(infimum replaced by supremum; maybe lim sup would be even
better, but the difference does not matter in our applications)
Let $G$ be a~graph and $\cal C$ be a class of graphs. We define the \df{edge density}
$\varrho(G)$ of~$G$ as the average number of edges per vertex, i.e., $m(G)/n(G)$. The
-edge density $\varrho(\cal C)$ of the class is then defined as the infimum of $\varrho(G)$ over all $G\in\cal C$.
+edge density $\varrho(\cal C)$ of the class is then defined as the supremum of $\varrho(G)$ over all $G\in\cal C$.
\thmn{Mader \cite{mader:dens}}\id{maderthm}%
For every $k\in{\bb N}$ there exists $h(k)\in{\bb R}$ such that every graph