- cite Eisner's tutorial \cite{eisner:tutorial}
- \cite{pettie:onlineverify} online lower bound
- mention matroids
-- mention disconnected graphs
+- move the remark on disconnected graphs? separate section?
- Some algorithms (most notably Fredman-Tarjan) do not need flattening
- reference to mixed Boruvka-Jarnik
- use the notation for contraction by a set
- parallel algorithms: p243-cole (are there others?)
- bounded expansion classes?
- restricted cases and arborescences
-- mention randomized algorithms (see remarks in Karger)
+- mention parallel algorithms (see remarks in Karger)
\def\paran#1{\para {\sl #1:}}
several important theorems to base the algorithms upon. We will follow the theory
developed by Tarjan in~\cite{tarjan:dsna}.
-For the whole section, we will fix a graph~$G$ with edge weights~$w$ and all
+For the whole section, we will fix a~connected graph~$G$ with edge weights~$w$ and all
other graphs will be spanning subgraphs of~$G$. We will use the same notation
for the subgraphs as for the corresponding sets of edges.
edges as every $H_{a,k}$ contains a complete graph on~$a$ vertices.
+\remn{Disconnected graphs}
+The basic properties of minimum spanning trees and the algorithms presented in
+this chapter apply to minimum spanning forests of disconnected graphs, too.
+The proofs of our theorems and the steps of our algorithms are based on adjacency
+of vertices and existence of paths, so they are always local to a~single
+connected component. The Bor\o{u}vka's and Kruskal's algorithm need no changes,
+the Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm has to be invoked separately for each component.