definition of the MST. We can formulate an equivalent characterization using
an ordering of edges instead.
-\defnn{Heavy and light edges}
+\defnn{Heavy and light edges}\thmid{heavy}%
Let~$T$ be a~spanning tree. Then:
\:For vertices $x$ and $y$, let $T[x,y]$ denote the (unique) path in~$T$ joining $x$ and~$y$.
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+\input macros.tex
+\def\n#1#2{\>\hbox to 6em{#1 \dotfill} #2}
+\n{$T[x,y]$}{the path in a tree~$T$ joining $x$ and $y$ \[heavy]}
+\n{$T[e]$}{the path in a tree~$T$ joining endpoints of an~edge~$e$ \[heavy]}
+\n{$A\symdiff B$}{symetric difference of sets: $(A\setminus B) \cup (B\setminus A)$}
+\n{$G-e$}{graph $G$ with edge $e$ removed}
+\n{$G+e$}{graph $G$ with edge $e$ added}
+\n{$w(e)$}{weight of an edge $e$}
+\n{$V(G)$}{the set of vertices of a graph~$G$}
+\n{$E(G)$}{the set of edges of a graph~$G$}