\alg $\<FindPeaks>(u,p,T_p,P_p)$ --- process all queries in the subtree rooted
at~$u$ entered from its parent via an~edge~$p$.
\:Process all query paths whose bottom is~$u$ and record their peaks.
of $G\setminus T$). We use the reduction from Lemma \ref{verbranch} to get
an~equivalent problem with a~full branching tree and a~set of parent-descendant
paths. The reduction costs $\O(m+n)$ comparisons.
-Then we run the \<FindPeaks> procedure (Algorithm \ref{findheavy}) to find
+Then we run the \<FindPeaks> procedure (Algorithm \ref{findpeaks}) to find
the tops of all query paths. According to Lemma \ref{vercompares}, this spends another $\O(m+n)$
comparisons. Since we (as always) assume that~$G$ is connected, $\O(m+n)=\O(m)$.
Having the reduced problem at hand, it remains to implement the procedure \<FindPeaks>
-of Algorithm \ref{findheavy} efficiently. We need a~compact representation of
+of Algorithm \ref{findpeaks} efficiently. We need a~compact representation of
the arrays $T_e$ and~$P_e$, which will allow to reduce the overhead of the algorithm
to time linear will be linear in the number of comparisons performed. To achieve
this goal, we will encode the arrays in RAM vectors (see Section \ref{bitsect}
the edges of this path \df{edges covered by~$e$}.
\:An edge~$e$ is called \df{light with respect to~$T$} (or just \df{$T$-light}) if it covers a heavier edge, i.e., if there
is an edge $f\in T[e]$ such that $w(f) > w(e)$.
-\:An edge~$e$ is called \df{$T$-heavy} if it is not $T$-light.
+\:An edge~$e$ is called \df{$T$-heavy} if it covers a~lighter edge.
-Please note that the above properties also apply to tree edges
-which by definition cover only themselves and therefore they are always heavy.
+Edges of the tree~$T$ itself are neither heavy nor light. We will sometimes
+use the name \df{non-heavy} for edges which are either light or contained
+in the tree.
\lemman{Light edges}\id{lightlemma}%
Let $T$ be a spanning tree. If there exists a $T$-light edge, then~$T$