Spanning trees:
- cite Eisner's tutorial \cite{eisner:tutorial}
-- Some algorithms (most notably Fredman-Tarjan) do not need flattening
-* Lemma: deletion of a non-MST edge does not alter the MST
- K best trees
- degree-restricted cases and arborescences
- bounded expansion classes?
When $G$ is a graph with distinct edge weights, we will use $\mst(G)$ to denote
its unique minimum spanning tree.
+The following trivial lemma will be often invaluable:
+\lemman{Edge removal}
+Let~$G$ be a~graph with distinct edge weights and $e$ any its edge
+which does not lie in~$\mst(G)$. Then $\mst(G-e) = \mst(G)$.
+The tree $T=\mst(G)$ is also a~MST of~$G-e$, because every $T$-light
+edge in~$G-e$ is also $T$-light in~$G$. Then we apply the uniqueness of
+the MST of~$G-e$.
\paran{Comparison oracles}\id{edgeoracle}%
To simplify the description of MST algorithms, we will assume that the weights
of all edges are distinct and that instead of numeric weights we are given a~comparison oracle.