#include <string.h>
#include <alloca.h>
- * Generic buffered I/O. You supply hooks to be called for low-level operations
- * (swapping of buffers, seeking and closing), we do the rest.
+ * Generic buffered I/O. You supply hooks to be called for low-level operations
+ * (swapping of buffers, seeking and closing), we do the rest.
- * Buffer layout when reading:
+ * Buffer layout when reading:
* +----------------+---------------------------+
* | read data | free space |
* ^ ^ ^ ^
* buffer bptr bstop bufend
- * After the last character is read, bptr == bstop and buffer refill
- * is deferred to the next read attempt. This gives us an easy way
- * how to implement bungetc().
+ * After the last character is read, +bptr == bstop+ and buffer refill
+ * is deferred to the next read attempt. This gives us an easy way
+ * how to implement +bungetc()+.
- * When writing:
+ * When writing:
* +--------+--------------+--------------------+
* | unused | written data | free space |
* ^ ^ ^ ^
* buffer bstop bptr bufend
- * Dirty tricks:
+ * Dirty tricks:
* - You can mix reads and writes on the same stream, but you must
- * call bflush() in between and remember that the file position
+ * call +bflush()+ in between and remember that the file position
* points after the flushed buffer which is not necessarily the same
* as after the data you've read.
* - The spout/refill hooks can change not only bptr and bstop, but also
- * the location of the buffer; fb-mem.c takes advantage of it.
- * - In some cases, the user of the bdirect interface can be allowed to modify
+ * the location of the buffer; +fb-mem.c+ takes advantage of it.
+ * - In some cases, the user of the +bdirect+ interface can be allowed to modify
* the data in the buffer to avoid unnecessary copying. If the back-end
- * allows such modifications, it can set can_overwrite_buffer accordingly:
+ * allows such modifications, it can set +can_overwrite_buffer+ accordingly:
* * 0 if no modification is allowed,
* * 1 if the user can modify the buffer on the condition that
* the modifications will be undone before calling the next
* fastbuf operation
* * 2 if the user is allowed to overwrite the data in the buffer
- * if bdirect_read_commit_modified() is called afterwards.
+ * if +bdirect_read_commit_modified()+ is called afterwards.
* In this case, the back-end must be prepared for trimming
* of the buffer which is done by the commit function.
- */
-struct fastbuf {
- byte is_fastbuf[0]; /* Dummy field for checking of type casts */
- byte *bptr, *bstop; /* Access pointers */
- byte *buffer, *bufend; /* Start and end of the buffer */
- char *name; /* File name for error messages */
- ucw_off_t pos; /* Position of bstop in the file */
- int (*refill)(struct fastbuf *); /* Get a buffer with new data */
- void (*spout)(struct fastbuf *); /* Write buffer data to the file */
- int (*seek)(struct fastbuf *, ucw_off_t, int); /* Slow path for bseek(), buffer already flushed; returns success */
- void (*close)(struct fastbuf *); /* Close the stream */
- int (*config)(struct fastbuf *, uns, int); /* Configure the stream */
- int can_overwrite_buffer; /* Can the buffer be altered? (see discussion above) 0=never, 1=temporarily, 2=permanently */
+ *
+ * File content
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ***/
+struct fastbuf { /** Fastbuf structure **/
+ byte is_fastbuf[0]; /** Dummy field for checking of type casts **/
+ byte *bptr, *bstop; /** Access pointers **/
+ byte *buffer, *bufend; /** Start and end of the buffer **/
+ char *name; /** File name for error messages **/
+ ucw_off_t pos; /** Position of bstop in the file **/
+ int (*refill)(struct fastbuf *); /** Get a buffer with new data **/
+ void (*spout)(struct fastbuf *); /** Write buffer data to the file **/
+ int (*seek)(struct fastbuf *, ucw_off_t, int); /** Slow path for bseek(), buffer already flushed; returns success **/
+ void (*close)(struct fastbuf *); /** Close the stream **/
+ int (*config)(struct fastbuf *, uns, int); /** Configure the stream **/
+ int can_overwrite_buffer; /** Can the buffer be altered? (see discussion above) 0=never, 1=temporarily, 2=permanently **/
/* FastIO on files with several configurable back-ends */
-enum fb_type { /* Which back-end you want to use */
- FB_STD, /* Standard buffered I/O */
- FB_DIRECT, /* Direct I/O bypassing system caches (see fb-direct.c for a description) */
- FB_MMAP /* Memory mapped files */
+enum fb_type { /** Which back-end you want to use **/
+ FB_STD, /** Standard buffered I/O **/
+ FB_DIRECT, /** Direct I/O bypassing system caches (see +fb-direct.c+ for a description) **/
+ FB_MMAP /** Memory mapped files **/
-struct fb_params {
- enum fb_type type;
- uns buffer_size; /* 0 for default size */
- uns keep_back_buf; /* FB_STD: optimize for bi-directional access */
- uns read_ahead; /* FB_DIRECT options */
- uns write_back;
- struct asio_queue *asio;
+struct fb_params { /** **/
+ enum fb_type type; /** **/
+ uns buffer_size; /** 0 for default size **/
+ uns keep_back_buf; /** FB_STD: optimize for bi-directional access **/
+ uns read_ahead; /** FB_DIRECT options **/
+ uns write_back; /** **/
+ struct asio_queue *asio; /** **/
struct cf_section;
-extern struct cf_section fbpar_cf;
-extern struct fb_params fbpar_def;
+extern struct cf_section fbpar_cf; /** Config **/
+extern struct fb_params fbpar_def; /** Default parameters **/
* Opens a file.
- */
-struct fastbuf *bopen_file(const char *name, int mode, struct fb_params *params); /* Use params==NULL for defaults */
- * Tries to open a file (does not die, if it isn't sucessful).
- */
-struct fastbuf /*BLAXLA*/ *bopen_file_try(const /*BAX*/ char *name, int mode, struct fb_params *params);
+ * Use +@params = NULL+ for defaults.
+ **/
+struct fastbuf *bopen_file(const char *name, int mode, struct fb_params *params);
+struct fastbuf *bopen_file_try(const char *name, int mode, struct fb_params *params); /** Tries to open a file (does not die, if unsuccessful) **/
* Opens a temporary file.
* It is placed with other temp filenames and deleted when closed.
- */
+ **/
struct fastbuf *bopen_tmp_file(struct fb_params *params);
struct fastbuf *bopen_fd_name(int fd, struct fb_params *params, const char *name);
static inline struct fastbuf *bopen_fd(int fd, struct fb_params *params)