Finding Minimum Spanning Trees. SIAM J. on Comp. 5(4) (1976) pp.
724-742. who gave a linear time algorithm for planar graphs, extended by
Tarjan in 1983 to proper minor closed classes (both quoted by Gustedt).
- [XXX: Cannot get the paper.]
+ [XXX: The paper should be in the library at MS.]
> In 3.1.12 and 3.1.16, you should make explicit the dependence of the
running time with respect, for instance, to the Hadwiger number of the
graph or to the maximal density nabla(G) of a minor of the graph, as
\algin A~graph~$G$ with an edge comparison oracle.
\:$T\=\emptyset$. \cmt{edges of the MST}
\:$\ell(e)\=e$ for all edges~$e$. \cmt{edge labels as usually}
+\:$m_0\=m$. \cmt{in the following, $n$ and $m$ will change with the graph}
\:While $n>1$: \cmt{We will call iterations of this loop \df{phases}.}
\::$F\=\emptyset$. \cmt{forest built in the current phase}
\::$t\=2^{\lceil 2m_0/n \rceil}$. \cmt{the limit on heap size}
The Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm runs in time $\O(m\log^* n)$.
-$\beta(m,n) \le \beta(1,n) \le \log^* n$.
+$\beta(m,n) \le \beta(n,n) \le \log^* n$.
We will use $\delta(M)$ to denote the cut separating~$M$ from its complement.
-That is, $\delta(M) = E \cap (M \times (V\setminus M))$. We will also abbreviate
-$\delta(\{v\})$ as~$\delta(v)$.
+That is, $\delta(M) = \{ uv \in E \mid u\in M, v\not\in M \}$.
+We will also abbreviate $\delta(\{v\})$ as~$\delta(v)$.
\thmn{Red-Blue correctness}%
For any selection of rules, the Red-Blue procedure stops and the blue edges form
\defn A~\df{multigraph} is an ordered triple $(V,E,M)$, where $V$~is the
set of vertices, $E$~is the set of edges, taken as abstract objects disjoint
-with the vertices, and $M$ is a mapping $E\rightarrow V \cup {V \choose 2}$
+with the vertices, and $M$ is a mapping $E\rightarrow {V \choose 2} \cup {V \choose 1}$
which assigns to each edge either a pair of vertices or a single vertex
(if the edge is a loop).
We have spared the technical details for this section, in which we are going to
explain several rather general techniques based on bucket sorting.
-As we have already suggested in the proof of Lemma \ref{contbor}, contractions
+As we have already suggested in the proof of Lemma \ref{contiter}, contractions
can be performed in linear time by building an~auxiliary graph and finding its
connected components. We will thus take care only of the subsequent flattening.