# Simple Photo Gallery: Web Interface
-# (c) 2003--2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+# (c) 2003--2021 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
package UCW::Gallery::Web;
use UCW::Gallery;
use UCW::CGI;
+use Digest::SHA;
use File::Spec;
my $show_img;
my $want_archive;
+my $auth_password;
my %args = (
'i' => { 'var' => \$show_img, 'check' => '\d+' },
'a' => { 'var' => \$want_archive },
+ 'pw' => { 'var' => \$auth_password },
sub error($) {
my ($self) = @_;
-sub show_list($) {
+sub show_common_header($) {
my ($self) = @_;
print "<h1>", $self->get('Title'), "</h1>\n";
my $subtitle = $self->get('SubTitle');
print "<h2>$subtitle</h2>\n" if $subtitle ne "";
+sub show_list($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->show_common_header;
my $meta = $self->{meta};
+sub show_login_page($$) {
+ my ($self, $login_failed) = @_;
+ $self->show_common_header;
+ print "<div class='gal-login'>\n";
+ print $self->extras('WebLoginExtras');
+ my $wrong = $login_failed ? " class='gal-login-bad'" : "";
+ print "\t<form method=POST action='.'>\n";
+ print "\t\t<input type=password name=pw$wrong>\n";
+ print "\t\t<input type=submit value='Login'>\n";
+ print "\t</form>\n";
+ print "</div>\n";
+ $self->html_bot;
+sub auth_check($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $needed = $self->auth_get_needed;
+ @$needed or return 1;
+ if (length $auth_password) {
+ my $passwords = $self->get('AuthPasswords');
+ my $match = 0;
+ for my $zone (@$needed) {
+ if (defined $passwords->{$zone} && $passwords->{$zone} eq $auth_password) {
+ my @opts = ();
+ my $path = $self->try_get('AuthCookiePath');
+ push @opts, 'path', $path if defined $path;
+ push @opts, 'secure', undef if $self->get('AuthCookieSecure');
+ UCW::CGI::set_cookie($self->get('AuthCookiePrefix') . $zone, $self->auth_zone_hash($zone), @opts);
+ $match++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($match) {
+ my $abs = $self->try_get('WebAbsURL');
+ if (defined $abs) {
+ print "Status: 303\n";
+ print "Location: $abs\n\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $self->show_login_page($match == 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ my $known_tokens = $self->auth_parse_cookies;
+ for my $zone (@$needed) {
+ return 1 if $known_tokens->{$zone};
+ }
+ $self->show_login_page(0);
+ return;
+sub auth_get_needed($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $auth = $self->get('AuthNeeded');
+ defined $auth or return [];
+ if (ref $auth) {
+ return $auth;
+ } else {
+ $auth ne "" or return [];
+ return [$auth];
+ }
+sub auth_parse_cookies($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $known_tokens = {};
+ my %cookies = UCW::CGI::parse_cookies;
+ my $px = $self->get('AuthCookiePrefix');
+ for my $k (keys %cookies) {
+ if (substr($k, 0, length $px) eq $px) {
+ my $zone = substr($k, length $px);
+ my $v = $cookies{$k};
+ if ($v eq $self->auth_zone_hash($zone)) {
+ $known_tokens->{$zone} = 1;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Gallery: Invalid auth cookie for zone $zone\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $known_tokens;
+sub auth_zone_hash($) {
+ my ($self, $zone) = @_;
+ my $secret = $self->get('AuthSecret');
+ return substr(Digest::SHA::hmac_sha256_hex($zone, $secret), 0, 16);
sub dispatch($) {
my ($self) = @_;
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
+ $self->auth_check or return;
$self->{meta} = $self->{gal}->read_meta(File::Spec->catfile($self->get('CacheDir'), 'cache.meta'));
$self->{num_photos} = scalar @{$self->{meta}->{sequence}};
WebHeadExtras => "",
WebTopExtras => "",
WebBotExtras => "",
+ WebLoginExtras => "",
# Used by the theming logic
WebThemeCSS => undef,
# If enabled, calling the CGI with a=zip produces a ZIP archive with all photos.
WebAllowArchives => 1,
+ # Optional absolute URL of the current gallery. This is useful for redirects after login.
+ # If it is not set, form POST does not redirect to GET.
+ WebAbsURL => undef,
+ # Authentication: Known zones and their passwords.
+ # AuthPasswords => { 'zone' => 'passwd' },
+ # Authentication: Which zones have access to the current gallery.
+ AuthNeeded => [],
+ # Authentication: Secret used for encryption of cookies.
+ # AuthSecret => "",
+ # Authentication: Properties of cookies.
+ AuthCookiePrefix => 'gal_',
+ AuthCookiePath => undef,
+ AuthCookieSecure => 1,
bless $self, $class;
return $self;