--- /dev/null
+* Minimum spanning trees
+ o Basic properties
+ o Red/Blue meta-algorithm
+ o Classical algorithms
+ o Fredman-Tarjan algorithm
+ o ?? Chazelle ??
+ o ?? Pettie ??
+ o Minor-closed classes
+ o MST verification
+ o Randomized algorithms
+* Integer data structures
+ o Models of computation
+ o Bit tricks
+ o Ranking sets
+ o Bitwise B-trees
+ o Q-Heaps
+* Ranking combinatorial objects
+ o Ranking of permutations: history
+ o Linear-time algorithm
+ o k-permutations
+ o Permutations with no fixed point
+ o ?? other objects ??
+* Dynamic MST algorithms
+ o (Semi-)dynamic algorithms
+ o Sleator-Tarjan trees
+ o ET-trees
+ o Fully dynamic connectivity
+ o Semi-dynamic MST
+ o Fully dynamic MST
\input macros.tex
-\chapter{The Beginning}
-\noindent {\sc Abstract.} Preparation of alchemical potions is an ancient craft
-and its deep secrets are carefully guarded by the masters of alchemist guilds.
-It usually takes several years for a novice alchemist to learn to prepare at
-least the most basic potions properly. In this scroll we will present a novel
-way of extracting the magical substance of various ingredients based on
-a mighty catalyst, metasulphur~[3]. This substantially simplifies the traditional recipes
-and also avoids some of their frequent side-effects. The only drawback is the
-rarity of metasulphur.
-We will demonstrate our approach on several examples of potions which are
-usually considered very volatile and dangerous to prepare~\cite{bender00lca}.
-There are two basic kinds of ingredients in our recipes (except for the metasulphur,
-which fits neither category, as expected): herbs and parts of bodies of living
-creatures. According to the well known rule of herbal immanence, the magical
-essence of herbs can be released only in boiling water, while the other
-ingredients can be used at any temperature.
-We follow the tradition by calling all herbal ingredients by their Latin names.
-While this can be hard to handle for laymen and novice alchemists, we consider
-it of utmost necessity in order to avoid confusion which often leads to fatal
-In the following, we assume that the recipe is prepared on the \em{northern
-hemisphere.} Otherwise, you need to replace all clockwise stirs by
-counter-clockwise ones and vice versa, and also optionally use opposum instead of
-\theorem It is well known that the following equation holds:
-\sum_{i\in\bb N}^\infty {1\over i^2} = {\pi^2\over 6}.
-\proof Follows from Theorem \thmref{loop}.
+% So far, we do not have any title page
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