272 153.00955 lineto
+195.11548 143.04861 lineto
+199.51001 143.04861 lineto
+202.6936 147.9119 lineto
+203.29255 148.83639 203.77432 149.61113 204.13892 150.23611 curveto
+204.71182 149.37675 205.23917 148.61504 205.72095 147.95096 curveto
+209.21704 143.04861 lineto
+213.41626 143.04861 lineto
+206.24829 152.81424 lineto
+213.96313 163.7908 lineto
+209.64673 163.7908 lineto
+205.38892 157.34549 lineto
+204.2561 155.60721 lineto
+198.80688 163.7908 lineto
+194.54907 163.7908 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+196.73657 221.77908 moveto
+196.34595 218.4783 lineto
+197.11417 218.68663 197.78475 218.7908 198.35767 218.7908 curveto
+199.13891 218.7908 199.76391 218.66059 200.23267 218.40018 curveto
+200.70141 218.13976 201.08552 217.77517 201.38501 217.30643 curveto
+201.60636 216.95486 201.96443 216.08247 202.45923 214.68924 curveto
+202.52432 214.49393 202.62849 214.20747 202.77173 213.82986 curveto
+194.90063 193.04861 lineto
+198.6897 193.04861 lineto
+203.0061 205.06033 lineto
+203.56599 206.58378 204.06729 208.18534 204.51001 209.86502 curveto
+204.91364 208.25044 205.39542 206.67492 205.95532 205.13846 curveto
+210.38892 193.04861 lineto
+213.90454 193.04861 lineto
+206.01392 214.14236 lineto
+205.16755 216.42101 204.51 217.99002 204.04126 218.8494 curveto
+203.41625 220.00824 202.70011 220.8546 201.89282 221.38846 curveto
+201.08552 221.93533 200.12198 222.20876 199.0022 222.20877 curveto
+198.32511 222.20876 197.5699 222.06553 196.73657 221.77908 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+195.03735 263.7908 moveto
+195.03735 260.93924 lineto
+208.24048 245.78299 lineto
+206.74307 245.86113 205.42146 245.90019 204.27563 245.90018 curveto
+195.8186 245.90018 lineto
+195.8186 243.04861 lineto
+212.77173 243.04861 lineto
+212.77173 245.37283 lineto
+201.54126 258.5369 lineto
+199.37329 260.93924 lineto
+200.94881 260.82205 202.42667 260.76346 203.80688 260.76346 curveto
+213.39673 260.76346 lineto
+213.39673 263.7908 lineto
+195.03735 263.7908 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+224.90291 168.60333 moveto
+224.90291 170.29279 lineto
+215.44002 170.29279 lineto
+215.427 169.86961 215.49536 169.46271 215.6451 169.07208 curveto
+215.88598 168.42755 216.27009 167.79279 216.79744 167.16779 curveto
+217.33129 166.54279 218.09952 165.82013 219.10213 164.99982 curveto
+220.65811 163.72378 221.70954 162.71467 222.25642 161.97247 curveto
+222.80329 161.22378 223.07673 160.5174 223.07674 159.85333 curveto
+223.07673 159.15673 222.82608 158.57079 222.32478 158.09552 curveto
+221.82998 157.61376 221.1822 157.37288 220.38142 157.37286 curveto
+219.53507 157.37288 218.85798 157.62678 218.35017 158.13458 curveto
+217.84236 158.64241 217.5852 159.34553 217.57869 160.24396 curveto
+215.77205 160.05841 lineto
+215.89575 158.71077 216.36124 157.68538 217.16853 156.98224 curveto
+217.97582 156.27262 219.05981 155.9178 220.42049 155.91779 curveto
+221.79418 155.9178 222.88142 156.29866 223.68221 157.06036 curveto
+224.48298 157.82209 224.88337 158.7661 224.88338 159.8924 curveto
+224.88337 160.46532 224.76618 161.02847 224.53181 161.58185 curveto
+224.29743 162.13524 223.90681 162.71792 223.35994 163.3299 curveto
+222.81957 163.94188 221.91788 164.78172 220.65486 165.84943 curveto
+219.60017 166.73485 218.92309 167.33706 218.62361 167.65607 curveto
+218.32413 167.96857 218.07673 168.28432 217.88142 168.60333 curveto
+224.90291 168.60333 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+224.90332 219.33704 moveto
+224.90332 221.02649 lineto
+215.44043 221.02649 lineto
+215.42741 220.60331 215.49577 220.19641 215.64551 219.80579 curveto
+215.88639 219.16126 216.27051 218.52649 216.79785 217.90149 curveto
+217.3317 217.27649 218.09993 216.55384 219.10254 215.73352 curveto
+220.65852 214.45749 221.70995 213.44837 222.25684 212.70618 curveto
+222.8037 211.95749 223.07714 211.25111 223.07715 210.58704 curveto
+223.07714 209.89043 222.82649 209.3045 222.3252 208.82922 curveto
+221.8304 208.34747 221.18261 208.10658 220.38184 208.10657 curveto
+219.53548 208.10658 218.85839 208.36049 218.35059 208.86829 curveto
+217.84277 209.37611 217.58561 210.07923 217.5791 210.97766 curveto
+215.77246 210.79211 lineto
+215.89616 209.44447 216.36165 208.41908 217.16895 207.71594 curveto
+217.97623 207.00632 219.06022 206.6515 220.4209 206.65149 curveto
+221.79459 206.6515 222.88183 207.03236 223.68262 207.79407 curveto
+224.48339 208.5558 224.88378 209.49981 224.88379 210.6261 curveto
+224.88378 211.19903 224.76659 211.76218 224.53223 212.31555 curveto
+224.29784 212.86895 223.90722 213.45163 223.36035 214.0636 curveto
+222.81998 214.67558 221.91829 215.51543 220.65527 216.58313 curveto
+219.60058 217.46855 218.9235 218.07076 218.62402 218.38977 curveto
+218.32454 218.70227 218.07715 219.01803 217.88184 219.33704 curveto
+224.90332 219.33704 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+224.90332 268.30981 moveto
+224.90332 269.99927 lineto
+215.44043 269.99927 lineto
+215.42741 269.57609 215.49577 269.16919 215.64551 268.77856 curveto
+215.88639 268.13404 216.27051 267.49927 216.79785 266.87427 curveto
+217.3317 266.24927 218.09993 265.52662 219.10254 264.7063 curveto
+220.65852 263.43026 221.70995 262.42115 222.25684 261.67896 curveto
+222.8037 260.93027 223.07714 260.22389 223.07715 259.55981 curveto
+223.07714 258.86321 222.82649 258.27727 222.3252 257.802 curveto
+221.8304 257.32024 221.18261 257.07936 220.38184 257.07935 curveto
+219.53548 257.07936 218.85839 257.33326 218.35059 257.84106 curveto
+217.84277 258.34889 217.58561 259.05201 217.5791 259.95044 curveto
+215.77246 259.76489 lineto
+215.89616 258.41725 216.36165 257.39186 217.16895 256.68872 curveto
+217.97623 255.9791 219.06022 255.62428 220.4209 255.62427 curveto
+221.79459 255.62428 222.88183 256.00514 223.68262 256.76685 curveto
+224.48339 257.52858 224.88378 258.47259 224.88379 259.59888 curveto
+224.88378 260.1718 224.76659 260.73495 224.53223 261.28833 curveto
+224.29784 261.84172 223.90722 262.42441 223.36035 263.03638 curveto
+222.81998 263.64836 221.91829 264.48821 220.65527 265.55591 curveto
+219.60058 266.44133 218.9235 267.04354 218.62402 267.36255 curveto
+218.32454 267.67505 218.07715 267.99081 217.88184 268.30981 curveto
+224.90332 268.30981 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+245.0777 163.7908 moveto
+252.65582 153.00955 lineto
+245.6441 143.04861 lineto
+250.03864 143.04861 lineto
+253.22223 147.9119 lineto
+253.82118 148.83639 254.30295 149.61113 254.66754 150.23611 curveto
+255.24045 149.37675 255.76779 148.61504 256.24957 147.95096 curveto
+259.74567 143.04861 lineto
+263.94489 143.04861 lineto
+256.77692 152.81424 lineto
+264.49176 163.7908 lineto
+260.17535 163.7908 lineto
+255.91754 157.34549 lineto
+254.78473 155.60721 lineto
+249.33551 163.7908 lineto
+245.0777 163.7908 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+247.2652 221.77908 moveto
+246.87457 218.4783 lineto
+247.6428 218.68663 248.31337 218.7908 248.88629 218.7908 curveto
+249.66754 218.7908 250.29254 218.66059 250.76129 218.40018 curveto
+251.23004 218.13976 251.61415 217.77517 251.91364 217.30643 curveto
+252.13498 216.95486 252.49305 216.08247 252.98785 214.68924 curveto
+253.05295 214.49393 253.15712 214.20747 253.30035 213.82986 curveto
+245.42926 193.04861 lineto
+249.21832 193.04861 lineto
+253.53473 205.06033 lineto
+254.09462 206.58378 254.59592 208.18534 255.03864 209.86502 curveto
+255.44227 208.25044 255.92404 206.67492 256.48395 205.13846 curveto
+260.91754 193.04861 lineto
+264.43317 193.04861 lineto
+256.54254 214.14236 lineto
+255.69618 216.42101 255.03862 217.99002 254.56989 218.8494 curveto
+253.94488 220.00824 253.22873 220.8546 252.42145 221.38846 curveto
+251.61415 221.93533 250.65061 222.20876 249.53082 222.20877 curveto
+248.85374 222.20876 248.09853 222.06553 247.2652 221.77908 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+245.56598 263.7908 moveto
+245.56598 260.93924 lineto
+258.7691 245.78299 lineto
+257.2717 245.86113 255.95008 245.90019 254.80426 245.90018 curveto
+246.34723 245.90018 lineto
+246.34723 243.04861 lineto
+263.30035 243.04861 lineto
+263.30035 245.37283 lineto
+252.06989 258.5369 lineto
+249.90192 260.93924 lineto
+251.47743 260.82205 252.95529 260.76346 254.33551 260.76346 curveto
+263.92535 260.76346 lineto
+263.92535 263.7908 lineto
+245.56598 263.7908 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+272.81433 170.29279 moveto
+271.05652 170.29279 lineto
+271.05652 159.09161 lineto
+270.63334 159.49527 270.0767 159.89892 269.3866 160.30255 curveto
+268.703 160.70621 268.08777 161.00894 267.54089 161.21075 curveto
+267.54089 159.51154 lineto
+268.52396 159.04931 269.38334 158.48941 270.11902 157.83185 curveto
+270.85469 157.17431 271.37552 156.53629 271.68152 155.91779 curveto
+272.81433 155.91779 lineto
+272.81433 170.29279 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+272.81476 221.02649 moveto
+271.05695 221.02649 lineto
+271.05695 209.82532 lineto
+270.63376 210.22897 270.07712 210.63262 269.38702 211.03625 curveto
+268.70343 211.43991 268.08819 211.74264 267.54132 211.94446 curveto
+267.54132 210.24524 lineto
+268.52439 209.78301 269.38376 209.22312 270.11945 208.56555 curveto
+270.85512 207.90801 271.37595 207.26999 271.68195 206.65149 curveto
+272.81476 206.65149 lineto
+272.81476 221.02649 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+272.81476 269.99927 moveto
+271.05695 269.99927 lineto
+271.05695 258.7981 lineto
+270.63376 259.20175 270.07712 259.6054 269.38702 260.00903 curveto
+268.70343 260.41269 268.08819 260.71542 267.54132 260.91724 curveto
+267.54132 259.21802 lineto
+268.52439 258.75579 269.38376 258.19589 270.11945 257.53833 curveto
+270.85512 256.88079 271.37595 256.24277 271.68195 255.62427 curveto
+272.81476 255.62427 lineto
+272.81476 269.99927 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+294.8284 163.7908 moveto
+302.40652 153.00955 lineto
+295.39481 143.04861 lineto
+299.78934 143.04861 lineto
+302.97293 147.9119 lineto
+303.57188 148.83639 304.05365 149.61113 304.41824 150.23611 curveto
+304.99115 149.37675 305.51849 148.61504 306.00027 147.95096 curveto
+309.49637 143.04861 lineto
+313.69559 143.04861 lineto
+306.52762 152.81424 lineto
+314.24246 163.7908 lineto
+309.92606 163.7908 lineto
+305.66824 157.34549 lineto
+304.53543 155.60721 lineto
+299.08621 163.7908 lineto
+294.8284 163.7908 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+297.0159 221.77908 moveto
+296.62527 218.4783 lineto
+297.3935 218.68663 298.06407 218.7908 298.63699 218.7908 curveto
+299.41824 218.7908 300.04324 218.66059 300.51199 218.40018 curveto
+300.98074 218.13976 301.36485 217.77517 301.66434 217.30643 curveto
+301.88568 216.95486 302.24376 216.08247 302.73856 214.68924 curveto
+302.80365 214.49393 302.90782 214.20747 303.05106 213.82986 curveto
+295.17996 193.04861 lineto
+298.96902 193.04861 lineto
+303.28543 205.06033 lineto
+303.84532 206.58378 304.34662 208.18534 304.78934 209.86502 curveto
+305.19297 208.25044 305.67474 206.67492 306.23465 205.13846 curveto
+310.66824 193.04861 lineto
+314.18387 193.04861 lineto
+306.29324 214.14236 lineto
+305.44688 216.42101 304.78933 217.99002 304.32059 218.8494 curveto
+303.69558 220.00824 302.97943 220.8546 302.17215 221.38846 curveto
+301.36485 221.93533 300.40131 222.20876 299.28152 222.20877 curveto
+298.60444 222.20876 297.84923 222.06553 297.0159 221.77908 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+295.31668 263.7908 moveto
+295.31668 260.93924 lineto
+308.51981 245.78299 lineto
+307.0224 245.86113 305.70078 245.90019 304.55496 245.90018 curveto
+296.09793 245.90018 lineto
+296.09793 243.04861 lineto
+313.05106 243.04861 lineto
+313.05106 245.37283 lineto
+301.82059 258.5369 lineto
+299.65262 260.93924 lineto
+301.22813 260.82205 302.706 260.76346 304.08621 260.76346 curveto
+313.67606 260.76346 lineto
+313.67606 263.7908 lineto
+295.31668 263.7908 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+315.94397 163.23224 moveto
+315.94397 161.53954 316.11649 160.17886 316.46155 159.15021 curveto
+316.81311 158.11506 317.33069 157.31754 318.01428 156.75763 curveto
+318.70438 156.19775 319.57027 155.9178 320.61194 155.91779 curveto
+321.38016 155.9178 322.05399 156.07405 322.63342 156.38654 curveto
+323.21284 156.69254 323.69136 157.1385 324.06897 157.72443 curveto
+324.44656 158.30387 324.74279 159.0135 324.95764 159.85333 curveto
+325.17248 160.68668 325.2799 161.81298 325.27991 163.23224 curveto
+325.2799 164.91193 325.10737 166.26935 324.76233 167.3045 curveto
+324.41727 168.33315 323.89969 169.13068 323.20959 169.69708 curveto
+322.52599 170.25698 321.66011 170.53693 320.61194 170.53693 curveto
+319.23173 170.53693 318.14774 170.04213 317.35999 169.05255 curveto
+316.41597 167.86115 315.94397 165.92105 315.94397 163.23224 curveto
+317.75061 163.23224 moveto
+317.75061 165.5825 318.02404 167.14826 318.57092 167.9295 curveto
+319.1243 168.70425 319.80464 169.09161 320.61194 169.09161 curveto
+321.41922 169.09161 322.09631 168.70099 322.64319 167.91974 curveto
+323.19657 167.13849 323.47326 165.57599 323.47327 163.23224 curveto
+323.47326 160.87548 323.19657 159.30972 322.64319 158.53497 curveto
+322.09631 157.76025 321.41271 157.37288 320.59241 157.37286 curveto
+319.78511 157.37288 319.14058 157.71467 318.65881 158.39825 curveto
+318.05334 159.27066 317.75061 160.88199 317.75061 163.23224 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+315.94437 213.96594 moveto
+315.94437 212.27324 316.11689 210.91257 316.46194 209.88391 curveto
+316.81351 208.84877 317.33108 208.05124 318.01468 207.49133 curveto
+318.70478 206.93145 319.57066 206.6515 320.61234 206.65149 curveto
+321.38056 206.6515 322.05439 206.80775 322.63382 207.12024 curveto
+323.21324 207.42624 323.69175 207.87221 324.06937 208.45813 curveto
+324.44696 209.03757 324.74318 209.7472 324.95804 210.58704 curveto
+325.17287 211.42038 325.28029 212.54668 325.2803 213.96594 curveto
+325.28029 215.64564 325.10777 217.00306 324.76273 218.03821 curveto
+324.41766 219.06686 323.90009 219.86438 323.20999 220.43079 curveto
+322.52639 220.99068 321.66051 221.27063 320.61234 221.27063 curveto
+319.23212 221.27063 318.14814 220.77584 317.36038 219.78625 curveto
+316.41637 218.59485 315.94437 216.65475 315.94437 213.96594 curveto
+317.75101 213.96594 moveto
+317.751 216.31621 318.02444 217.88196 318.57132 218.66321 curveto
+319.1247 219.43795 319.80504 219.82532 320.61234 219.82532 curveto
+321.41962 219.82532 322.0967 219.43469 322.64359 218.65344 curveto
+323.19696 217.8722 323.47365 216.3097 323.47366 213.96594 curveto
+323.47365 211.60918 323.19696 210.04343 322.64359 209.26868 curveto
+322.0967 208.49395 321.41311 208.10658 320.5928 208.10657 curveto
+319.78551 208.10658 319.14098 208.44838 318.65921 209.13196 curveto
+318.05374 210.00436 317.751 211.61569 317.75101 213.96594 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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+284.18626 164.51142 283.84121 167.22627 283.15112 169.29657 curveto
+282.461 171.35387 281.42585 172.94892 280.04565 174.08173 curveto
+278.67845 175.20152 276.94668 175.76141 274.85034 175.76141 curveto
+272.08992 175.76141 269.92195 174.77183 268.34644 172.79266 curveto
+266.45841 170.40986 265.5144 166.52965 265.5144 161.15204 curveto
+269.12769 161.15204 moveto
+269.12768 165.85257 269.67455 168.98408 270.76831 170.54657 curveto
+271.87507 172.09605 273.23575 172.87079 274.85034 172.87079 curveto
+276.46491 172.87079 277.81908 172.08954 278.91284 170.52704 curveto
+280.0196 168.96454 280.57298 165.83955 280.573 161.15204 curveto
+280.57298 156.43852 280.0196 153.30701 278.91284 151.75751 curveto
+277.81908 150.20805 276.45189 149.43331 274.81128 149.43329 curveto
+273.19669 149.43331 271.90763 150.11691 270.94409 151.48407 curveto
+269.73315 153.22888 269.12768 156.45154 269.12769 161.15204 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+301.02222 175.27313 moveto
+297.50659 175.27313 lineto
+297.50659 152.87079 lineto
+296.66023 153.6781 295.54695 154.48539 294.16675 155.29266 curveto
+292.79955 156.09997 291.56909 156.70544 290.47534 157.10907 curveto
+290.47534 153.71063 lineto
+292.44148 152.78618 294.16023 151.66639 295.63159 150.35126 curveto
+297.10293 149.03618 298.1446 147.76014 298.75659 146.52313 curveto
+301.02222 146.52313 lineto
+301.02222 175.27313 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+312.01831 175.27313 moveto
+312.01831 171.26923 lineto
+316.02222 171.26923 lineto
+316.02222 175.27313 lineto
+312.01831 175.27313 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+323.11206 175.27313 moveto
+323.11206 171.26923 lineto
+327.11597 171.26923 lineto
+327.11597 175.27313 lineto
+323.11206 175.27313 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+334.20581 175.27313 moveto
+334.20581 171.26923 lineto
+338.20972 171.26923 lineto
+338.20972 175.27313 lineto
+334.20581 175.27313 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+162.16605 235.82034 moveto
+162.16604 232.43494 162.5111 229.71359 163.2012 227.65628 curveto
+163.90432 225.58599 164.93948 223.99094 166.30667 222.87112 curveto
+167.68687 221.75136 169.41864 221.19147 171.50198 221.19144 curveto
+173.03843 221.19147 174.38608 221.50397 175.54495 222.12894 curveto
+176.70379 222.74094 177.66082 223.63287 178.41605 224.80472 curveto
+179.17124 225.9636 179.76368 227.38287 180.19339 229.06253 curveto
+180.62306 230.72922 180.8379 232.98182 180.83792 235.82034 curveto
+180.8379 239.17973 180.49285 241.89457 179.80276 243.96487 curveto
+179.11264 246.02217 178.07749 247.61722 176.6973 248.75003 curveto
+175.33009 249.86982 173.59832 250.42972 171.50198 250.42972 curveto
+168.74156 250.42972 166.57359 249.44014 164.99808 247.46097 curveto
+163.11005 245.07816 162.16604 241.19796 162.16605 235.82034 curveto
+165.77933 235.82034 moveto
+165.77932 240.52087 166.3262 243.65238 167.41995 245.21487 curveto
+168.52672 246.76436 169.88739 247.5391 171.50198 247.53909 curveto
+173.11655 247.5391 174.47072 246.75785 175.56448 245.19534 curveto
+176.67124 243.63285 177.22462 240.50785 177.22464 235.82034 curveto
+177.22462 231.10682 176.67124 227.97531 175.56448 226.42581 curveto
+174.47072 224.87636 173.10353 224.10162 171.46292 224.10159 curveto
+169.84833 224.10162 168.55927 224.78521 167.59573 226.15237 curveto
+166.38479 227.89719 165.77932 231.11984 165.77933 235.82034 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+197.67386 249.94144 moveto
+194.15823 249.94144 lineto
+194.15823 227.53909 lineto
+193.31187 228.34641 192.19859 229.1537 190.81839 229.96097 curveto
+189.4512 230.76828 188.22073 231.37375 187.12698 231.77737 curveto
+187.12698 228.37894 lineto
+189.09312 227.45448 190.81187 226.33469 192.28323 225.01956 curveto
+193.75458 223.70448 194.79624 222.42844 195.40823 221.19144 curveto
+197.67386 221.19144 lineto
+197.67386 249.94144 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+216.97073 249.94144 moveto
+213.45511 249.94144 lineto
+213.45511 227.53909 lineto
+212.60874 228.34641 211.49546 229.1537 210.11526 229.96097 curveto
+208.74807 230.76828 207.5176 231.37375 206.42386 231.77737 curveto
+206.42386 228.37894 lineto
+208.39 227.45448 210.10875 226.33469 211.58011 225.01956 curveto
+213.05145 223.70448 214.09312 222.42844 214.70511 221.19144 curveto
+216.97073 221.19144 lineto
+216.97073 249.94144 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+225.99417 235.82034 moveto
+225.99417 232.43494 226.33922 229.71359 227.02933 227.65628 curveto
+227.73245 225.58599 228.7676 223.99094 230.1348 222.87112 curveto
+231.515 221.75136 233.24677 221.19147 235.33011 221.19144 curveto
+236.86655 221.19147 238.21421 221.50397 239.37308 222.12894 curveto
+240.53192 222.74094 241.48895 223.63287 242.24417 224.80472 curveto
+242.99936 225.9636 243.59181 227.38287 244.02151 229.06253 curveto
+244.45118 230.72922 244.66603 232.98182 244.66605 235.82034 curveto
+244.66603 239.17973 244.32097 241.89457 243.63089 243.96487 curveto
+242.94077 246.02217 241.90561 247.61722 240.52542 248.75003 curveto
+239.15822 249.86982 237.42645 250.42972 235.33011 250.42972 curveto
+232.56968 250.42972 230.40172 249.44014 228.8262 247.46097 curveto
+226.93818 245.07816 225.99417 241.19796 225.99417 235.82034 curveto
+229.60745 235.82034 moveto
+229.60745 240.52087 230.15432 243.65238 231.24808 245.21487 curveto
+232.35484 246.76436 233.71552 247.5391 235.33011 247.53909 curveto
+236.94468 247.5391 238.29884 246.75785 239.39261 245.19534 curveto
+240.49936 243.63285 241.05275 240.50785 241.05276 235.82034 curveto
+241.05275 231.10682 240.49936 227.97531 239.39261 226.42581 curveto
+238.29884 224.87636 236.93166 224.10162 235.29105 224.10159 curveto
+233.67645 224.10162 232.38739 224.78521 231.42386 226.15237 curveto
+230.21292 227.89719 229.60745 231.11984 229.60745 235.82034 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+261.50198 249.94144 moveto
+257.98636 249.94144 lineto
+257.98636 227.53909 lineto
+257.13999 228.34641 256.02671 229.1537 254.64651 229.96097 curveto
+253.27932 230.76828 252.04885 231.37375 250.95511 231.77737 curveto
+250.95511 228.37894 lineto
+252.92125 227.45448 254.64 226.33469 256.11136 225.01956 curveto
+257.5827 223.70448 258.62437 222.42844 259.23636 221.19144 curveto
+261.50198 221.19144 lineto
+261.50198 249.94144 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+272.49808 249.94144 moveto
+272.49808 245.93753 lineto
+276.50198 245.93753 lineto
+276.50198 249.94144 lineto
+272.49808 249.94144 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+283.59183 249.94144 moveto
+283.59183 245.93753 lineto
+287.59573 245.93753 lineto
+287.59573 249.94144 lineto
+283.59183 249.94144 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+294.68558 249.94144 moveto
+294.68558 245.93753 lineto
+298.68948 245.93753 lineto
+298.68948 249.94144 lineto
+294.68558 249.94144 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+121.65237 307.50879 moveto
+121.65237 304.12339 121.99742 301.40204 122.68753 299.34473 curveto
+123.39065 297.27444 124.42581 295.67939 125.793 294.55957 curveto
+127.1732 293.43981 128.90497 292.87991 130.98831 292.87988 curveto
+132.52476 292.87991 133.87241 293.19241 135.03128 293.81738 curveto
+136.19012 294.42939 137.14715 295.32132 137.90237 296.49316 curveto
+138.65756 297.65204 139.25001 299.07131 139.67972 300.75098 curveto
+140.10939 302.41766 140.32423 304.67026 140.32425 307.50879 curveto
+140.32423 310.86817 139.97918 313.58302 139.28909 315.65332 curveto
+138.59897 317.71062 137.56382 319.30567 136.18362 320.43848 curveto
+134.81642 321.55827 133.08465 322.11816 130.98831 322.11816 curveto
+128.22789 322.11816 126.05992 321.12858 124.48441 319.14941 curveto
+122.59638 316.76661 121.65237 312.8864 121.65237 307.50879 curveto
+125.26566 307.50879 moveto
+125.26565 312.20932 125.81252 315.34083 126.90628 316.90332 curveto
+128.01304 318.4528 129.37372 319.22754 130.98831 319.22754 curveto
+132.60288 319.22754 133.95705 318.44629 135.05081 316.88379 curveto
+136.15757 315.3213 136.71095 312.1963 136.71097 307.50879 curveto
+136.71095 302.79527 136.15757 299.66376 135.05081 298.11426 curveto
+133.95705 296.5648 132.58986 295.79006 130.94925 295.79004 curveto
+129.33466 295.79006 128.0456 296.47366 127.08206 297.84082 curveto
+125.87112 299.58563 125.26565 302.80829 125.26566 307.50879 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+157.16019 321.62988 moveto
+153.64456 321.62988 lineto
+153.64456 299.22754 lineto
+152.7982 300.03485 151.68492 300.84214 150.30472 301.64941 curveto
+148.93752 302.45672 147.70706 303.06219 146.61331 303.46582 curveto
+146.61331 300.06738 lineto
+148.57945 299.14293 150.2982 298.02314 151.76956 296.70801 curveto
+153.2409 295.39293 154.28257 294.11689 154.89456 292.87988 curveto
+157.16019 292.87988 lineto
+157.16019 321.62988 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+176.45706 321.62988 moveto
+172.94144 321.62988 lineto
+172.94144 299.22754 lineto
+172.09507 300.03485 170.98179 300.84214 169.60159 301.64941 curveto
+168.2344 302.45672 167.00393 303.06219 165.91019 303.46582 curveto
+165.91019 300.06738 lineto
+167.87633 299.14293 169.59507 298.02314 171.06644 296.70801 curveto
+172.53778 295.39293 173.57945 294.11689 174.19144 292.87988 curveto
+176.45706 292.87988 lineto
+176.45706 321.62988 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+185.4805 307.50879 moveto
+185.4805 304.12339 185.82555 301.40204 186.51566 299.34473 curveto
+187.21878 297.27444 188.25393 295.67939 189.62112 294.55957 curveto
+191.00133 293.43981 192.73309 292.87991 194.81644 292.87988 curveto
+196.35288 292.87991 197.70054 293.19241 198.85941 293.81738 curveto
+200.01824 294.42939 200.97527 295.32132 201.7305 296.49316 curveto
+202.48569 297.65204 203.07814 299.07131 203.50784 300.75098 curveto
+203.93751 302.41766 204.15235 304.67026 204.15237 307.50879 curveto
+204.15235 310.86817 203.8073 313.58302 203.11722 315.65332 curveto
+202.4271 317.71062 201.39194 319.30567 200.01175 320.43848 curveto
+198.64455 321.55827 196.91278 322.11816 194.81644 322.11816 curveto
+192.05601 322.11816 189.88805 321.12858 188.31253 319.14941 curveto
+186.42451 316.76661 185.4805 312.8864 185.4805 307.50879 curveto
+189.09378 307.50879 moveto
+189.09378 312.20932 189.64065 315.34083 190.73441 316.90332 curveto
+191.84117 318.4528 193.20184 319.22754 194.81644 319.22754 curveto
+196.43101 319.22754 197.78517 318.44629 198.87894 316.88379 curveto
+199.98569 315.3213 200.53908 312.1963 200.53909 307.50879 curveto
+200.53908 302.79527 199.98569 299.66376 198.87894 298.11426 curveto
+197.78517 296.5648 196.41799 295.79006 194.77737 295.79004 curveto
+193.16278 295.79006 191.87372 296.47366 190.91019 297.84082 curveto
+189.69924 299.58563 189.09378 302.80829 189.09378 307.50879 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+220.98831 321.62988 moveto
+217.47269 321.62988 lineto
+217.47269 299.22754 lineto
+216.62632 300.03485 215.51304 300.84214 214.13284 301.64941 curveto
+212.76565 302.45672 211.53518 303.06219 210.44144 303.46582 curveto
+210.44144 300.06738 lineto
+212.40758 299.14293 214.12632 298.02314 215.59769 296.70801 curveto
+217.06903 295.39293 218.1107 294.11689 218.72269 292.87988 curveto
+220.98831 292.87988 lineto
+220.98831 321.62988 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+231.98441 321.62988 moveto
+231.98441 317.62598 lineto
+235.98831 317.62598 lineto
+235.98831 321.62988 lineto
+231.98441 321.62988 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+243.07816 321.62988 moveto
+243.07816 317.62598 lineto
+247.08206 317.62598 lineto
+247.08206 321.62988 lineto
+243.07816 321.62988 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+254.17191 321.62988 moveto
+254.17191 317.62598 lineto
+258.17581 317.62598 lineto
+258.17581 321.62988 lineto
+254.17191 321.62988 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+81.728485 379.30902 moveto
+81.728483 375.92362 82.073535 373.20227 82.763641 371.14496 curveto
+83.466763 369.07467 84.501918 367.47962 85.86911 366.3598 curveto
+87.249311 365.24004 88.98108 364.68014 91.064423 364.68011 curveto
+92.600868 364.68014 93.948523 364.99264 95.107391 365.61761 curveto
+96.266229 366.22962 97.22326 367.12155 97.978485 368.2934 curveto
+98.733675 369.45227 99.326122 370.87154 99.755829 372.55121 curveto
+100.1855 374.21789 100.40034 376.4705 100.40036 379.30902 curveto
+100.40034 382.66841 100.05529 385.38325 99.365204 387.45355 curveto
+98.675081 389.51085 97.639926 391.1059 96.259735 392.23871 curveto
+94.892533 393.3585 93.160764 393.9184 91.064423 393.9184 curveto
+88.303998 393.9184 86.136031 392.92881 84.560516 390.94965 curveto
+82.672493 388.56684 81.728483 384.68663 81.728485 379.30902 curveto
+85.341766 379.30902 moveto
+85.341761 384.00955 85.888636 387.14106 86.982391 388.70355 curveto
+88.089154 390.25303 89.44983 391.02777 91.064423 391.02777 curveto
+92.678993 391.02777 94.033159 390.24652 95.126923 388.68402 curveto
+96.233677 387.12153 96.787062 383.99653 96.787079 379.30902 curveto
+96.787062 374.5955 96.233677 371.46399 95.126923 369.91449 curveto
+94.033159 368.36504 92.665973 367.5903 91.02536 367.59027 curveto
+89.410767 367.5903 88.121706 368.27389 87.158173 369.64105 curveto
+85.947229 371.38587 85.341761 374.60852 85.341766 379.30902 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+117.2363 393.43011 moveto
+113.72067 393.43011 lineto
+113.72067 371.02777 lineto
+112.87431 371.83508 111.76103 372.64238 110.38083 373.44965 curveto
+109.01363 374.25696 107.78317 374.86242 106.68942 375.26605 curveto
+106.68942 371.86761 lineto
+108.65556 370.94316 110.37431 369.82337 111.84567 368.50824 curveto
+113.31702 367.19316 114.35868 365.91712 114.97067 364.68011 curveto
+117.2363 364.68011 lineto
+117.2363 393.43011 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+136.53317 393.43011 moveto
+133.01755 393.43011 lineto
+133.01755 371.02777 lineto
+132.17118 371.83508 131.0579 372.64238 129.6777 373.44965 curveto
+128.31051 374.25696 127.08004 374.86242 125.9863 375.26605 curveto
+125.9863 371.86761 lineto
+127.95244 370.94316 129.67119 369.82337 131.14255 368.50824 curveto
+132.61389 367.19316 133.65556 365.91712 134.26755 364.68011 curveto
+136.53317 364.68011 lineto
+136.53317 393.43011 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+145.55661 379.30902 moveto
+145.55661 375.92362 145.90166 373.20227 146.59177 371.14496 curveto
+147.29489 369.07467 148.33004 367.47962 149.69724 366.3598 curveto
+151.07744 365.24004 152.80921 364.68014 154.89255 364.68011 curveto
+156.42899 364.68014 157.77665 364.99264 158.93552 365.61761 curveto
+160.09435 366.22962 161.05138 367.12155 161.80661 368.2934 curveto
+162.5618 369.45227 163.15425 370.87154 163.58395 372.55121 curveto
+164.01362 374.21789 164.22846 376.4705 164.22849 379.30902 curveto
+164.22846 382.66841 163.88341 385.38325 163.19333 387.45355 curveto
+162.50321 389.51085 161.46805 391.1059 160.08786 392.23871 curveto
+158.72066 393.3585 156.98889 393.9184 154.89255 393.9184 curveto
+152.13212 393.9184 149.96416 392.92881 148.38864 390.94965 curveto
+146.50062 388.56684 145.55661 384.68663 145.55661 379.30902 curveto
+149.16989 379.30902 moveto
+149.16989 384.00955 149.71676 387.14106 150.81052 388.70355 curveto
+151.91728 390.25303 153.27795 391.02777 154.89255 391.02777 curveto
+156.50712 391.02777 157.86128 390.24652 158.95505 388.68402 curveto
+160.0618 387.12153 160.61519 383.99653 160.6152 379.30902 curveto
+160.61519 374.5955 160.0618 371.46399 158.95505 369.91449 curveto
+157.86128 368.36504 156.4941 367.5903 154.85349 367.59027 curveto
+153.23889 367.5903 151.94983 368.27389 150.9863 369.64105 curveto
+149.77535 371.38587 149.16989 374.60852 149.16989 379.30902 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+181.06442 393.43011 moveto
+177.5488 393.43011 lineto
+177.5488 371.02777 lineto
+176.70243 371.83508 175.58915 372.64238 174.20895 373.44965 curveto
+172.84176 374.25696 171.61129 374.86242 170.51755 375.26605 curveto
+170.51755 371.86761 lineto
+172.48369 370.94316 174.20244 369.82337 175.6738 368.50824 curveto
+177.14514 367.19316 178.18681 365.91712 178.7988 364.68011 curveto
+181.06442 364.68011 lineto
+181.06442 393.43011 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+192.06052 393.43011 moveto
+192.06052 389.42621 lineto
+196.06442 389.42621 lineto
+196.06442 393.43011 lineto
+192.06052 393.43011 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+203.15427 393.43011 moveto
+203.15427 389.42621 lineto
+207.15817 389.42621 lineto
+207.15817 393.43011 lineto
+203.15427 393.43011 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+214.24802 393.43011 moveto
+214.24802 389.42621 lineto
+218.25192 389.42621 lineto
+218.25192 393.43011 lineto
+214.24802 393.43011 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+597.50568 173.157 moveto
+596.3468 174.44606 595.08378 175.41611 593.71661 176.06715 curveto
+592.34941 176.70517 590.87155 177.02418 589.28302 177.02419 curveto
+586.35332 177.02418 584.02911 176.0346 582.31036 174.05544 curveto
+580.91713 172.44086 580.22052 170.63747 580.22052 168.64528 curveto
+580.22052 166.87446 580.78692 165.2794 581.91974 163.86012 curveto
+583.06557 162.42785 584.7713 161.17134 587.03693 160.09059 curveto
+585.74786 158.60623 584.88848 157.40181 584.4588 156.47731 curveto
+584.02911 155.55285 583.81426 154.66093 583.81427 153.80153 curveto
+583.81426 152.0828 584.48484 150.59192 585.82599 149.32887 curveto
+587.18015 148.05286 588.87936 147.41484 590.92365 147.41481 curveto
+592.87676 147.41484 594.47181 148.0138 595.7088 149.21169 curveto
+596.95878 150.40963 597.58378 151.84843 597.5838 153.52809 curveto
+597.58378 156.24947 595.7804 158.57368 592.17365 160.50075 curveto
+597.31036 167.04372 lineto
+597.89628 165.89789 598.35201 164.56977 598.67755 163.05934 curveto
+602.3299 163.84059 lineto
+601.70487 166.3406 600.85852 168.39789 599.79083 170.01247 curveto
+601.10591 171.75726 602.5968 173.22211 604.26349 174.407 curveto
+601.90021 177.19997 lineto
+600.48091 176.28851 599.01607 174.94085 597.50568 173.157 curveto
+590.35724 158.23512 moveto
+591.88066 157.3367 592.86373 156.54894 593.30646 155.87184 curveto
+593.76217 155.19478 593.99004 154.44608 593.99005 153.62575 curveto
+593.99004 152.64921 593.67754 151.85494 593.05255 151.24294 curveto
+592.44056 150.61796 591.67233 150.30546 590.74786 150.30544 curveto
+589.79733 150.30546 589.00306 150.61145 588.36505 151.2234 curveto
+587.74004 151.83541 587.42754 152.5841 587.42755 153.4695 curveto
+587.42754 153.91223 587.53822 154.38098 587.75958 154.87575 curveto
+587.99395 155.35754 588.339 155.87186 588.79474 156.41872 curveto
+590.35724 158.23512 lineto
+595.29865 170.38356 moveto
+588.85333 162.39528 lineto
+586.95228 163.5281 585.66973 164.58279 585.00568 165.55934 curveto
+584.34161 166.52289 584.00958 167.47992 584.00958 168.43044 curveto
+584.00958 169.5893 584.47182 170.79372 585.3963 172.04372 curveto
+586.32077 173.29372 587.62937 173.91872 589.32208 173.91872 curveto
+590.37676 173.91872 591.464 173.5932 592.5838 172.94215 curveto
+593.7166 172.2781 594.62155 171.42523 595.29865 170.38356 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+597.50616 245.73271 moveto
+596.34729 247.02178 595.08427 247.99183 593.7171 248.64287 curveto
+592.3499 249.28089 590.87204 249.5999 589.28351 249.5999 curveto
+586.35381 249.5999 584.0296 248.61032 582.31085 246.63115 curveto
+580.91762 245.01657 580.22101 243.21319 580.22101 241.22099 curveto
+580.22101 239.45017 580.78741 237.85512 581.92023 236.43584 curveto
+583.06606 235.00356 584.77178 233.74705 587.03741 232.66631 curveto
+585.74834 231.18195 584.88897 229.97752 584.45929 229.05302 curveto
+584.0296 228.12857 583.81475 227.23664 583.81476 226.37724 curveto
+583.81475 224.65852 584.48533 223.16763 585.82648 221.90459 curveto
+587.18064 220.62857 588.87985 219.99055 590.92413 219.99052 curveto
+592.87724 219.99055 594.47229 220.58951 595.70929 221.7874 curveto
+596.95927 222.98534 597.58427 224.42414 597.58429 226.10381 curveto
+597.58427 228.82518 595.78089 231.1494 592.17413 233.07646 curveto
+597.31085 239.61943 lineto
+597.89677 238.47361 598.3525 237.14548 598.67804 235.63506 curveto
+602.33038 236.41631 lineto
+601.70536 238.91632 600.85901 240.97361 599.79132 242.58818 curveto
+601.1064 244.33298 602.59729 245.79782 604.26398 246.98271 curveto
+601.9007 249.77568 lineto
+600.4814 248.86422 599.01656 247.51657 597.50616 245.73271 curveto
+590.35773 230.81084 moveto
+591.88115 229.91242 592.86422 229.12466 593.30695 228.44756 curveto
+593.76266 227.77049 593.99052 227.0218 593.99054 226.20146 curveto
+593.99052 225.22492 593.67802 224.43065 593.05304 223.81865 curveto
+592.44105 223.19368 591.67282 222.88118 590.74835 222.88115 curveto
+589.79782 222.88118 589.00355 223.18716 588.36554 223.79912 curveto
+587.74053 224.41112 587.42803 225.15982 587.42804 226.04521 curveto
+587.42803 226.48794 587.53871 226.95669 587.76007 227.45146 curveto
+587.99444 227.93325 588.33949 228.44758 588.79523 228.99443 curveto
+590.35773 230.81084 lineto
+595.29913 242.95927 moveto
+588.85382 234.97099 lineto
+586.95277 236.10382 585.67022 237.1585 585.00616 238.13506 curveto
+584.3421 239.09861 584.01007 240.05564 584.01007 241.00615 curveto
+584.01007 242.16501 584.4723 243.36944 585.39679 244.61943 curveto
+586.32126 245.86943 587.62985 246.49443 589.32257 246.49443 curveto
+590.37725 246.49443 591.46448 246.16891 592.58429 245.51787 curveto
+593.71709 244.85381 594.62203 244.00095 595.29913 242.95927 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+597.50616 318.9408 moveto
+596.34729 320.22986 595.08427 321.19991 593.7171 321.85095 curveto
+592.3499 322.48897 590.87204 322.80798 589.28351 322.80798 curveto
+586.35381 322.80798 584.0296 321.8184 582.31085 319.83923 curveto
+580.91762 318.22465 580.22101 316.42127 580.22101 314.42908 curveto
+580.22101 312.65825 580.78741 311.0632 581.92023 309.64392 curveto
+583.06606 308.21164 584.77178 306.95513 587.03741 305.87439 curveto
+585.74834 304.39003 584.88897 303.18561 584.45929 302.26111 curveto
+584.0296 301.33665 583.81475 300.44472 583.81476 299.58533 curveto
+583.81475 297.8666 584.48533 296.37572 585.82648 295.11267 curveto
+587.18064 293.83666 588.87985 293.19864 590.92413 293.19861 curveto
+592.87724 293.19864 594.47229 293.7976 595.70929 294.99548 curveto
+596.95927 296.19343 597.58427 297.63223 597.58429 299.31189 curveto
+597.58427 302.03326 595.78089 304.35748 592.17413 306.28455 curveto
+597.31085 312.82751 lineto
+597.89677 311.68169 598.3525 310.35357 598.67804 308.84314 curveto
+602.33038 309.62439 lineto
+601.70536 312.1244 600.85901 314.18169 599.79132 315.79626 curveto
+601.1064 317.54106 602.59729 319.0059 604.26398 320.1908 curveto
+601.9007 322.98376 lineto
+600.4814 322.07231 599.01656 320.72465 597.50616 318.9408 curveto
+590.35773 304.01892 moveto
+591.88115 303.1205 592.86422 302.33274 593.30695 301.65564 curveto
+593.76266 300.97858 593.99052 300.22988 593.99054 299.40955 curveto
+593.99052 298.43301 593.67802 297.63874 593.05304 297.02673 curveto
+592.44105 296.40176 591.67282 296.08926 590.74835 296.08923 curveto
+589.79782 296.08926 589.00355 296.39525 588.36554 297.0072 curveto
+587.74053 297.61921 587.42803 298.3679 587.42804 299.2533 curveto
+587.42803 299.69603 587.53871 300.16478 587.76007 300.65955 curveto
+587.99444 301.14134 588.33949 301.65566 588.79523 302.20251 curveto
+590.35773 304.01892 lineto
+595.29913 316.16736 moveto
+588.85382 308.17908 lineto
+586.95277 309.3119 585.67022 310.36659 585.00616 311.34314 curveto
+584.3421 312.30669 584.01007 313.26372 584.01007 314.21423 curveto
+584.01007 315.37309 584.4723 316.57752 585.39679 317.82751 curveto
+586.32126 319.07752 587.62985 319.70252 589.32257 319.70251 curveto
+590.37725 319.70252 591.46448 319.377 592.58429 318.72595 curveto
+593.71709 318.06189 594.62203 317.20903 595.29913 316.16736 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+597.50616 394.37241 moveto
+596.34729 395.66147 595.08427 396.63152 593.7171 397.28256 curveto
+592.3499 397.92058 590.87204 398.23959 589.28351 398.23959 curveto
+586.35381 398.23959 584.0296 397.25001 582.31085 395.27084 curveto
+580.91762 393.65626 580.22101 391.85288 580.22101 389.86069 curveto
+580.22101 388.08986 580.78741 386.49481 581.92023 385.07553 curveto
+583.06606 383.64325 584.77178 382.38674 587.03741 381.306 curveto
+585.74834 379.82164 584.88897 378.61722 584.45929 377.69272 curveto
+584.0296 376.76826 583.81475 375.87633 583.81476 375.01694 curveto
+583.81475 373.29821 584.48533 371.80733 585.82648 370.54428 curveto
+587.18064 369.26827 588.87985 368.63025 590.92413 368.63022 curveto
+592.87724 368.63025 594.47229 369.22921 595.70929 370.42709 curveto
+596.95927 371.62504 597.58427 373.06384 597.58429 374.7435 curveto
+597.58427 377.46487 595.78089 379.78909 592.17413 381.71616 curveto
+597.31085 388.25912 lineto
+597.89677 387.1133 598.3525 385.78518 598.67804 384.27475 curveto
+602.33038 385.056 lineto
+601.70536 387.55601 600.85901 389.6133 599.79132 391.22787 curveto
+601.1064 392.97267 602.59729 394.43751 604.26398 395.62241 curveto
+601.9007 398.41537 lineto
+600.4814 397.50392 599.01656 396.15626 597.50616 394.37241 curveto
+590.35773 379.45053 moveto
+591.88115 378.55211 592.86422 377.76435 593.30695 377.08725 curveto
+593.76266 376.41019 593.99052 375.66149 593.99054 374.84116 curveto
+593.99052 373.86462 593.67802 373.07035 593.05304 372.45834 curveto
+592.44105 371.83337 591.67282 371.52087 590.74835 371.52084 curveto
+589.79782 371.52087 589.00355 371.82686 588.36554 372.43881 curveto
+587.74053 373.05082 587.42803 373.79951 587.42804 374.68491 curveto
+587.42803 375.12764 587.53871 375.59639 587.76007 376.09116 curveto
+587.99444 376.57295 588.33949 377.08727 588.79523 377.63412 curveto
+590.35773 379.45053 lineto
+595.29913 391.59897 moveto
+588.85382 383.61069 lineto
+586.95277 384.74351 585.67022 385.7982 585.00616 386.77475 curveto
+584.3421 387.7383 584.01007 388.69533 584.01007 389.64584 curveto
+584.01007 390.8047 584.4723 392.00913 585.39679 393.25912 curveto
+586.32126 394.50913 587.62985 395.13413 589.32257 395.13412 curveto
+590.37725 395.13413 591.46448 394.80861 592.58429 394.15756 curveto
+593.71709 393.4935 594.62203 392.64064 595.29913 391.59897 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+661.7417 177.20018 moveto
+658.22607 177.20018 lineto
+658.22607 154.79784 lineto
+657.37971 155.60515 656.26643 156.41244 654.88623 157.21971 curveto
+653.51904 158.02702 652.28857 158.63249 651.19482 159.03612 curveto
+651.19482 155.63768 lineto
+653.16096 154.71322 654.87971 153.59343 656.35107 152.27831 curveto
+657.82242 150.96323 658.86408 149.68719 659.47607 148.45018 curveto
+661.7417 148.45018 lineto
+661.7417 177.20018 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+651.19501 235.1658 moveto
+651.19501 231.7804 651.54006 229.05905 652.23016 227.00174 curveto
+652.93329 224.93145 653.96844 223.3364 655.33563 222.21658 curveto
+656.71583 221.09682 658.4476 220.53692 660.53094 220.5369 curveto
+662.06739 220.53692 663.41505 220.84942 664.57391 221.4744 curveto
+665.73275 222.0864 666.68978 222.97833 667.44501 224.15018 curveto
+668.2002 225.30906 668.79264 226.72832 669.22235 228.40799 curveto
+669.65202 230.07468 669.86686 232.32728 669.86688 235.1658 curveto
+669.86686 238.52519 669.52181 241.24003 668.83173 243.31033 curveto
+668.1416 245.36763 667.10645 246.96268 665.72626 248.09549 curveto
+664.35906 249.21528 662.62729 249.77518 660.53094 249.77518 curveto
+657.77052 249.77518 655.60255 248.78559 654.02704 246.80643 curveto
+652.13902 244.42362 651.19501 240.54341 651.19501 235.1658 curveto
+654.80829 235.1658 moveto
+654.80828 239.86633 655.35516 242.99784 656.44891 244.56033 curveto
+657.55568 246.10982 658.91635 246.88455 660.53094 246.88455 curveto
+662.14552 246.88455 663.49968 246.10331 664.59344 244.5408 curveto
+665.7002 242.97831 666.25358 239.85331 666.2536 235.1658 curveto
+666.25358 230.45228 665.7002 227.32077 664.59344 225.77127 curveto
+663.49968 224.22182 662.13249 223.44708 660.49188 223.44705 curveto
+658.87729 223.44708 657.58823 224.13067 656.62469 225.49783 curveto
+655.41375 227.24265 654.80828 230.4653 654.80829 235.1658 curveto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+661.74188 322.98419 moveto
+658.22626 322.98419 lineto
+658.22626 300.58185 lineto
+657.37989 301.38916 656.26661 302.19645 654.88641 303.00372 curveto
+653.51922 303.81103 652.28875 304.4165 651.19501 304.82013 curveto
+651.19501 301.42169 lineto
+653.16115 300.49724 654.8799 299.37744 656.35126 298.06232 curveto
+657.8226 296.74724 658.86427 295.4712 659.47626 294.23419 curveto
+661.74188 294.23419 lineto
+661.74188 322.98419 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+661.74188 398.41519 moveto
+658.22626 398.41519 lineto
+658.22626 376.01285 lineto
+657.37989 376.82016 656.26661 377.62745 654.88641 378.43472 curveto
+653.51922 379.24203 652.28875 379.8475 651.19501 380.25113 curveto
+651.19501 376.85269 lineto
+653.16115 375.92823 654.8799 374.80844 656.35126 373.49332 curveto
+657.8226 372.17824 658.86427 370.9022 659.47626 369.66519 curveto
+661.74188 369.66519 lineto
+661.74188 398.41519 lineto
+gsave [1 0 0 1 323.06728 12.070246] concat
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+323.47266 107.22937 moveto
+322.92578 102.60828 lineto
+324.0013 102.89994 324.9401 103.04577 325.74219 103.04578 curveto
+326.83593 103.04577 327.71093 102.86348 328.36719 102.49891 curveto
+329.02343 102.13432 329.56119 101.6239 329.98047 100.96766 curveto
+330.29035 100.47546 330.79166 99.25411 331.48438 97.303593 curveto
+331.57551 97.030154 331.72134 96.629113 331.92188 96.100468 curveto
+320.90234 67.006718 lineto
+326.20703 67.006718 lineto
+332.25 83.823124 lineto
+333.03384 85.955947 333.73566 88.198132 334.35547 90.549687 curveto
+334.92056 88.289278 335.59504 86.083551 336.37891 83.932499 curveto
+342.58594 67.006718 lineto
+347.50781 67.006718 lineto
+336.46094 96.537968 lineto
+335.27603 99.728068 334.35545 101.92468 333.69922 103.12781 curveto
+332.82421 104.7502 331.8216 105.93509 330.69141 106.6825 curveto
+329.56119 107.44811 328.21223 107.83092 326.64453 107.83094 curveto
+325.69661 107.83092 324.63932 107.6304 323.47266 107.22937 curveto
+gsave [1.2196249 0 0 0.8199242 0 0] concat
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+200.6788 527.5722 moveto
+200.6788 524.2893 lineto
+203.9617 524.2893 lineto
+203.9617 527.5722 lineto
+200.6788 527.5722 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+200.6788 568.56842 moveto
+200.6788 565.28552 lineto
+203.9617 565.28552 lineto
+203.9617 568.56842 lineto
+200.6788 568.56842 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+200.6788 609.56463 moveto
+200.6788 606.28173 lineto
+203.9617 606.28173 lineto
+203.9617 609.56463 lineto
+200.6788 609.56463 lineto
+gsave [1.2196249 0 0 0.8199242 0 0] concat
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+539.93444 530.01196 moveto
+539.93444 526.72906 lineto
+543.21734 526.72906 lineto
+543.21734 530.01196 lineto
+539.93444 530.01196 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+539.93444 571.00818 moveto
+539.93444 567.72528 lineto
+543.21734 567.72528 lineto
+543.21734 571.00818 lineto
+539.93444 571.00818 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+539.93444 612.00439 moveto
+539.93444 608.72149 lineto
+543.21734 608.72149 lineto
+543.21734 612.00439 lineto
+539.93444 612.00439 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+[] 0 setdash
+1 setlinewidth
+0 setlinejoin
+0 setlinecap
+51.126908 526.18109 moveto
+570.91714 526.18109 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+90.018723 555.13086 moveto
+88.977044 556.01628 87.971837 556.64128 87.003098 557.00586 curveto
+86.044755 557.37044 85.013506 557.55273 83.909348 557.55273 curveto
+82.086426 557.55273 80.685386 557.11003 79.706223 556.22461 curveto
+78.727054 555.32878 78.237471 554.18815 78.237473 552.80273 curveto
+78.237471 551.99024 78.419763 551.25066 78.784348 550.58398 curveto
+79.159345 549.90691 79.64372 549.36524 80.237473 548.95898 curveto
+80.841635 548.55274 81.518718 548.24545 82.268723 548.03711 curveto
+82.8208 547.89129 83.654133 547.75066 84.768723 547.61523 curveto
+87.039546 547.34441 88.711419 547.02149 89.784348 546.64648 curveto
+89.794751 546.26108 89.79996 546.01629 89.799973 545.91211 curveto
+89.79996 544.76629 89.534335 543.959 89.003098 543.49023 curveto
+88.284336 542.85483 87.216629 542.53712 85.799973 542.53711 curveto
+84.477048 542.53712 83.497883 542.7715 82.862473 543.24023 curveto
+82.237467 543.69858 81.773926 544.51629 81.471848 545.69336 curveto
+78.721848 545.31836 lineto
+78.971846 544.14129 79.383304 543.19337 79.956223 542.47461 curveto
+80.529136 541.74546 81.35726 541.18817 82.440598 540.80273 curveto
+83.523924 540.40692 84.779132 540.209 86.206223 540.20898 curveto
+87.622879 540.209 88.773919 540.37567 89.659348 540.70898 curveto
+90.544751 541.04233 91.195792 541.46421 91.612473 541.97461 curveto
+92.029124 542.47462 92.320791 543.11004 92.487473 543.88086 curveto
+92.581207 544.36004 92.628082 545.22462 92.628098 546.47461 curveto
+92.628098 550.22461 lineto
+92.628082 552.8392 92.685374 554.49545 92.799973 555.19336 curveto
+92.924957 555.88086 93.16454 556.54232 93.518723 557.17773 curveto
+90.581223 557.17773 lineto
+90.289543 556.5944 90.102043 555.91211 90.018723 555.13086 curveto
+89.784348 548.84961 moveto
+88.763503 549.26628 87.232254 549.62045 85.190598 549.91211 curveto
+84.034341 550.07878 83.216633 550.26628 82.737473 550.47461 curveto
+82.258301 550.68295 81.888509 550.99024 81.628098 551.39648 curveto
+81.367677 551.79232 81.237468 552.23503 81.237473 552.72461 curveto
+81.237468 553.47461 81.518718 554.09961 82.081223 554.59961 curveto
+82.654134 555.09961 83.487466 555.34961 84.581223 555.34961 curveto
+85.664547 555.34961 86.628088 555.11524 87.471848 554.64648 curveto
+88.315586 554.16732 88.935377 553.51628 89.331223 552.69336 curveto
+89.633293 552.05795 89.784335 551.12045 89.784348 549.88086 curveto
+89.784348 548.84961 lineto
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+104.7531 552.22461 moveto
+107.53435 551.78711 lineto
+107.69059 552.9017 108.12288 553.75586 108.83122 554.34961 curveto
+109.54997 554.94336 110.54997 555.24024 111.83122 555.24023 curveto
+113.12288 555.24024 114.08121 554.97982 114.70622 554.45898 curveto
+115.33121 553.92774 115.64371 553.30795 115.64372 552.59961 curveto
+115.64371 551.9642 115.36767 551.4642 114.8156 551.09961 curveto
+114.43017 550.84962 113.47184 550.53191 111.9406 550.14648 curveto
+109.87809 549.62566 108.4458 549.17774 107.64372 548.80273 curveto
+106.85205 548.41733 106.24789 547.89129 105.83122 547.22461 curveto
+105.42497 546.54754 105.22185 545.80275 105.22185 544.99023 curveto
+105.22185 544.25066 105.38851 543.56837 105.72185 542.94336 curveto
+106.0656 542.30796 106.52914 541.78192 107.11247 541.36523 curveto
+107.54997 541.04233 108.14372 540.7715 108.89372 540.55273 curveto
+109.65413 540.32358 110.46663 540.209 111.33122 540.20898 curveto
+112.6333 540.209 113.77392 540.3965 114.7531 540.77148 curveto
+115.74267 541.1465 116.47183 541.65692 116.9406 542.30273 curveto
+117.40933 542.93817 117.73225 543.79233 117.90935 544.86523 curveto
+115.15935 545.24023 lineto
+115.03434 544.38608 114.66975 543.71941 114.0656 543.24023 curveto
+113.47184 542.76108 112.62809 542.5215 111.53435 542.52148 curveto
+110.24267 542.5215 109.3208 542.73504 108.76872 543.16211 curveto
+108.21663 543.58921 107.94059 544.08921 107.9406 544.66211 curveto
+107.94059 545.0267 108.05518 545.35483 108.28435 545.64648 curveto
+108.51351 545.94858 108.87288 546.19858 109.36247 546.39648 curveto
+109.64372 546.50066 110.47184 546.74024 111.84685 547.11523 curveto
+113.83642 547.64649 115.22184 548.08399 116.0031 548.42773 curveto
+116.79475 548.76108 117.41454 549.25066 117.86247 549.89648 curveto
+118.31037 550.54232 118.53433 551.34441 118.53435 552.30273 curveto
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-96.266229 366.22962 97.22326 367.12155 97.978485 368.2934 curveto
-98.733675 369.45227 99.326122 370.87154 99.755829 372.55121 curveto
-100.1855 374.21789 100.40034 376.4705 100.40036 379.30902 curveto
-100.40034 382.66841 100.05529 385.38325 99.365204 387.45355 curveto
-98.675081 389.51085 97.639926 391.1059 96.259735 392.23871 curveto
-94.892533 393.3585 93.160764 393.9184 91.064423 393.9184 curveto
-88.303998 393.9184 86.136031 392.92881 84.560516 390.94965 curveto
-82.672493 388.56684 81.728483 384.68663 81.728485 379.30902 curveto
-85.341766 379.30902 moveto
-85.341761 384.00955 85.888636 387.14106 86.982391 388.70355 curveto
-88.089154 390.25303 89.44983 391.02777 91.064423 391.02777 curveto
-92.678993 391.02777 94.033159 390.24652 95.126923 388.68402 curveto
-96.233677 387.12153 96.787062 383.99653 96.787079 379.30902 curveto
-96.787062 374.5955 96.233677 371.46399 95.126923 369.91449 curveto
-94.033159 368.36504 92.665973 367.5903 91.02536 367.59027 curveto
-89.410767 367.5903 88.121706 368.27389 87.158173 369.64105 curveto
-85.947229 371.38587 85.341761 374.60852 85.341766 379.30902 curveto
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-117.2363 393.43011 moveto
-113.72067 393.43011 lineto
-113.72067 371.02777 lineto
-112.87431 371.83508 111.76103 372.64238 110.38083 373.44965 curveto
-109.01363 374.25696 107.78317 374.86242 106.68942 375.26605 curveto
-106.68942 371.86761 lineto
-108.65556 370.94316 110.37431 369.82337 111.84567 368.50824 curveto
-113.31702 367.19316 114.35868 365.91712 114.97067 364.68011 curveto
-117.2363 364.68011 lineto
-117.2363 393.43011 lineto
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-136.53317 393.43011 moveto
-133.01755 393.43011 lineto
-133.01755 371.02777 lineto
-132.17118 371.83508 131.0579 372.64238 129.6777 373.44965 curveto
-128.31051 374.25696 127.08004 374.86242 125.9863 375.26605 curveto
-125.9863 371.86761 lineto
-127.95244 370.94316 129.67119 369.82337 131.14255 368.50824 curveto
-132.61389 367.19316 133.65556 365.91712 134.26755 364.68011 curveto
-136.53317 364.68011 lineto
-136.53317 393.43011 lineto
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-145.55661 379.30902 moveto
-145.55661 375.92362 145.90166 373.20227 146.59177 371.14496 curveto
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-151.07744 365.24004 152.80921 364.68014 154.89255 364.68011 curveto
-156.42899 364.68014 157.77665 364.99264 158.93552 365.61761 curveto
-160.09435 366.22962 161.05138 367.12155 161.80661 368.2934 curveto
-162.5618 369.45227 163.15425 370.87154 163.58395 372.55121 curveto
-164.01362 374.21789 164.22846 376.4705 164.22849 379.30902 curveto
-164.22846 382.66841 163.88341 385.38325 163.19333 387.45355 curveto
-162.50321 389.51085 161.46805 391.1059 160.08786 392.23871 curveto
-158.72066 393.3585 156.98889 393.9184 154.89255 393.9184 curveto
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-146.50062 388.56684 145.55661 384.68663 145.55661 379.30902 curveto
-149.16989 379.30902 moveto
-149.16989 384.00955 149.71676 387.14106 150.81052 388.70355 curveto
-151.91728 390.25303 153.27795 391.02777 154.89255 391.02777 curveto
-156.50712 391.02777 157.86128 390.24652 158.95505 388.68402 curveto
-160.0618 387.12153 160.61519 383.99653 160.6152 379.30902 curveto
-160.61519 374.5955 160.0618 371.46399 158.95505 369.91449 curveto
-157.86128 368.36504 156.4941 367.5903 154.85349 367.59027 curveto
-153.23889 367.5903 151.94983 368.27389 150.9863 369.64105 curveto
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-177.5488 393.43011 lineto
-177.5488 371.02777 lineto
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-172.84176 374.25696 171.61129 374.86242 170.51755 375.26605 curveto
-170.51755 371.86761 lineto
-172.48369 370.94316 174.20244 369.82337 175.6738 368.50824 curveto
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-181.06442 393.43011 lineto
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-192.06052 389.42621 lineto
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-203.15427 389.42621 lineto
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-207.15817 393.43011 lineto
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-214.24802 393.43011 moveto
-214.24802 389.42621 lineto
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-218.25192 393.43011 lineto
-214.24802 393.43011 lineto
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-596.3468 174.44606 595.08378 175.41611 593.71661 176.06715 curveto
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-586.35332 177.02418 584.02911 176.0346 582.31036 174.05544 curveto
-580.91713 172.44086 580.22052 170.63747 580.22052 168.64528 curveto
-580.22052 166.87446 580.78692 165.2794 581.91974 163.86012 curveto
-583.06557 162.42785 584.7713 161.17134 587.03693 160.09059 curveto
-585.74786 158.60623 584.88848 157.40181 584.4588 156.47731 curveto
-584.02911 155.55285 583.81426 154.66093 583.81427 153.80153 curveto
-583.81426 152.0828 584.48484 150.59192 585.82599 149.32887 curveto
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-592.87676 147.41484 594.47181 148.0138 595.7088 149.21169 curveto
-596.95878 150.40963 597.58378 151.84843 597.5838 153.52809 curveto
-597.58378 156.24947 595.7804 158.57368 592.17365 160.50075 curveto
-597.31036 167.04372 lineto
-597.89628 165.89789 598.35201 164.56977 598.67755 163.05934 curveto
-602.3299 163.84059 lineto
-601.70487 166.3406 600.85852 168.39789 599.79083 170.01247 curveto
-601.10591 171.75726 602.5968 173.22211 604.26349 174.407 curveto
-601.90021 177.19997 lineto
-600.48091 176.28851 599.01607 174.94085 597.50568 173.157 curveto
-590.35724 158.23512 moveto
-591.88066 157.3367 592.86373 156.54894 593.30646 155.87184 curveto
-593.76217 155.19478 593.99004 154.44608 593.99005 153.62575 curveto
-593.99004 152.64921 593.67754 151.85494 593.05255 151.24294 curveto
-592.44056 150.61796 591.67233 150.30546 590.74786 150.30544 curveto
-589.79733 150.30546 589.00306 150.61145 588.36505 151.2234 curveto
-587.74004 151.83541 587.42754 152.5841 587.42755 153.4695 curveto
-587.42754 153.91223 587.53822 154.38098 587.75958 154.87575 curveto
-587.99395 155.35754 588.339 155.87186 588.79474 156.41872 curveto
-590.35724 158.23512 lineto
-595.29865 170.38356 moveto
-588.85333 162.39528 lineto
-586.95228 163.5281 585.66973 164.58279 585.00568 165.55934 curveto
-584.34161 166.52289 584.00958 167.47992 584.00958 168.43044 curveto
-584.00958 169.5893 584.47182 170.79372 585.3963 172.04372 curveto
-586.32077 173.29372 587.62937 173.91872 589.32208 173.91872 curveto
-590.37676 173.91872 591.464 173.5932 592.5838 172.94215 curveto
-593.7166 172.2781 594.62155 171.42523 595.29865 170.38356 curveto
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-597.50616 245.73271 moveto
-596.34729 247.02178 595.08427 247.99183 593.7171 248.64287 curveto
-592.3499 249.28089 590.87204 249.5999 589.28351 249.5999 curveto
-586.35381 249.5999 584.0296 248.61032 582.31085 246.63115 curveto
-580.91762 245.01657 580.22101 243.21319 580.22101 241.22099 curveto
-580.22101 239.45017 580.78741 237.85512 581.92023 236.43584 curveto
-583.06606 235.00356 584.77178 233.74705 587.03741 232.66631 curveto
-585.74834 231.18195 584.88897 229.97752 584.45929 229.05302 curveto
-584.0296 228.12857 583.81475 227.23664 583.81476 226.37724 curveto
-583.81475 224.65852 584.48533 223.16763 585.82648 221.90459 curveto
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-592.87724 219.99055 594.47229 220.58951 595.70929 221.7874 curveto
-596.95927 222.98534 597.58427 224.42414 597.58429 226.10381 curveto
-597.58427 228.82518 595.78089 231.1494 592.17413 233.07646 curveto
-597.31085 239.61943 lineto
-597.89677 238.47361 598.3525 237.14548 598.67804 235.63506 curveto
-602.33038 236.41631 lineto
-601.70536 238.91632 600.85901 240.97361 599.79132 242.58818 curveto
-601.1064 244.33298 602.59729 245.79782 604.26398 246.98271 curveto
-601.9007 249.77568 lineto
-600.4814 248.86422 599.01656 247.51657 597.50616 245.73271 curveto
-590.35773 230.81084 moveto
-591.88115 229.91242 592.86422 229.12466 593.30695 228.44756 curveto
-593.76266 227.77049 593.99052 227.0218 593.99054 226.20146 curveto
-593.99052 225.22492 593.67802 224.43065 593.05304 223.81865 curveto
-592.44105 223.19368 591.67282 222.88118 590.74835 222.88115 curveto
-589.79782 222.88118 589.00355 223.18716 588.36554 223.79912 curveto
-587.74053 224.41112 587.42803 225.15982 587.42804 226.04521 curveto
-587.42803 226.48794 587.53871 226.95669 587.76007 227.45146 curveto
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-590.35773 230.81084 lineto
-595.29913 242.95927 moveto
-588.85382 234.97099 lineto
-586.95277 236.10382 585.67022 237.1585 585.00616 238.13506 curveto
-584.3421 239.09861 584.01007 240.05564 584.01007 241.00615 curveto
-584.01007 242.16501 584.4723 243.36944 585.39679 244.61943 curveto
-586.32126 245.86943 587.62985 246.49443 589.32257 246.49443 curveto
-590.37725 246.49443 591.46448 246.16891 592.58429 245.51787 curveto
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-597.50616 318.9408 moveto
-596.34729 320.22986 595.08427 321.19991 593.7171 321.85095 curveto
-592.3499 322.48897 590.87204 322.80798 589.28351 322.80798 curveto
-586.35381 322.80798 584.0296 321.8184 582.31085 319.83923 curveto
-580.91762 318.22465 580.22101 316.42127 580.22101 314.42908 curveto
-580.22101 312.65825 580.78741 311.0632 581.92023 309.64392 curveto
-583.06606 308.21164 584.77178 306.95513 587.03741 305.87439 curveto
-585.74834 304.39003 584.88897 303.18561 584.45929 302.26111 curveto
-584.0296 301.33665 583.81475 300.44472 583.81476 299.58533 curveto
-583.81475 297.8666 584.48533 296.37572 585.82648 295.11267 curveto
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-592.87724 293.19864 594.47229 293.7976 595.70929 294.99548 curveto
-596.95927 296.19343 597.58427 297.63223 597.58429 299.31189 curveto
-597.58427 302.03326 595.78089 304.35748 592.17413 306.28455 curveto
-597.31085 312.82751 lineto
-597.89677 311.68169 598.3525 310.35357 598.67804 308.84314 curveto
-602.33038 309.62439 lineto
-601.70536 312.1244 600.85901 314.18169 599.79132 315.79626 curveto
-601.1064 317.54106 602.59729 319.0059 604.26398 320.1908 curveto
-601.9007 322.98376 lineto
-600.4814 322.07231 599.01656 320.72465 597.50616 318.9408 curveto
-590.35773 304.01892 moveto
-591.88115 303.1205 592.86422 302.33274 593.30695 301.65564 curveto
-593.76266 300.97858 593.99052 300.22988 593.99054 299.40955 curveto
-593.99052 298.43301 593.67802 297.63874 593.05304 297.02673 curveto
-592.44105 296.40176 591.67282 296.08926 590.74835 296.08923 curveto
-589.79782 296.08926 589.00355 296.39525 588.36554 297.0072 curveto
-587.74053 297.61921 587.42803 298.3679 587.42804 299.2533 curveto
-587.42803 299.69603 587.53871 300.16478 587.76007 300.65955 curveto
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-590.35773 304.01892 lineto
-595.29913 316.16736 moveto
-588.85382 308.17908 lineto
-586.95277 309.3119 585.67022 310.36659 585.00616 311.34314 curveto
-584.3421 312.30669 584.01007 313.26372 584.01007 314.21423 curveto
-584.01007 315.37309 584.4723 316.57752 585.39679 317.82751 curveto
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-597.50616 394.37241 moveto
-596.34729 395.66147 595.08427 396.63152 593.7171 397.28256 curveto
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-586.35381 398.23959 584.0296 397.25001 582.31085 395.27084 curveto
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-580.22101 388.08986 580.78741 386.49481 581.92023 385.07553 curveto
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-592.87724 368.63025 594.47229 369.22921 595.70929 370.42709 curveto
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-597.58427 377.46487 595.78089 379.78909 592.17413 381.71616 curveto
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-601.70536 387.55601 600.85901 389.6133 599.79132 391.22787 curveto
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-601.9007 398.41537 lineto
-600.4814 397.50392 599.01656 396.15626 597.50616 394.37241 curveto
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-591.88115 378.55211 592.86422 377.76435 593.30695 377.08725 curveto
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-587.42803 375.12764 587.53871 375.59639 587.76007 376.09116 curveto
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-653.16115 300.49724 654.8799 299.37744 656.35126 298.06232 curveto
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-661.74188 398.41519 lineto
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