are any edges missing, the situation can only get better) with at
least 3 vertices. Since $G$ is planar, $\sum_v \deg(v) < 6n$.
The numbers $d(v):=\deg(v)-3$ are non-negative and $\sum_v d(v) < 3n$,
-hence by the same argument as in the previous proof, for at least $n/2$
+hence by the same argument as in the proof of the general lemma, for at least $n/2$
vertices~$v$ it holds that $d(v) < 6$, hence $\deg(v) \le 8$.
+The constant~8 in the previous lemma is the best we can have.
+Consider a $k\times k$ triangular grid. It has $n=k^2$ vertices, $\O(k)$ of them
+lie on the outer face and have degrees at most~6, the remaining $n-\O(k)$ interior
+vertices have degree exactly~6. Therefore the number of faces~$f$ is $6/3\cdot n=2n$,
+ignoring terms of order $\O(k)$. All interior triangles can be properly colored with
+two colors, black and white. Now add a~new vertex inside each white face and connect
+it to all three vertices on the boundary of that face. This adds $f/2 \approx n$
+vertices of degree~3 and increases degrees of the original $\approx n$ interior
+vertices to~9, therefore about a half of the vertices of the new planar graph
+has degree~9.
\section{Using Fibonacci heaps}