print OUT "''''\n";
chomp $head;
my( $type, $semicolon, $name, $oneline ) = detect( $head );
+ # Just few transformations of the result
$oneline =~ s/\s+$//;
$oneline =~ s/;?$/;/ if( $semicolon );
$head =~ s/;?\s*$/;/ if( $semicolon );
$head =~ s/(\.\.\.)/\\$1/g;
print OUT "[[${type}_$name]]\n";
$head = $oneline if $type eq 'fun';#Remove { from inline functions
+ # Remove the generic hack markup
$head =~ s/_OPEN_PAREN_/(/g;
$head =~ s/_CLOSE_PAREN_/)/g;
print OUT "..................\n";
my $head;
my $struct;
my $def;
+ my $sdepth;
while( defined( $line = <FILE> ) ) {
chomp $line;
+ # Generic macro hack - replaces the parenthesis so it is valid identifier
$line =~ s/$_\(([^()]+)\)/${_}_OPEN_PAREN_${1}_CLOSE_PAREN_/g foreach @{$prefixes};
if( $def ) {
$head .= "\n".$line;
} elsif( $struct ) {
$head .= "\n".$line;
- if( $line =~ /}/ ) {
+ my $cp = $line;
+ $sdepth += ($cp =~ tr/{//);
+ $sdepth -= ($cp =~ tr/}//);
+ if( !$sdepth ) {
formatNote( $head, $buff );
$struct = 0;
$buff = undef;
$buff = undef;
} else {
$head = $line;
- $struct = 1;
+ $struct = $sdepth = 1;
} elsif( ( $buff ) = ( $line =~ /\/\*\*\*(.*)\*\*\*\// ) ) {
$buff =~ s/\s?//;
$head = undef;
$buff = undef;
} else {
- $struct = 1;
+ $struct = $sdepth = 1;
} elsif( $line =~ /\/\*\*\*/ ) {
$verbatim = 1;