o Fredman-Tarjan algorithm
o MST verification
o Linear-time verification
- . A randomized algorithm
+ o A randomized algorithm
. ?? Chazelle ??
. ?? Pettie ??
o Special cases and related problems
- reference to mixed Boruvka-Jarnik
- use the notation for contraction by a set
- practical considerations: katriel:cycle, moret:practice (mention pairing heaps)
-- parallel algorithms: p243-cole (are there others?)
+- parallel algorithms: p243-cole (see also remarks in Karger and pettie:minirand)
- bounded expansion classes?
- restricted cases and arborescences
-- mention parallel algorithms (see remarks in Karger)
-- Pettie's paper on random bits
+- Pettie's paper on random bits (pettie:minirand)
The proof can be also viewed
probabilistically: let $X$ be the degree of a vertex of~$G$ chosen uniformly at
-random. Then ${\bb E}X \le 2\varrho$, hence by the Markov's inequality
+random. Then $\E X \le 2\varrho$, hence by the Markov's inequality
${\rm Pr}[X > 4\varrho] < 1/2$, so for at least $n/2$ vertices~$v$ we have
$\deg(v)\le 4\varrho$.
which is $\O(m)$ by Theorem \ref{verify}.
Buchsbaum et al.~have recently shown in \cite{buchsbaum:verify} that linear-time
verification can be achieved even on the pointer machine. They first solve the
problem of finding the lowest common ancestors for a~set of pairs of vertices
algoritm: We check if~$F+e$ contains a~cycle. If it does, we discard~$e$, otherwise
we add~$e$ to~$F$. At the end, we have produced the subgraph~$H$ and its MSF~$F$.
-We can modify the algorithm by swapping the check for cycles with flipping of
+We can modify the algorithm by swapping the check for cycles with flipping
the coin:
\:If $F+e$ contains a~cycle, we immediately discard~$e$ (we can flip
As there are no more than~$2^i$ subproblems at level~$i$, the sum of all~$n_t$'s
on that level is at most $n/2^i$, which is at most~$2n$ summed over the whole tree.
+We are going to show that the worst case of the KKT algorithm is not worse than
+of the plain contractive algorithm, while the average case is linear.
For every subproblem~$G_t$, the KKT algorithm spends time $\O(m_t+n_t)$ plus the time
spent on the recursive calls.
The expected time complexity of the KKT algorithm on the RAM is $\O(m)$.
+The structure of the recursion tree depends on the random choices taken,
+but as its worst case depth is at most~$\lceil \log_4 n\rceil$, the tree
+is always a~subtree of the complete binary tree of that depth. We will
+therefore prove the theorem by examining the complete tree, possibly with
+empty subproblems at some vertices.
+The set of all left edges in the tree (edges connecting a~parent with its left
+son) form a~set of \df{left paths.} Let us consider the expected time spent on
+a~single left path. When walking the path downwards from its top vertex~$r$,
+the expected size of the subproblems decreases exponentially: for a~son~$\ell$
+of a~vertex~$t$, we have $n_\ell \le n_t/4$ and $\E m_\ell = 2\cdot\E m_t$. The
+expected total time spend on the path is therefore $\O(n_r+m_r)$ and it remains
+to sum this over all left paths.
+With the exception of the path going from the root of the tree,
+the top~$r$ of a~left path is always a~right son of a~unique parent vertex~$t$.
+Since the subproblem~$G_r$ has been obtained from its parent subproblem~$G_t$
+by filtering out all heavy edges, we can use the Sampling lemma to obtain
+$\E m_r \le 2n_t$. The sum of the expected sizes of all top subproblems is
+then $\sum_r n_r + m_r \le \sum_t 3n_t = \O(n)$. After adding the exceptional path
+from the root, we get $\O(m+n)=\O(m)$.
-\FIXME{High probability result.}
+There is also a~high-probability version of the above theorem. According to
+Karger, Klein and Tarjan \cite{karger:randomized}, the time complexity
+of the algorithm is $\O(m)$ with probability $1-\exp(-\Omega(m))$. The proof
+again follows the recursion tree and it involves applying the Chernoff bound
+\cite{chernoff} to bound the tail probabilities.
We could also use a~slightly different formulation of the sampling lemma
suggested by Chan \cite{chan:backward}. It changes the selection of the subgraph~$H$
to choosing an~$mp$-edge subset of~$E(G)$ uniformly at random. The proof is then
a~straightforward application of the backward analysis method. We however prefered
-the Karger's original version, because generating a~random subset of a~given size
-cannot be generally performed in bounded worst-case time.
+the Karger's original version, because generating a~random subset of a~given size
+requires an~unbounded number of random bits in the worst case.
-\FIXME{Pointer machine.}
+The only place where we needed the power of the RAM is the verification algorithm,
+so we can use the pointer-machine verification algorithm mentioned in Remark \ref{pmverify}
+to bring the results of this section to the~PM.