--- /dev/null
+ * Sherlock Library -- Main Loop
+ *
+ * (c) 2004 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+ * of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ */
+#include "lib/lib.h"
+#include "lib/mainloop.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/poll.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+sh_time_t now;
+uns main_shutdown;
+static clist main_timer_list, main_file_list, main_hook_list, main_process_list;
+static uns main_file_cnt;
+static uns main_poll_table_obsolete, main_poll_table_size;
+static struct pollfd *main_poll_table;
+static uns main_sigchld_set_up;
+ DBG("MAIN: Initializing");
+ clist_init(&main_timer_list);
+ clist_init(&main_file_list);
+ clist_init(&main_hook_list);
+ clist_init(&main_process_list);
+ now = time(NULL);
+timer_add(struct main_timer *tm, sh_time_t expires)
+ if (tm->expires)
+ clist_remove(&tm->n);
+ tm->expires = expires;
+ if (expires)
+ {
+ cnode *t = main_timer_list.head.next;
+ while (t != &main_timer_list.head && ((struct main_timer *) t)->expires < expires)
+ t = t->next;
+ clist_insert_before(&tm->n, t);
+ }
+timer_del(struct main_timer *tm)
+ timer_add(tm, 0);
+static void
+file_timer_expired(struct main_timer *tm)
+ struct main_file *fi = tm->data;
+ timer_del(&fi->timer);
+ if (fi->error_handler)
+ fi->error_handler(fi, MFERR_TIMEOUT);
+file_add(struct main_file *fi)
+ ASSERT(!fi->n.next);
+ clist_add_tail(&main_file_list, &fi->n);
+ fi->timer.handler = file_timer_expired;
+ fi->timer.data = fi;
+ main_file_cnt++;
+ main_poll_table_obsolete = 1;
+ if (fcntl(fi->fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0)
+ log(L_ERROR, "Error setting fd %d to non-blocking mode: %m. Keep fingers crossed.", fi->fd);
+file_chg(struct main_file *fi)
+ struct pollfd *p = fi->pollfd;
+ if (p)
+ {
+ p->events = 0;
+ if (fi->read_handler)
+ p->events |= POLLIN | POLLHUP | POLLERR;
+ if (fi->write_handler)
+ p->events |= POLLOUT | POLLERR;
+ }
+file_del(struct main_file *fi)
+ ASSERT(fi->n.next);
+ timer_del(&fi->timer);
+ clist_remove(&fi->n);
+ main_file_cnt--;
+ main_poll_table_obsolete = 1;
+ fi->n.next = fi->n.prev = NULL;
+static int
+file_read_handler(struct main_file *fi)
+ while (fi->rpos < fi->rlen)
+ {
+ int l = read(fi->fd, fi->rbuf + fi->rpos, fi->rlen - fi->rpos);
+ DBG("MAIN: FD %d: read %d", fi->fd, l);
+ if (l < 0)
+ {
+ if (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN && fi->error_handler)
+ fi->error_handler(fi, MFERR_READ);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (!l)
+ break;
+ fi->rpos += l;
+ }
+ DBG("MAIN: FD %d done read %d of %d", fi->fd, fi->rpos, fi->rlen);
+ fi->read_handler = NULL;
+ file_chg(fi);
+ fi->read_done(fi);
+ return 1;
+static int
+file_write_handler(struct main_file *fi)
+ while (fi->wpos < fi->wlen)
+ {
+ int l = write(fi->fd, fi->wbuf + fi->wpos, fi->wlen - fi->wpos);
+ DBG("MAIN: FD %d: write %d", fi->fd, l);
+ if (l < 0)
+ {
+ if (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN && fi->error_handler)
+ fi->error_handler(fi, MFERR_WRITE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fi->wpos += l;
+ }
+ DBG("MAIN: FD %d done write %d", fi->fd, fi->wpos);
+ fi->write_handler = NULL;
+ file_chg(fi);
+ fi->write_done(fi);
+ return 1;
+file_read(struct main_file *fi, byte *buf, uns len)
+ ASSERT(fi->n.next);
+ if (len)
+ {
+ fi->read_handler = file_read_handler;
+ fi->rbuf = buf;
+ fi->rpos = 0;
+ fi->rlen = len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fi->read_handler = NULL;
+ fi->rbuf = NULL;
+ fi->rpos = fi->rlen = 0;
+ }
+ file_chg(fi);
+file_write(struct main_file *fi, byte *buf, uns len)
+ ASSERT(fi->n.next);
+ if (len)
+ {
+ fi->write_handler = file_write_handler;
+ fi->wbuf = buf;
+ fi->wpos = 0;
+ fi->wlen = len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fi->write_handler = NULL;
+ fi->wbuf = NULL;
+ fi->wpos = fi->wlen = 0;
+ }
+ file_chg(fi);
+file_set_timeout(struct main_file *fi, sh_time_t expires)
+ ASSERT(fi->n.next);
+ timer_add(&fi->timer, expires);
+hook_add(struct main_hook *ho)
+ ASSERT(!ho->n.next);
+ clist_add_tail(&main_hook_list, &ho->n);
+hook_del(struct main_hook *ho)
+ ASSERT(ho->n.next);
+ clist_remove(&ho->n);
+ ho->n.next = ho->n.prev = NULL;
+static void
+main_sigchld_handler(int x UNUSED)
+ DBG("SIGCHLD received");
+process_add(struct main_process *mp)
+ ASSERT(!mp->n.next);
+ clist_add_tail(&main_process_list, &mp->n);
+ if (!main_sigchld_set_up)
+ {
+ struct sigaction sa;
+ bzero(&sa, sizeof(sa));
+ sa.sa_handler = main_sigchld_handler;
+ sa.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP | SA_RESTART;
+ sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL);
+ main_sigchld_set_up = 1;
+ }
+process_del(struct main_process *mp)
+ ASSERT(mp->n.next);
+ clist_remove(&mp->n);
+ mp->pid = 0;
+ mp->n.next = NULL;
+process_fork(struct main_process *mp)
+ pid_t pid = fork();
+ if (pid < 0)
+ return -1;
+ else if (!pid)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ {
+ DBG("MAIN: Forked process %d", (int) pid);
+ mp->pid = pid;
+ process_add(mp);
+ return 1;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ log(L_DEBUG, "### Main loop status on %d", (int)now);
+ log(L_DEBUG, "\tActive timers:");
+ struct main_timer *tm;
+ CLIST_WALK(tm, main_timer_list)
+ log(L_DEBUG, "\t\t%p (expires %d, data %p)", tm, (int)tm->expires, tm->data);
+ struct main_file *fi;
+ log(L_DEBUG, "\tActive files:");
+ CLIST_WALK(fi, main_file_list)
+ log(L_DEBUG, "\t\t%p (fd %d, rh %p, wh %p, eh %p, expires %d, data %p)",
+ fi, fi->fd, fi->read_handler, fi->write_handler, fi->error_handler, fi->timer.expires, fi->data);
+ log(L_DEBUG, "\tActive hooks:");
+ struct main_hook *ho;
+ CLIST_WALK(ho, main_hook_list)
+ log(L_DEBUG, "\t\t%p (func %p, data %p)", ho, ho->handler, ho->data);
+ log(L_DEBUG, "\tActive processes:");
+ struct main_process *pr;
+ CLIST_WALK(pr, main_process_list)
+ log(L_DEBUG, "\t\t%p (pid %d, data %p)", pr, pr->pid, pr->data);
+static void
+ struct main_file *fi;
+ if (main_poll_table_size < main_file_cnt)
+ {
+ if (main_poll_table)
+ xfree(main_poll_table);
+ else
+ main_poll_table_size = 1;
+ while (main_poll_table_size < main_file_cnt)
+ main_poll_table_size *= 2;
+ main_poll_table = xmalloc(sizeof(struct pollfd) * main_poll_table_size);
+ }
+ struct pollfd *p = main_poll_table;
+ DBG("MAIN: Rebuliding poll table: %d of %d entries set", main_file_cnt, main_poll_table_size);
+ CLIST_WALK(fi, main_file_list)
+ {
+ p->fd = fi->fd;
+ fi->pollfd = p++;
+ file_chg(fi);
+ }
+ main_poll_table_obsolete = 0;
+ DBG("MAIN: Entering main_loop");
+ ASSERT(main_timer_list.head.next);
+ struct main_file *fi;
+ struct main_hook *ho;
+ struct main_timer *tm;
+ struct main_process *pr;
+ cnode *tmp;
+ while (!main_shutdown)
+ {
+ now = time(NULL);
+ sh_time_t wake = now + 60;
+ while ((tm = clist_head(&main_timer_list)) && tm->expires <= now)
+ {
+ DBG("MAIN: Timer %p expired", tm);
+ tm->handler(tm);
+ }
+ CLIST_WALK_DELSAFE(ho, main_hook_list, tmp)
+ {
+ DBG("MAIN: Hook %p", ho);
+ if (ho->handler(ho))
+ wake = 0;
+ }
+ if (main_poll_table_obsolete)
+ main_rebuild_poll_table();
+ if (!clist_empty(&main_process_list))
+ {
+ int stat;
+ pid_t pid;
+ while ((pid = waitpid(-1, &stat, WNOHANG)) > 0)
+ {
+ DBG("MAIN: Child %d exited with status %x", pid, stat);
+ CLIST_WALK(pr, main_process_list)
+ if (pr->pid == pid)
+ {
+ pr->status = stat;
+ process_del(pr);
+ DBG("MAIN: Calling process exit handler");
+ pr->handler(pr);
+ break;
+ }
+ wake = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* FIXME: Here is a small race window where SIGCHLD can come unnoticed. */
+ if ((tm = clist_head(&main_timer_list)) && tm->expires < wake)
+ wake = tm->expires;
+ int timeout = (wake ? (wake - now) * 1000 : 0);
+ DBG("MAIN: Poll for %d fds and timeout %d ms", main_file_cnt, timeout);
+ if (poll(main_poll_table, main_file_cnt, timeout))
+ {
+ struct pollfd *p = main_poll_table;
+ now = time(NULL);
+ CLIST_WALK(fi, main_file_list)
+ {
+ if (p->revents & (POLLIN | POLLHUP | POLLERR))
+ {
+ do
+ DBG("MAIN: Read event on fd %d", p->fd);
+ while (fi->read_handler && fi->read_handler(fi) && !main_poll_table_obsolete);
+ if (main_poll_table_obsolete) /* File entries have been inserted or deleted => better not risk continuing to nowhere */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (p->revents & (POLLOUT | POLLERR))
+ {
+ do
+ DBG("MAIN: Write event on fd %d", p->fd);
+ while (fi->write_handler && fi->write_handler(fi) && !main_poll_table_obsolete);
+ if (main_poll_table_obsolete)
+ break;
+ }
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef TEST
+static struct main_process mp;
+static struct main_file fin, fout;
+static struct main_hook hook;
+static struct main_timer tm;
+static byte rb[16];
+static void dread(struct main_file *fi)
+ if (fi->rpos < fi->rlen)
+ {
+ log(L_INFO, "Read EOF");
+ file_del(fi);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ log(L_INFO, "Read done");
+ file_read(fi, rb, sizeof(rb));
+ }
+static void derror(struct main_file *fi, int cause)
+ log(L_INFO, "Error: %m !!! (cause %d)", cause);
+ file_del(fi);
+static void dwrite(struct main_file *fi UNUSED)
+ log(L_INFO, "Write done");
+static int dhook(struct main_hook *ho UNUSED)
+ log(L_INFO, "Hook called");
+ return 0;
+static void dtimer(struct main_timer *tm)
+ log(L_INFO, "Timer tick");
+ timer_add(tm, now + 10);
+static void dentry(struct main_process *pr UNUSED)
+ log(L_INFO, "*** SUBPROCESS START ***");
+ sleep(2);
+ log(L_INFO, "*** SUBPROCESS FINISH ***");
+static void dexit(struct main_process *pr)
+ log(L_INFO, "Subprocess %d exited with status %x", pr->pid, pr->status);
+ log_init(NULL);
+ main_init();
+ fin.fd = 0;
+ fin.read_done = dread;
+ fin.error_handler = derror;
+ file_add(&fin);
+ file_read(&fin, rb, sizeof(rb));
+ fout.fd = 1;
+ fout.write_done = dwrite;
+ fout.error_handler = derror;
+ file_add(&fout);
+ file_write(&fout, "Hello, world!\n", 14);
+ hook.handler = dhook;
+ hook_add(&hook);
+ tm.handler = dtimer;
+ timer_add(&tm, now + 1);
+ mp.handler = dexit;
+ if (!process_fork(&mp))
+ dentry();
+ main_debug();
+ main_loop();
+ log(L_INFO, "Finished.");
--- /dev/null
+ * Sherlock Library -- Main Loop
+ *
+ * (c) 2004 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+ * of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ */
+#include "lib/clists.h"
+extern sh_time_t now; /* Current time */
+extern uns main_shutdown;
+/* User-defined fields are marked with [*], all other fields must be initialized to zero. */
+/* Timers */
+struct main_timer {
+ cnode n;
+ sh_time_t expires;
+ void (*handler)(struct main_timer *tm); /* [*] Function to be called when the timer expires. Must re-add/del the timer.*/
+ void *data; /* [*] Data for use by the handler */
+void timer_add(struct main_timer *tm, sh_time_t expires); /* Can modify a running timer, too */
+void timer_del(struct main_timer *tm);
+/* Files to poll */
+struct main_file {
+ cnode n;
+ int fd; /* [*] File descriptor */
+ int (*read_handler)(struct main_file *fi); /* [*] To be called when ready for reading/writing; must call file_chg() afterwards */
+ int (*write_handler)(struct main_file *fi);
+ void (*error_handler)(struct main_file *fi, int cause); /* [*] Handler to call on errors */
+ void *data; /* [*] Data for use by the handlers */
+ byte *rbuf; /* Read/write pointers for use by file_read/write */
+ uns rpos, rlen;
+ byte *wbuf;
+ uns wpos, wlen;
+ void (*read_done)(struct main_file *fi); /* [*] Called when file_read is finished; rpos < rlen if EOF */
+ void (*write_done)(struct main_file *fi); /* [*] Called when file_write is finished */
+ struct main_timer timer;
+ struct pollfd *pollfd;
+enum main_file_err_cause {
+void file_add(struct main_file *fi);
+void file_chg(struct main_file *fi);
+void file_del(struct main_file *fi);
+void file_read(struct main_file *fi, byte *buf, uns len);
+void file_write(struct main_file *fi, byte *buf, uns len);
+void file_set_timeout(struct main_file *fi, sh_time_t expires);
+/* Hooks to be called in each iteration of the main loop */
+struct main_hook {
+ cnode n;
+ int (*handler)(struct main_hook *ho); /* [*] Hook function; returns 1 if should be called again */
+ void *data; /* [*] For use by the handler */
+void hook_add(struct main_hook *ho);
+void hook_del(struct main_hook *ho);
+/* Processes to watch */
+struct main_process {
+ cnode n;
+ int pid;
+ int status; /* Exit status */
+ void (*handler)(struct main_process *mp); /* [*] Called when the process exits; process_del done automatically */
+ void *data; /* [*] For use by the handler */
+void process_add(struct main_process *mp);
+void process_del(struct main_process *mp);
+int process_fork(struct main_process *mp);
+/* The main loop */
+void main_init(void);
+void main_loop(void);
+void main_debug(void);