@book{ knuth:fundalg,
author = {Donald E. Knuth},
- title = {The art of computer programming, volume 1 (3rd ed.): fundamental algorithms},
+ title = {The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1 (3rd ed.): Fundamental Algorithms},
year = {1997},
isbn = {0-201-89683-4},
publisher = {Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.},
address = {Redwood City, CA, USA},
+@book{ knuth:seminalg,
+ author = {Donald E. Knuth},
+ title = {The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2 (3rd ed.): Seminumerical algorithms},
+ year = {1997},
+ isbn = {978-0-201-89684-8},
+ publisher = {Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.},
+ address = {Redwood City, CA, USA},
@inproceedings{ hagerup:wordram,
author = {Torben Hagerup},
title = {{Sorting and Searching on the Word RAM}},
publisher={IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA}
+@article{ ito:newrap,
+ title={{Efficient Initial Approximation and Fast Converging Methods for Division and Square Root}},
+ author={Ito, M. and Takagi, N. and Yajima, S.},
+ journal={Proc. 12th IEEE Symp. Computer Arithmetic},
+ pages={2--9},
+ year={1995}
On the other hand, we are interested in polynomial-time algorithms only, so $\Theta(\log N)$-bit
numbers should be sufficient. In practice, we pick~$w$ to be the larger of
$\Theta(\log N)$ and the size of integers used in the algorithm's input and output.
+ We will call an integer stored in a~single memory cell a~\df{machine word.}
Both restrictions easily avoid the problems of unbounded parallelism. The first
\section{Data structures on the RAM}
There is a~lot of data structures designed specifically for the RAM, taking
-advantage of both indexing and arithmetic. In many cases, they surpass the known
+advantage of both indexing and arithmetics. In many cases, they surpass the known
lower bounds for the same problem on the~PM and often achieve constant time
per operation, at least when either the magnitude of the values or the size of
the data structure are suitably bounded.
\section{Bits and vectors}
+In this rather technical section, we will show how RAM can be used as a~vector
+computer to operate in parallel on multiple elements, as long as these elements
+fit in a~single machine word. On the first sight this might seem useless, as we
+cannot require large word sizes, but surprisingly often the elements are small
+enough relative to the size of the algorithm's input and thus also relative to
+the minimum possible word size. Also, as the following lemma shows, we can
+easily emulate constant-times longer words:
+\lemman{Multiple-precision calculations}
+Given a~RAM with $W$-bit words, we can emulate all calculation and control
+instructions of a~RAM with word size $kW$ in time depending only on the~$k$.
+(This is usually called \df{multiple-precision arithmetics.})
+We split each word of the ``big'' machine to $W'=W/2$-bit blocks and store these
+blocks in $2k$ consecutive memory cells. Addition, subtraction, comparison,
+bitwise logical operations can be performed block-by-block. Shifts by a~multiple
+of~$W'$ are trivial, otherwise we can combine each block of the result from
+shifted versions of two original blocks.
+To multiply two numbers, we can use the elementary school algorithm using the $W'$-bit
+blocks as digits in base $2^{W'}$ --- the product of any two blocks fits
+in a~single word.
+Division is harder, but Newton-Raphson iteration (see~\cite{ito:newrap})
+converges to the quotient in a~constant number of iterations, each of them
+involving $\O(1)$ multiple-precision additions and multiplications. A~good
+starting approximation can be obtained by dividing the two most-significant
+(non-zero) blocks of both numbers.
+Another approach to division is using the improved elementary school algorithm as described
+by Knuth in~\cite{knuth:seminalg}. It uses $\O(k^2)$ steps, but the steps involve
+calculation of the most significant bit set in a~word. We will show below that it
+can be done in constant time without using division.
+We will use boldface letters for vectors. The components of a~vector~${\bf x}$
+will be denoted as $x_1,\ldots,x_n$.
+The \df{canonical representation} of a~vector $(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ of~$b$-bit numbers
+is an~integer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX