- use the notation for contraction by a set
- mention bugs in Valeria's verification paper
- more references on decision trees
-- rename theorem on Minimality by order
- introduce Cut rule and Cycle rule earlier
- Lemma: deletion of a non-MST edge does not alter the MST
To verify that a~spanning~$T$ is minimum, it is sufficient to check that all
-edges outside~$T$ are $T$-heavy (by Theorem \ref{mstthm}). In fact, we will be
+edges outside~$T$ are $T$-heavy (by the Minimality Theorem, \ref{mstthm}). In fact, we will be
able to find all $T$-light edges efficiently. For each edge $uv\in E\setminus T$,
we will find the heaviest edge of the tree path $T[u,v]$ and compare its weight
to $w(uv)$. It is therefore sufficient to solve the following problem:
When the edges are already sorted by their weights, we can use the Kruskal's
algorithm to find the MST in time $\O(m\timesalpha(n))$ (Theorem \ref{kruskal}).
We however can do better: As the minimality of a~spanning tree depends only on the
-order of weights and not on the actual values (Theorem \ref{mstthm}), we can
+order of weights and not on the actual values (The Minimality Theorem, \ref{mstthm}), we can
renumber the weights to $1, \ldots, m$ and find the MST using the Fredman-Willard
algorithm for integer weights. According to Theorem \ref{intmst} it runs in
time $\O(m)$ on the Word-RAM.
Either $e$~is $F$-heavy and so the forest~$F$ is also the MSF of the new graph. Or it is $F$-light
and we have to modify~$F$ by exchanging the heaviest edge~$f$ of the path $F[e]$ with~$e$.
-Correctness of the former case follows immediately from the Theorem on Minimality by order
-(\ref{mstthm}), because any $F'$-light would be also $F$-light, which is impossible as $F$~was
+Correctness of the former case follows immediately from the Minimality Theorem (\ref{mstthm}),
+because any $F'$-light would be also $F$-light, which is impossible as $F$~was
minimum. In the latter case, the edge~$f$ is not contained in~$F'$ because it is the heaviest
on the cycle $F[e]+e$ (by the Red lemma, \ref{redlemma}). We can now use the Blue lemma
(\ref{bluelemma}) to prove that it should be replaced with~$e$. Consider the tree~$T$
than~$e'$ as $e'$ was not $T$-light.
-\thmn{Minimality by order}\id{mstthm}%
+\thmn{Minimality of spanning trees}\id{mstthm}%
A~spanning tree~$T$ is minimum iff there is no $T$-light edge.
The isomorphism~$\pi$ maps spanning trees onto spanning trees and it preserves
the relation of covering. Since it is monotone, it preserves the property of
being a light edge (an~edge $e\in E(G_1)$ is $T$-light $\Leftrightarrow$
-the edge $\pi[e]\in E(G_2)$ is~$f[T]$-light). Therefore by Theorem~\ref{mstthm}, $T$
-is the MST of~$G_1$ if and only if $\pi[T]$ is the MST of~$G_2$.
+the edge $\pi[e]\in E(G_2)$ is~$f[T]$-light). Therefore by the Minimality Theorem
+(\ref{mstthm}), $T$ is the MST of~$G_1$ if and only if $\pi[T]$ is the MST of~$G_2$.