Having the soft heaps at hand, we would like to use them in a~conventional MST
algorithm in place of a~usual heap. The most efficient specimen of a~heap-based
algorithm we have seen so far is the Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm (\ref{itjar}).
-It is based on a~simple, yet powerful idea: Use the Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm with
-limited heap size, so that it stops when the tree becomes large. Grow multiple
-such trees, always starting in vertex not visited yet. All these trees lie in the
-MST, so by the Contraction lemma (\ref{contlemma}) we can contract each of them
-to a~single vertex and iterate the algorithm on the resulting graph.
-We can try implanting the soft heap in this algorithm (preferably in the original
-version without active edges \ref{jarnik} as we the soft heap lacks the \<Decrease>
-operation) and patching the holes by some sort of duct tape. This honest, but somewhat
-simple-minded attempt is however doomed to fail. The reason is of course the corruption of
-items inside the heap, which leads to increase of weights of a~subset of edges. In presence
-of corrupted edges, most of the theory we have so carefully built breaks down. For example,
-the Blue lemma (\ref{bluelemma}) now holds only when we consider a~cut with no corrupted
-edges, with a~possible exception of the lightest edge of the cut. Similarly, the Red lemma
-(\ref{redlemma}) is true only if the heaviest edge on the cycle is not corrupted.
+It is based on a~simple, yet powerful idea: Run the Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm with
+limited heap size, so that it stops when the neighborhood of the tree becomes
+large. Grow multiple such trees, always starting in a~vertex not visited yet. All
+these trees are contained in the MST, so by the Contraction lemma
+(\ref{contlemma}) we can contract each of them to a~single vertex and iterate
+the algorithm on the resulting graph.
+We can try implanting the soft heap in this algorithm, preferably in the original
+version without active edges (\ref{jarnik}) as the soft heap lacks the \<Decrease>
+operation. This honest, but somewhat simple-minded attempt is however doomed to
+fail. The reason is of course the corruption of items inside the heap, which
+leads to increase of weights of a~subset of edges. In presence of corrupted
+edges, most of the theory we have so carefully built breaks down. For example,
+the Blue lemma (\ref{bluelemma}) now holds only when we consider a~cut with no
+corrupted edges, with a~possible exception of the lightest edge of the cut.
+Similarly, the Red lemma (\ref{redlemma}) is true only if the heaviest edge on
+the cycle is not corrupted.
There is fortunately some light in this darkness. While the basic structural
properties of MST's no longer hold, there is a~weaker form of the Contraction
-lemma which takes the corrupted edges into account. Before we prove this lemma,
+lemma that takes the corrupted edges into account. Before we prove this lemma,
we will expand our awareness of subgraphs which can be contracted.
-A~subgraph $C\subset G$ is \df{contractible} iff for every pair of edges $e,f\in\delta(C)$\foot{That is,
-with one endpoint in~$C$.} the subset
+A~subgraph $C\subseteq G$ is \df{contractible} iff for every pair of edges $e,f\in\delta(C)$\foot{That is,
+edges with exactly one endpoint in~$C$.} there exists a~path in~$C$ connecting the endpoints
+of the edges $e,f$ such that all edges on this path are lighter than either $e$ or~$f$.
+Let us see that when we stop the Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm at some moment and
+we take a~subgraph~$C$ induced by the constructed tree, this subgraph is contractible.
+Indeed, when we consider any two distinct edges $uv, xy$ ($u,x\in C$ and $v,y\not\in C$),
+they enter the algorithm's heap at some time. Without loss of generality $uv$~is the first.
+Before the algorithm reaches the vertex~$x$, it adds the whole path $ux$ to the tree.
+As the edge~$uv$ never leaves the heap, all edges on the path $ux$ must be lighter
+than this edge.
+We can now easily reformulate the Contraction lemma (\ref{contlemma}) in the language
+of contractible subgraphs. We again assume that we are working with multigraphs
+and that they need not be connected.
+Furthermore, we slightly abuse the notation and we omit the explicit bijection
+between $G-C$ and~$G/C$, so we can write $G=C \cup (G/C)$.
+\lemman{Generalized contraction}
+When~$C\subseteq G$ is a~contractible subgraph, then $\msf(G)=\msf(C) \cup \msf(G/C)$.
+As both sides of the equality are trees on the same number of vertices, it suffices
+to show that $\msf(G) \subseteq \msf(C)\cup\msf(G/C)$. We know that the edges which
+does not participate in the MSF are exactly those which are the heaviest on some cycle
+(this is the Cycle rule \ref{cyclerule}).
+Whenever an~edge~$g$ lies in~$C$, but not in~$\msf(C)$, then $g$~is the heaviest edge
+on some cycle in~$C$. As this cycle is also contained in~$G$, the edge $g$~does not participate
+in $\msf(G)$ either.
+Similarly for $g\in (G/C)\setminus\msf(G/C)$: when the cycle does not contain
+the vertex~$c$ to which we contracted the subgraph~$C$, the cycle is present
+in~$G$, too. Otherwise we consider the edges $e,f$ adjacent to~$c$ on this cycle.
+Since $C$~is contractible, there must exist a~path~$P$ in~$C$ connecting the endpoints
+of~$e$ and~$f$ in~$G$, such that all edges of~$P$ are lighter than either $e$ or~$f$
+and hence also than~$g$. Expanding~$c$ in the cycle to the path~$P$ then produces
+a~cycle in~$G$ whose heaviest edge is~$g$.
+We are ready to bring corruption back to the game now and state a~``robust'' version
+of this lemma. A~notation for corrupted graphs will be handy:
+When~$G$ is a~weighted graph and~$R$ a~subset of its edges, we will use $G\crpt
+R$ to denote an arbitrary graph obtained from~$G$ by increasing the weights of
+some of the edges in~$R$. As usually, we will assume that all edge weights in this
+graph are pairwise distinct. While this is technically not true for the corruption
+caused by soft heaps, we can easily make the weights unique.
+If~$C$ is a~subgraph of~$G$, we will refer to the edges of~$R$ whose exactly
+one endpoint lies in~$C$ by~$R_C$ (i.e., $R_C = R\cap \delta(C)$).
+\lemman{Robust contraction}
+Let $G$ be a~weighted graph and $C$~its subgraph contractible in~$G\crpt R$
+for some set of edges~$R$. Then $\msf(G) \subseteq \msf(C) \cup \msf((G/C) \setminus R_C) \cup R_C$.
+We will modify the proof of the previous lemma. We will again consider all possible types
+of edges which do not belong to the right-hand side and show that they are the
+heaviest edges of certain cycles. Every edge~$g$ of~$G$ lies either in~$C$, or in $H=(G/C)\setminus R_C$,
+or possibly in~$R_C$.
+If $g\in C\setminus\msf(C)$, then the same argument as before applies.
+If $g\in H\setminus\msf(H)$, we consider the cycle in~$H$ on which $e$~is the heaviest.
+When $c$ (the vertex to which we have contracted~$C$) is outside this cycle, we are finished.
+Otherwise we observe that the edges $e,f$ adjacent to~$c$ on this cycle cannot be corrupted
+(they would be in~$R_C$ otherwise, which is impossible). By contractibility of~$C$ there exists
+a~path~$P$ in~$(G\crpt R)\cup C$ such that all edges of~$P$ are lighter than $e$ or~$f$ and hence
+also than~$g$. The weights of the edges of~$P$ in the original graph~$G$ cannot be higher than
+in~$G\crpt R$, so the path~$P$ is lighter than~$g$ even in~$G$ and we can again perform the
+trick with expanding the vertex~$c$ to~$P$ in the cycle~$C$. Hence $g\not\in\mst(G)$.
+It therefore suffices to run the Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm with a~soft heap to find the
+$(G\crpt R)$-contractible subgraph~$C$ and then recurse three times: first find $\msf(C)$
+and $\msf((G/C)\setminus R_C)$, then put together the pieces which are known to contain
+$\msf(G)$ by the Robust contraction lemma and find the MSF of this graph. As in the Iterative
+Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm, we will construct as many non-overlapping contractible subgraphs in a~single
+phase of the algorithm as possible. Formally speaking, we will use the following partitioning