%%% TODO items: remove before submitting :)
-% Parts marked as SPECIMEN are used for building the example PDF.
-% When the official template is generated by ./mkdist, all such parts
-% are deleted, as well as all calls of \X and \XXX macros.
-\def\XXX#1{\par\smallskip\noindent \textcolor{red}{[#1]}}
-\def\XOverlap#1{\dimen0=\prevdepth\nointerlineskip{\vbox to 0pt{\XXX{#1}\vss}}\prevdepth=\dimen0}
% Thesis title in English (exactly as in the formal assignment)
% (Note: \xxx is a "ToDo label" which makes the unfilled visible. Remove it.)
-\def\ThesisTitle{\xxx{Thesis title} \X{as in the formal assignment}}
+\def\ThesisTitle{\xxx{Thesis title}}
% Author of the thesis (you)
\def\ThesisAuthor{\xxx{Name Surname}}
% Name of the department or institute, where the work was officially assigned
% (according to the Organizational Structure of MFF UK in English,
% or a full name of a department outside MFF)
-\def\Department{\xxx{Name of the department} \X{as per Organizational Structure of MFF UK in English}}
+\def\Department{\xxx{Name of the department}}
% Is it a department (katedra), or an institute (ústav)?
% Thesis supervisor: name, surname and titles
-\def\Supervisor{\xxx{Supername Supersurname} \X{+titles}}
+\def\Supervisor{\xxx{Supername Supersurname}}
% Supervisor's department (again according to Organizational structure of MFF)
% consultant, who provided you with tea and pizza, etc.)
-\X{You can thank whomever you wish (your supervisor, consultant, who provided you with tea and pizza, etc.)}
% Abstract (recommended length around 80-200 words; this is not a copy of your thesis assignment!)
words, but try to fit into 120. Abstracts are often used for deciding if
a reviewer will be suitable for the thesis; a well-written abstract thus
increases the probability of getting a reviewer who will like the thesis.}
-\X{This is not a~copy of your thesis assignment!}
% 3 to 5 keywords (recommended) separated by \sep
% Keywords are useful for indexing and searching for the theses by topic.
\xxx{keyword\sep key phrase}
-\X{usually 3 to~5 key words or phrases}
% If any of your metadata strings contains TeX macros, you need to provide
% (in English programs, this is not used anywhere)
\def\ThesisTitleCS{\xxx{Název práce česky}}
-\def\DepartmentCS{\xxx{Název katedry česky} \X{podle oficiální organizační struktury MFF UK}}
+\def\DepartmentCS{\xxx{Název katedry česky}}
\def\SupervisorsDepartmentCS{\xxx{katedra vedoucího}}
\def\StudyProgrammeCS{\xxx{studijní program}}
%%% Figures used in the thesis (consider if this is needed)
%%% Tables used in the thesis (consider if this is needed)
%%% In mathematical theses, it could be better to move the list of tables to the beginning of the thesis.
-\XXX{Optional. In mathematical theses, it could be better to move the list of tables to the beginning of the thesis.}
%%% Abbreviations used in the thesis, if any, including their explanation
%%% In mathematical theses, it could be better to move the list of abbreviations to the beginning of the thesis.
\chapwithtoc{List of Abbreviations}
-\XXX{Optional. In mathematical theses, it could be better to move the list of abbreviations to the beginning of the thesis.}
%%% Doctoral theses must contain a list of author's publications
\chapwithtoc{List of publications}
-\XXX{Doctoral theses must contain a list of author's publications.}
%%% Attachments to the thesis, if any. Each attachment must be referred to
%%% Allowed file formats are specified in provision of the rector no. 72/2017.
-\XXX{Attachments to the thesis, if any. Each attachment must be referred to at least once from the text of the thesis. Attachments are numbered.}
-\XXX{The printed version should preferably contain attachments, which can be read (additional tables and charts, supplementary text, examples of program output, etc.). The electronic version is more suited for attachments which will likely be used in an electronic form rather than read (program source code, data files, interactive charts, etc.). Electronic attachments should be uploaded to SIS and optionally also included in the thesis on a~CD/DVD. Allowed file formats are specified in provision of the rector no. 72/2017.}
\section{First Attachment}