--- /dev/null
+import types, itertools
+import logging as log
+# ALL in unicode
+c_tree_sep = u'.'
+c_comment = u'\n'
+c_open = u'{'
+c_close = u'}'
+c_if = u'if'
+c_maxdepth = 42
+c_pprint_indent = 2
+class ConfigError(Exception):
+ pass
+# WARNING: Currently, only appending to a variable results in undefined
+class ConfigTree(object):
+ """
+ Configuration subtree (namespace). Contains subtrees and variables.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, tree):
+ """
+ Create configuration subtree `name` under `tree`.
+ Use `name=None` and `tree=None` for the root tree.
+ """
+ # Name of the tree
+ self.name = name
+ # Parent tree
+ self.tree = tree
+ # Elements of this tree (variables and subtrees)
+ self.elements = {}
+ # Full name with separators (None for root tree)
+ if self.tree and self.tree.fullname:
+ self.fullname = self.tree.fullname + c_tree_sep + self.name
+ else:
+ self.fullname = self.name
+ if self.tree:
+ self.tree.add(self.name, self)
+ def add(self, name, element):
+ "Add an element (subtree or a variable)."
+ if self.elements.has_key(name):
+ raise ConfigError('Element %s already present in tree %s'%(name, self.fullname))
+ self.elements[name] = element
+ def remove(self, name):
+ "Remove an element (subtree or a variable)."
+ self.elements.pop(name)
+ def pprint(self, indent=0):
+ """
+ Pretty printing of the tree.
+ Returns list of lines (strings).
+ """
+ if self.name:
+ s = [u'%*sSubtree %s'%(indent, u'', self.name)]
+ else:
+ s = [u'%*sRoot tree'%(indent, u'')]
+ for e in sorted(self.elements.values()):
+ s.extend(e.pprint(indent + c_pprint_indent))
+ return s
+class ConfigElem(object):
+ """
+ Base class for cahed config elements - variables and conditions
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, tree):
+ # Name in the subtree, for conditions the defining text
+ self.name = name
+ # Parent tree
+ self.tree = tree
+ # Full name with separators (only informative for conditions)
+ if self.tree.fullname:
+ self.fullname = self.tree.fullname + c_tree_sep + self.name
+ else:
+ self.fullname = self.name
+ # Vars and conditions depending on value of this one
+ self.dependants = set([])
+ # Cached value (may be None in case of evaluation error)
+ self.cached = False
+ self.cached_val = None
+ def depth_check(self, depth):
+ """
+ Helper to check for recursion depth.
+ """
+ if depth > c_maxdepth:
+ raise ConfigError('Too deep recursion in config evaluation (cyclic substitution?)')
+ def invalidate(self, depth=0):
+ """
+ Invalidate cached data and invalidate all dependants.
+ Does nothing if not cached.
+ """
+ self.depth_check(depth)
+ if self.cached:
+ log.debug('invalidating %r', self.fullname)
+ self.cached = False
+ for d in self.dependants:
+ d.invalidate(depth + 1)
+ def evaluate(self, depth=0):
+ """
+ Cached interface for get_value(), returns a value or throws an exception.
+ """
+ self.depth_check(depth)
+ if not self.cached:
+ self.cached_val = self.get_value(depth+1)
+ self.cached = True
+ if self.cached_val == None:
+ raise ConfigError("Unable to evaluate %r."%(self.fullname,))
+ return self.cached_val
+ def get_value(self, depth=0):
+ raise ConfigError('get_value() not implemented')
+class ConfigEqCondition(ConfigElem):
+ "Simple (in)equality condition"
+ def __init__(self, name, tree, parent_cond, ex1, ex2, equality=True):
+ super(ConfigVar, self).__init__(name, tree)
+ # Tuple of two compared expressions
+ self.expressions = (ex1, ex2)
+ # If true, test for equality, otherwise inequality
+ self.equality = equality
+ # Parent condition in the configuration tree (or None)
+ self.parent_cond = parent_cond
+ # Setup dependencies on used variables (not on the parent condition)
+ for e in self.expressions:
+ for v in e.variables():
+ v.dependants.add(self)
+ def remove_dependencies(self):
+ "Remove self as dependant from all dependencies"
+ for e in self.expressions:
+ for v in e.variables():
+ v.dependants.remove(self)
+ def get_value(self, depth=0):
+ "Evaluate the condition (not cached)"
+ v = (ex1.evaluate(depth+1) == ex2.evaluate(depth+1))
+ if self.equality:
+ return v
+ return not v
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name
+class ConfigVar(ConfigElem):
+ def __init__(self, name, tree):
+ super(ConfigVar, self).__init__(name, tree)
+ # Ordered list of operations
+ # (operation, [condition], expression )
+ # operation is currently restricted to 'SET' and 'APPEND'
+ self.expressions = []
+ # Fixed to value (may bi None)
+ self.fixed = False
+ self.fixed_val = None
+ # Register in a subtree
+ if self.tree:
+ self.tree.add(name, self)
+ def variables(self):
+ "Return a set of variables used in the expressions"
+ return set(sum([ list(e[2].variables()) for e in self.expressions ], []))
+ def conditions(self):
+ "Return a set of conditions used in the expressions"
+ return set(sum([ e[1] for e in self.expressions ], []))
+ def add_operation(self, operation, conditions, expression, index=None):
+ """
+ Adds a new operation to the given index (None for appending).
+ Adds the variable as a dependant to the conditions and variables in the expressions.
+ """
+ # First invalidate cached value
+ self.invalidate()
+ # Add the operation
+ expr = (operation, conditions, expression)
+ if index:
+ self.expressions.insert(index, expr)
+ else:
+ self.expressions.append(expr)
+ # Create dependencies
+ for v in expression.variables():
+ v.dependants.add(self)
+ for c in conditions:
+ c.dependants.add(self)
+ def remove_operation(self, index):
+ """
+ Remove the operation at given index.
+ Also removes the variable as dependant from all conditions and variables used in this
+ operation that are no longer used. NOTE: this may be slow.
+ """
+ # First invalidate cached value
+ self.invalidate()
+ # Remove the operation
+ operation, conditions, expression = self.expressions[index]
+ self.expressions.pop(index)
+ # Remove obsolete dependencies on variables
+ vs = self.variables()
+ for v in expression.variables():
+ if not v in vs:
+ v.dependants.remove(self)
+ # Remove obsolete dependencies on variables
+ cs = self.conditions()
+ for c in conditions:
+ if not c in cs():
+ c.dependants.remove(self)
+ def get_value(self, depth=0):
+ log.debug('evaluating var %r', self.fullname)
+ # List of strings to be concatenated
+ val = []
+ # Scan for last applicable expression - try each starting from the end, concatenate extensions
+ for i in range(len(self.expressions)-1, -1, -1):
+ operation, conditions, expr = self.expressions[i]
+ # Check all conditions guarding an expression
+ if all([c.evaluate(depth+1) for c in conditions]):
+ val.insert(0, expr.evaluate(depth+1))
+ if operation == 'SET':
+ return u''.join(val)
+ return None
+ def pprint(self, indent=0):
+ """
+ Pretty printing of the variable. Includes all operations.
+ Returns iterator of lines (unicode strings).
+ """
+ yield u'%*s%s = \'%s\'' % (indent, u'', self.name, self.evaluate(0))
+ for operation, conditions, expr in self.expressions:
+ yield u'%*s%s %s %s' % (indent + c_pprint_indent, '', operation, conditions, expr)
+class ConfigExpression(object):
+ """
+ String expression with some unexpanded config variables. Used in variable operations and conditions.
+ Expression is given as a list of unicode strings and ConfigVar variables to be expanded.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, exprlist, original = ''):
+ self.exprlist = exprlist
+ # Original defining string
+ self.original = original
+ # Replace strings with
+ for i in range(len(self.exprlist)):
+ e = self.exprlist[i]
+ if isinstance(e, types.StringTypes):
+ if not isinstance(e, unicode):
+ self.exprlist[i] = unicode(e, 'ascii')
+ def variables(self):
+ "Return an iterator of variables user in the expression"
+ return itertools.ifilter(lambda e: isinstance(e, ConfigVar), self.exprlist)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.original
+ def evaluate(self, depth):
+ "Return a unicode result of expansion of the variables."
+ s = []
+ for e in self.exprlist:
+ if isinstance(e, ConfigVar):
+ s.append(e.evaluate(depth+1))
+ elif isinstance(e, unicode):
+ s.append(e)
+ else:
+ raise ConfigError('Unsupported type %s in expression \'%s\'.'%(type(e), self))
+ return u''.join(s)
--- /dev/null
+import conf
+import logging as log
+vcnt = 3
+def cs(s):
+ return conf.ConfigExpression([s], s)
+root = conf.ConfigTree(None, None)
+t_a = conf.ConfigTree('a', root)
+t_a_b = conf.ConfigTree('b', t_a)
+t_c = conf.ConfigTree('c', root)
+v_r = conf.ConfigVar('r', root)
+v_r.add_operation('SET', [], cs('ROOTVAR'))
+v_a = []
+v_b = []
+for i in range(vcnt):
+ v_a.append(conf.ConfigVar('va%d'%i, t_a))
+ v_a[i].add_operation('SET', [], cs('VALUE-A%d'%i))
+ v_b.append(conf.ConfigVar('vb%d'%i, t_a_b))
+ v_b[i].add_operation('APPEND', [], cs(' FOO'))
+ v_b[i].add_operation('SET', [], conf.ConfigExpression([v_a[i]], '{va%d}'%i))
+ v_b[i].add_operation('APPEND', [], cs(' BAR'))
+ if i>0:
+ v_b[i].add_operation('APPEND', [], conf.ConfigExpression([' ', v_b[i-1]], ' {vb%d}'%(i-1)))
+print '\n'.join(root.pprint())
+v_b[0].add_operation('SET', [], cs('NEW-VALUE'))
+v_b[1].add_operation('APPEND', [], cs(' NEW-ADDED'))
+v_a[1].add_operation('APPEND', [], cs(' NEW-ADDED-A'))
+print '\n'.join(root.pprint())
+v_a[0].add_operation('SET', [], cs('NEW-VALUE-A0'))
+print '\n'.join(root.pprint())