from the root, we get $\O(m+n)=\O(m)$.
+\paran{High probability}%
There is also a~high-probability version of the above theorem. According to
Karger, Klein and Tarjan \cite{karger:randomized}, the time complexity
of the algorithm is $\O(m)$ with probability $1-\exp(-\Omega(m))$. The proof
again follows the recursion tree and it involves applying the Chernoff bound
\cite{chernoff} to bound the tail probabilities.
+\paran{Different sampling}%
We could also use a~slightly different formulation of the sampling lemma
suggested by Chan \cite{chan:backward}. It changes the selection of the subgraph~$H$
to choosing an~$mp$-edge subset of~$E(G)$ uniformly at random. The proof is then
the Karger's original version, because generating a~random subset of a~given size
requires an~unbounded number of random bits in the worst case.
+\paran{On the Pointer Machine}%
The only place where we needed the power of the RAM is finding the heavy edges,
so we can employ the pointer-machine verification algorithm mentioned in \ref{pmverify}
to bring the results of this section to the~PM.
number = {2},
pages = {247--255},
+ author = {Ka Wong Chong and Yijie Han and Tak Wah Lam},
+ title = {Concurrent threads and optimal parallel minimum spanning trees algorithm},
+ journal = {Journal of the ACM},
+ volume = {48},
+ number = {2},
+ year = {2001},
+ issn = {0004-5411},
+ pages = {297--323},
+ doi = {},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ address = {New York, NY, USA},
\section{Soft heaps}
+A~vast majority of MST algorithms that we have encountered so far is based on
+the Tarjan's Blue rule (Lemma \ref{bluelemma}). The rule serves to identify
+edges that belong to the MST, while all other edges are left in the process. This
+unfortunately means that the later stages of computation spend most of
+their time on these useless edges. A~notable exception is the randomized
+algorithm of Karger, Klein and Tarjan. It adds an~important ingredient: it uses
+Red rule (Lemma \ref{redlemma}) to filter out edges that are guaranteed to stay
+outside the MST, so that the graphs with which the algorithm works get smaller
+with time.
Recently, Chazelle \cite{chazelle:ackermann} and Pettie \cite{pettie:ackermann}
-have presented algorithms for the MST with worst-case time complexity
+have presented new deterministic algorithms for the MST which are also based
+on the combination of both rules. They have reached worst-case time complexity
$\O(m\timesalpha(m,n))$ on the Pointer Machine. We will devote this chapter to their results
-and especially to another algorithm by Pettie and Ramachandran \cite{pettie:optimal},
+and especially to another algorithm by Pettie and Ramachandran \cite{pettie:optimal}
which is provably optimal.
At the very heart of all these algorithms lies the \df{soft heap} discovered by