--- /dev/null
+#include "ucw/lib.h"
+#include "ucw/clists.h"
+#include "ucw/simple-lists.h"
+#include <syslog.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <alloca.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "ucw/logstream.h"
+/* forward declaration */
+static int ls_fdfile_handler(struct log_stream* ls, const char *m, u32 cat);
+/* the deafult logger */
+const struct log_stream ls_default_log={
+ .name = "fd2", .idata = 2, .pdata = NULL, .regnum = 0,
+ .handler = ls_fdfile_handler,
+ .levels = LS_ALL_LEVELS,
+ .msgfmt = LSFMT_DEFAULT,
+ // empty clist
+ .substreams.head.next = (cnode *) &ls_default_log.substreams.head,
+ .substreams.head.prev = (cnode *) &ls_default_log.substreams.head,
+/* user de/allocated program/process name for use in the logsystem (for LSFMT_TITLE) */
+char *ls_title = NULL;
+/* Define an array (growing buffer) for pointers to log_streams. */
+#define GBUF_TYPE struct log_stream*
+#define GBUF_PREFIX(x) lsbuf_##x
+#include "ucw/gbuf.h"
+/* Flag indicating initialization of the module */
+static int ls_initialized = 0;
+/* The growing array of pointers to log_streams. */
+static struct lsbuf_t ls_streams;
+/* The head of the list of freed log_streams indexes in ls_streams.ptr (-1 if none free).
+ * Freed positions in ls_streams.ptr are connected into a linked list in the following way:
+ * ls_streams.ptr[ls_streams_free].idata is the index of next freed position (or -1) */
+int ls_streams_free = -1;
+/* the first never-used index in ls_streams.ptr */
+int ls_streams_after = 0;
+/* Initialize the logstream module.
+ * It is not neccessary to call this explicitely as it is called by
+ * the first ls_new() (for backward compatibility and ease of use). */
+static void ls_init_module(void)
+ unsigned int i;
+ if (ls_initialized) return;
+ /* create the grow array */
+ ls_streams.ptr = NULL;
+ ls_streams.len = 0;
+ lsbuf_set_size(&ls_streams, LS_INIT_STREAMS);
+ /* bzero */
+ memset(ls_streams.ptr, 0, sizeof(struct log_stream*) * (ls_streams.len));
+ ls_streams_free = -1;
+ ls_initialized = 1;
+ /* init the default stream (0) as forwarder to fd2 */
+ struct log_stream *ls = ls_new();
+ ASSERT(ls == ls_streams.ptr[0]);
+ ASSERT(ls->regnum == 0);
+ ls->name = "default";
+ ls_add_substream(ls, (struct log_stream *) &ls_default_log);
+ /* log this */
+ ls_msg(L_DEBUG, "logstream module initialized.");
+/* close all open streams, un-initialize the module, free all memory,
+ * use only ls_default_log */
+void ls_close_all(void)
+ int i;
+ if (!ls_initialized) return;
+ for (i=0; i<ls_streams_after; i++)
+ {
+ if (ls_streams.ptr[i]->regnum>=0)
+ ls_close(ls_streams.ptr[i]);
+ xfree(ls_streams.ptr[i]);
+ }
+ /* set to the default state */
+ lsbuf_done(&ls_streams);
+ ls_streams_after=0;
+ ls_streams_free=-1;
+ ls_initialized = 0;
+/* add a new substream, malloc()-ate a new simp_node */
+void ls_add_substream(struct log_stream *where, struct log_stream *what)
+ ASSERT(where);
+ ASSERT(what);
+ simp_node *n = xmalloc(sizeof(simp_node));
+ n->p = what;
+ clist_add_tail(&(where->substreams), (cnode*)n);
+/* remove all occurences of a substream, free() the simp_node */
+/* return number of deleted entries */
+int ls_rm_substream(struct log_stream *where, struct log_stream *what)
+ void *tmp;
+ int cnt=0;
+ ASSERT(where);
+ ASSERT(what);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH_DELSAFE(simp_node *, i, where->substreams, tmp)
+ if (i->p == what)
+ {
+ clist_remove((cnode*)i);
+ xfree(i);
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ return cnt;
+/* Return a pointer to a new stream with no handler and an empty substream list. */
+struct log_stream *ls_new(void)
+ struct log_stream *l;
+ int index;
+ /* initialize the array if not initialized already */
+ if (unlikely(ls_initialized==0))
+ ls_init_module();
+ /* there is no closed stream -- allocate a new one */
+ if (ls_streams_free==-1)
+ {
+ /* check the size of the pointer array */
+ lsbuf_grow(&ls_streams, ls_streams_after+1);
+ ls_streams_free = ls_streams_after++;
+ ls_streams.ptr[ls_streams_free] = xmalloc(sizeof(struct log_stream));
+ ls_streams.ptr[ls_streams_free]->idata = -1;
+ ls_streams.ptr[ls_streams_free]->regnum = -1;
+ }
+ ASSERT(ls_streams_free>=0);
+ /* initialize the stream */
+ index = ls_streams_free;
+ l = ls_streams.ptr[index];
+ ls_streams_free = l->idata;
+ memset(l, 0, sizeof(struct log_stream));
+ l->levels = LS_ALL_LEVELS;
+ l->regnum = LS_SET_STRNUM(index);
+ l->substreams.head.next = &(l->substreams.head);
+ l->substreams.head.prev = &(l->substreams.head);
+ return l;
+/* Close and remember given log_stream */
+/* does not affect substreams, but frees the .substreams list */
+void ls_close(struct log_stream *ls)
+ void *tmp;
+ ASSERT(ls);
+ /* xfree() all the simp_nodes from substreams */
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH_DELSAFE(simp_node *, i, ls->substreams, tmp)
+ {
+ clist_remove((cnode*)i);
+ xfree(i);
+ }
+ /* close and remember the stream */
+ if (ls->close!=NULL)
+ ls->close(ls);
+ ls->idata = ls_streams_free;
+ ls_streams_free = LS_GET_STRNUM(ls->regnum);
+ ls->regnum = -1;
+/* get a stream by its LS_SET_STRNUM() */
+/* returns NULL for free/invalid numbers */
+/* defaults to ls_default_stream when stream number 0 closed */
+struct log_stream *ls_bynum(int num)
+ /* get the real number */
+ int n = LS_GET_STRNUM(num);
+ if ((n<0) || (n>=ls_streams_after) || (ls_streams.ptr[n]->regnum==-1) )
+ {
+ if (n==0)
+ return (struct log_stream *)&ls_default_log;
+ else return NULL;
+ }
+ return ls_streams.ptr[n];
+/* The proposed alternative to original vmsg() */
+void ls_vmsg(unsigned int cat, const char *fmt, va_list args)
+ struct timeval tv;
+ int have_tm = 0;
+ struct tm tm;
+ va_list args2;
+ char stime[24];
+ char sutime[12];
+ char *buf,*p;
+ int len;
+ int level=LS_GET_LEVEL(cat);
+ struct log_stream *ls=ls_bynum(cat);
+ /* Check the stream existence */
+ if(!ls)
+ {
+ ls_msg((LS_INTERNAL_MASK&cat)|L_WARN, "No log_stream with number %d! Logging to the default log.",
+ LS_GET_STRNUM(cat));
+ ls=(struct log_stream *)&ls_default_log;
+ }
+ /* get the time */
+ {
+ /* CAVEAT: These calls are not safe in signal handlers. */
+ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+ if (localtime_r(&tv.tv_sec, &tm))
+ have_tm = 1;
+ }
+ /* generate time strings */
+ if (have_tm)
+ {
+ strftime(stime, 24, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
+ snprintf(sutime, 12, ".%06d", (int)tv.tv_usec);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ snprintf(stime, 24, "\?\?\?\?-\?\?-\?\? \?\?:\?\?:\?\?");
+ snprintf(sutime, 12, ".\?\?\?\?\?\?");
+ }
+ /* generate the message string */
+ va_copy(args2, args);
+ /* WARN: this may be C99 specefic */
+ len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, args2);
+ va_end(args2);
+ buf = xmalloc(len+2);
+ vsnprintf(buf, len+1, fmt, args);
+ /* remove non-printable characters and newlines */
+ p=buf;
+ while (*p)
+ {
+ if (*p < 0x20 && *p != '\t')
+ *p = 0x7f;
+ p++;
+ }
+ /* pass the message to the log_stream */
+ if(ls_passmsg(0, ls, stime, sutime, buf, cat))
+ {
+ /* error (such as looping) occured */
+ ls_passmsg(0, (struct log_stream *)&ls_default_log, stime, sutime, buf, cat);
+ }
+ xfree(buf);
+/* The proposed alternative to original msg() */
+void ls_msg(unsigned int cat, const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ ls_vmsg(cat, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+/* The proposed alternative to original die() */
+void ls_die(const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ ls_vmsg(L_FATAL, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+///// why this?
+// if (log_die_hook)
+// log_die_hook();
+ abort();
+ exit(1);
+/* process a message (string) */
+/* depth prevents undetected looping */
+/* returns 1 in case of loop detection or other fatal error
+ * 0 otherwise */
+int ls_passmsg(int depth, struct log_stream *ls, const char *stime, const char *sutime, const char *m, u32 cat)
+ ASSERT(ls);
+ /* Check recursion depth */
+ if( depth > LS_MAX_DEPTH )
+ {
+ ls_passmsg(0, (struct log_stream *)&ls_default_log, stime, sutime,
+ "Loop in the log_stream system detected.", L_ERROR | (cat&LS_INTERNAL_MASK) );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Filter by level and filter hook */
+ if(!( (1<<LS_GET_LEVEL(cat)) & ls->levels )) return 0;
+ if( ls->filter )
+ if( ls->filter(ls, m, cat) != 0 ) return 0;
+ /* pass message to substreams */
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(simp_node *, s, ls->substreams)
+ {
+ if (ls_passmsg(depth+1, (struct log_stream*)(s->p), stime, sutime, m, cat))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Prepare for handler */
+ if(ls->handler)
+ {
+ int len = strlen(m) + strlen(stime) + strlen(sutime) + 32;
+ /* SHOULD be enough for all information, but beware */
+ if (ls_title) len += strlen(ls_title);
+ if (ls->name) len += strlen(ls->name);
+ char *buf=xmalloc(len);
+ char *p=buf;
+ /* Level (2 chars) */
+ if(ls->msgfmt & LSFMT_LEVEL)
+ {
+ *p++=' ';
+ }
+ /* Time (|stime| + |sutime| + 1 chars) */
+ if(ls->msgfmt & LSFMT_TIME)
+ {
+ char *q = (char *)stime;
+ while(*q)
+ *p++=*q++;
+ if(ls->msgfmt & LSFMT_USEC)
+ {
+ q = (char *)sutime;
+ while(*q)
+ *p++=*q++;
+ }
+ *p++=' ';
+ }
+ /* process name, PID ( |ls_title| + 6 + (|PID|<=10) chars ) */
+ if((ls->msgfmt & LSFMT_TITLE) && ls_title)
+ {
+ if(ls->msgfmt & LSFMT_PID)
+ p += sprintf(p, "[%s (%d)] ", ls_title, getpid());
+ else
+ p += sprintf(p, "[%s] ", ls_title);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(ls->msgfmt & LSFMT_PID)
+ p += sprintf(p, "[%d] ", getpid());
+ }
+ /* log_stream name ( |ls->name| + 4 chars ) */
+ if(ls->msgfmt & LSFMT_LOGNAME)
+ {
+ if(ls->name)
+ p += sprintf(p, "<%s> ", ls->name);
+ else
+ p += sprintf(p, "<?> ");
+ }
+ /* finish the string and call the handler ( |m| + 1 chars ) */
+ {
+ char *q = (char *)m;
+ while(*q)
+ *p++=*q++;
+ *p++ = '\n';
+ *p++ = '\0';
+ ls->handler(ls, buf, cat);
+ }
+ xfree(buf);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/********** log types */
+/**** standard (filedes) files */
+/* destructor for standard files */
+static void ls_fdfile_close(struct log_stream *ls)
+ ASSERT(ls);
+ close(ls->idata);
+ if(ls->name)
+ xfree(ls->name);
+/* handler for standard files */
+static int ls_fdfile_handler(struct log_stream* ls, const char *m, u32 cat)
+ int len = strlen(m);
+ int r = write(ls->idata, m, len);
+ /* TODO: check the errors here? */
+ if (r!=len)
+ return errno;
+ return 0;
+/* assign log to a file descriptor */
+/* initialize with the default formatting, does NOT close the descriptor */
+struct log_stream *ls_fdfile_new(int fd)
+ struct log_stream *ls=ls_new();
+ ls->idata=fd;
+ ls->msgfmt=LSFMT_DEFAULT;
+ ls->handler=ls_fdfile_handler;
+ return ls;
+/* open() a file (append mode) */
+/* initialize with the default formatting */
+struct log_stream *ls_file_new(const char *path)
+ struct log_stream *ls;
+ int fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0666);
+ if (fd<0)
+ {
+ ls_msg(L_ERROR, "Opening logfile '%s' failed: %m.", path);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ls = ls_new();
+ ls->name = xstrdup(path);
+ ls->idata = fd;
+ ls->msgfmt = LSFMT_DEFAULT;
+ ls->handler = ls_fdfile_handler;
+ ls->close = ls_fdfile_close;
+ return ls;
+/**** syslog */
+/* destructor for syslog logs */
+static void ls_syslog_close(struct log_stream *ls)
+ ASSERT(ls);
+ if(ls->name)
+ xfree(ls->name);
+/* convert severity level to syslog constants */
+static int ls_syslog_convert_level(int level)
+ switch(level)
+ {
+ case L_DEBUG: return LOG_DEBUG;
+ case L_INFO: return LOG_INFO;
+ case L_INFO_R: return LOG_INFO;
+ case L_WARN: return LOG_WARNING;
+ case L_WARN_R: return LOG_WARNING;
+ case L_ERROR: return LOG_ERR;
+ case L_ERROR_R: return LOG_ERR;
+ case L_FATAL: return LOG_CRIT;
+ default: return LOG_NOTICE;
+ }
+/* simple syslog write handler */
+static int ls_syslog_handler(struct log_stream *ls, const char *m, u32 flags)
+ int prio;
+ ASSERT(ls);
+ ASSERT(m);
+ prio = ls_syslog_convert_level(LS_GET_LEVEL(flags)) | (ls->idata);
+ if (ls->name)
+ syslog(prio | (ls->idata), "%s: %s", ls->name, m);
+ else
+ syslog(prio | (ls->idata), "%s", m);
+ return 0;
+/* assign log to a syslog facility */
+/* initialize with no formatting (syslog adds these inforamtion) */
+/* name is optional prefix (NULL for none) */
+struct log_stream *ls_syslog_new(int facility, const char *name)
+ struct log_stream *ls=ls_new();
+ if (name) ls->name = xstrdup(name);
+ ls->idata = facility;
+ ls->msgfmt = LSFMT_NONE;
+ ls->handler = ls_syslog_handler;
+ ls->close = ls_syslog_close;
+ return ls;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _UCW_LOGSTREAM_H_
+#define _UCW_LOGSTREAM_H_
+#include "ucw/clists.h"
+/* user de/allocated program/process name for use in the logsystem */
+extern char *ls_title;
+struct log_stream
+ /* optional name, 0-term, de/allocated by constr./destr. or user */
+ char *name;
+ /* numer for use with msg parameter (from LS_SET_STRNUM()), -1 for closed log_stream */
+ int regnum;
+ /* arbitrary data for filter/handler */
+ int idata;
+ void *pdata;
+ /* severity levels to accept - bitmask of (1<<LEVEL) */
+ int levels;
+ /* if filter returns nonzero, discard the message */
+ int (*filter)(struct log_stream* ls, const char *m, u32 cat);
+ /* pass the message to these streams (simple-list of pointers) */
+ struct clist substreams;
+ /* what kind of string to format to pass to the handler (bitmask of LSFMT_xxx ) */
+ int msgfmt;
+ /* what to do to commit the message (ret 0 on success, nonzero on error)
+ * msg is 0-term string, with desired info, one line, ending with "\n\0". */
+ int (*handler)(struct log_stream* ls, const char *m, u32 cat);
+ /* close the log_stream file/connection */
+ void (*close)(struct log_stream* ls);
+/* the deafult logger */
+extern const struct log_stream ls_default_log;
+/* A message is processed as follows:
+ * 1. Discard if message level not in levels
+ * 2. Run filter (if any), discard if ret. nonzero
+ * 3. Pass the message to all log_streams in substreams
+ * 4. Format the message informaion acc. to msgfmt
+ * 5. Run the handler
+ */
+/* log header verbosity specifying message passed to handler */
+enum LS_FMT
+ LSFMT_LEVEL=1, /* log severity level (one letter) */
+ LSFMT_TIME=2, /* log time (date-seconds) */
+ LSFMT_USEC=4, /* log also micro-seconds */
+ LSFMT_TITLE=8, /* log program title (global string) */
+ LSFMT_PID=16, /* log program PID */
+ LSFMT_LOGNAME=32, /* log log_stream name */
+ L_DEBUG=0, /* 'D' - Debugging messages */
+ L_INFO, /* 'I' - Informational */
+ L_INFO_R, /* 'i' - xxx_R are messages caused by external events */
+ L_WARN, /* 'W' - Warning */
+ L_WARN_R, /* 'w' */
+ L_ERROR, /* 'E' - Error, but non-critical */
+ L_ERROR_R, /* 'e' */
+ L_FATAL, /* '!' - Error, from die() */
+/* Mask of containing all existing levels. */
+#define LS_ALL_LEVELS 0xfff
+// return the letter associated with the severity level
+#define LS_LEVEL_LETTER(level) ("DIiWwEe!###"[( level )])
+///// Macros for extracting parts of the flags parameter
+// The division of the flags parameter is decided only here
+// The current division is (for 32 bit flags):
+// MSB <5 bits: any internal log flags> <8 bits: "user" flags> <10 bits: stream number>
+// <8 bits: severity level> LSB
+// Bits per section
+// Section shifts
+enum LS_FLAGPOS {
+// Bitmasks
+ LS_LEVEL_MASK = (( 1 << LS_LEVEL_BITS ) - 1 ) << LS_LEVEL_POS,
+ LS_FLAGS_MASK = (( 1 << LS_FLAGS_BITS ) - 1 ) << LS_FLAGS_POS,
+// "Get" macros (break flags to parts)
+#define LS_GET_LEVEL(flags) ((( flags ) & LS_LEVEL_MASK ) >> LS_LEVEL_POS )
+#define LS_GET_STRNUM(flags) ((( flags ) & LS_STRNUM_MASK ) >> LS_STRNUM_POS )
+#define LS_GET_FLAGS(flags) ((( flags ) & LS_FLAGS_MASK ) >> LS_FLAGS_POS )
+#define LS_GET_INTERNAL(flags) ((( flags ) & LS_INTERNAL_MASK ) >> LS_INTERNAL_POS )
+// "Set" macros (parts to flags)
+#define LS_SET_LEVEL(level) (( level ) << LS_LEVEL_POS )
+#define LS_SET_STRNUM(strnum) (( strnum ) << LS_STRNUM_POS )
+#define LS_SET_FLAGS(flags) (( flags ) << LS_FLAGS_POS )
+#define LS_SET_INTERNAL(intern) (( intern ) << LS_INTERNAL_POS )
+// Internal flags of the logsystem
+// Avoid operations that are unsafe in signal handlers
+// The module is initialized when a first stream is created.
+// Before that only the default log exists.
+// Initial number of streams to allocate (must be >=2)
+#define LS_INIT_STREAMS 8
+/* Return pointer a new (xmalloc()-ated) stream with no handler and an empty substream list. */
+struct log_stream *ls_new(void);
+/* Close and xfree() given log_stream */
+/* Does not affect substreams */
+void ls_close(struct log_stream *ls);
+/* close all open streams, un-initialize the module, free all memory,
+ * use only ls_default_log */
+void ls_close_all(void);
+/* add a new substream, malloc()-ate a new simp_node */
+void ls_add_substream(struct log_stream *where, struct log_stream *what);
+/* remove all occurences of a substream, free() the simp_node */
+/* return number of deleted entries */
+int ls_rm_substream(struct log_stream *where, struct log_stream *what);
+/* get a stream by its number (regnum) */
+/* returns NULL for free numbers */
+/* defaults to ls_default_stream for 0 when stream number 0 not set */
+struct log_stream *ls_bynum(int num);
+/* The proposed alternative to original vmsg() */
+void ls_vmsg(unsigned int cat, const char *fmt, va_list args);
+/* The proposed alternative to original msg() */
+void ls_msg(unsigned int cat, const char *fmt, ...);
+/* The proposed alternative to original die() */
+void ls_die(const char *fmt, ...);
+/* process a message (string) (INTERNAL) */
+/* depth prevents undetected looping */
+/* returns 1 in case of loop detection or other fatal error
+ * 0 otherwise */
+int ls_passmsg(int depth, struct log_stream *ls, const char *stime, const char *sutime,
+ const char *msg, u32 cat);
+/* Maximal depth of ls_passmsg recursion */
+#define LS_MAX_DEPTH 64
+/********* Individual handler types (constructors, handlers, destructors) */
+/**** standard (filedes) files */
+// NOTE:
+// under unix, for ordinary files open in append mode, the writes
+// are atomic (unless you meet the quota or other bad things happen),
+// so using a single log_stream is thread-safe and the file can be shared
+// among multiple processes
+/* assign log to a file descriptor */
+/* initialize with the default formatting, does NOT close the descriptor */
+struct log_stream *ls_fdfile_new(int fd);
+/* open() a file (append mode) */
+/* initialize with the default formatting */
+struct log_stream *ls_file_new(const char *path);
+/**** syslog */
+// NOTE:
+// The syslog uses a bit different severity levels, for details, see
+// ls_syslog_convert_level().
+// syslog also prepends it's own time and severity info, so the default
+// messaging passes only clean message
+/* assign log to a syslog facility */
+/* initialize with no formatting (syslog adds these inforamtion) */
+/* name is optional prefix (NULL for none) */
+struct log_stream *ls_syslog_new(int facility, const char *name);