+++ /dev/null
-# Notes for uploading on kernel.org
-gzip -d <pciutils-3.1.10.tar.gz >pciutils-3.1.10.tar
-gpg --armor --detach-sign -o pciutils-3.1.10.tar.sig pciutils-3.1.10.tar
-~/tree/kup/kup put pciutils-3.1.10.tar.gz pciutils-3.1.10.tar.sig /pub/software/utils/pciutils/pciutils-3.1.10.tar.gz
--- /dev/null
+How to release pciutils
+(a couple of hints for the forgetful maintainer)
+Check version numbers in Makefile and lib/pci.h.
+ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_korg
+maint/tag-release vX.Y.Z
+git push --tags
+Update progs/pciutils at Jabberwock.
print "API version is $apiver ... <confirm> "; <STDIN>;
-print "Updating public GIT tree\n";
-`git push --tags public`; die if $?;
+#print "Updating public GIT tree\n";
+#`git push --tags public`; die if $?;
my $r = new UCW::Release("pciutils");
my $ver = $r->GetVersionFromFile("Makefile", "VERSION=(.*)");
`scp -C pci.ids pciids\@jabberwock.ucw.cz:05-pciutils.new`; die if $?;
`ssh pciids\@jabberwock.ucw.cz mv 05-pciutils.new origs/05-pciutils`; die if $?;
+# Hacks for kernel.org
+print "Preparing kernel.org package\n";
+my $dd = $r->{"DISTDIR"};
+my $pkg = $r->{"PKG"};
+`gzip -d <$dd/$pkg.tar.gz >$dd/$pkg.tar`; die if $?;
+system "gpg", "--armor", "--detach-sig", "-o", "$dd/$pkg.tar.sig", "$dd/$pkg.tar"; die if $?;
+if ($r->{"do_upload"}) {
+ print "Uploading to kernel.org\n";
+ print "<confirm> "; <STDIN>;
+ system '/home/mj/tree/kup/kup', 'put', "$dd/$pkg.tar", "$dd/$pkg.tar.sig", "/pub/software/utils/pciutils/$pkg.tar.gz"; die if $?;