- the general perspective: is it only a technical trick?
-- def. of ranking: do we need to write \prec explicitly?
- move description of the ranking set to the chapter on models?
- ranking of permutations on general sets, relationship with integer sorting
\n{$\bxor$}{bitwise non-equivalence: $(x\bxor y)[i]=1$ iff $x[i]\ne y[i]$}
\n{$x \shl n$}{bitwise shift of~$x$ by $n$~positions to the left: $x\shl n = x\cdot 2^n$}
\n{$x \shr n$}{bitwise shift of~$x$ by $n$~positions to the right: $x\shr n = \lfloor x/2^n \rfloor$}
-\n{$\prec$}{an~arbitrary linear order}
\n{$R_{C,\prec}(x)$}{the rank of~$x$ in a~set~$C$ ordered by~$\prec$ \[rankdef]}
\n{$R^{-1}_{C,\prec}(i)$}{the unrank of~$i$: the $i$-th smallest element of a~set~$C$ ordered by~$\prec$ \[rankdef]}
\n{$[n]$}{the set $\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ \[pranksect]}