my $tables = PciIds::DBQ::new( connectDb() );
my $hasAuth = $tables->dbh()->prepare( 'SELECT id FROM users WHERE email = ?' );
-my $addAuth = $tables->dbh()->prepare( "INSERT INTO users (email, passwd) VALUES(?, '')" );
my $hasItem = $tables->dbh()->prepare( "SELECT 1 FROM locations WHERE id = ?" );
my $addItem = $tables->dbh()->prepare( "INSERT INTO locations (id, parent) VALUES (?, ?)" );
my $addComment = $tables->dbh()->prepare( "INSERT INTO history (owner, location, discussion, nodename, nodenote) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" );
-sub getAuthor( $ ) {
- my( $mail ) = @_;
- $hasAuth->execute( $mail );
- if( my( $id ) = $hasAuth->fetchrow_array ) {
- tlog( "mailbot: Active user ($mail) id: $id" );
- return $id;
- } else {
- tlog( "mailbot: Creating user $mail" );
- $addAuth->execute( $mail );
- my $nid = $tables->dbh->last_insert_id( undef, undef, undef, undef );
- tlog( "mailbot: Active user ($mail) id: $nid" );
- return $nid;
- }
sub submitItem( $$$$$ ) {
my( $id, $name, $description, $text, $author ) = @_;
my $created;
$home = "$ENV{HOME}/";
$tprefix = "${home}tmp/mbot-$$";
+# Little hack to stop spam: ignore everything from people not already in database
+$hasAuth->execute( $author );
+my( $authorId ) = ( $hasAuth->fetchrow_array );
+if( defined $authorId ) {
+ tlog( "mailbot: Active user ($author) id: $authorId" );
+} else {
+ blackhole("Dropping email from $author, not in database.\n");
mkdir("${home}tmp", 0777);
mkdir($tprefix, 0777) || error("Cannot create tmpdir");
chdir($tprefix) || error("Cannot chdir to tmpdir");
elsif (!$?) { error("No ID changes encountered."); }
open(DIFF, "diffs") || error("Cannot open the diff");
$subject = undef if $subject eq '';
- my $authorId = getAuthor( $author );
my $live = (!$emulate && !$debug);
while (<DIFF>) {