When the Slot Power Limit Scale field equals 00b (1.0x) and Slot
Power Limit Value exceeds EFh, the following alternative encodings
are used:
F0h > 239 W and ≤ 250 W Slot Power Limit
F1h > 250 W and ≤ 275 W Slot Power Limit
F2h > 275 W and ≤ 300 W Slot Power Limit
F3h > 300 W and ≤ 325 W Slot Power Limit
F4h > 325 W and ≤ 350 W Slot Power Limit
F5h > 350 W and ≤ 375 W Slot Power Limit
F6h > 375 W and ≤ 400 W Slot Power Limit
F7h > 400 W and ≤ 425 W Slot Power Limit
F8h > 425 W and ≤ 450 W Slot Power Limit
F9h > 450 W and ≤ 475 W Slot Power Limit
FAh > 475 W and ≤ 500 W Slot Power Limit
FBh > 500 W and ≤ 525 W Slot Power Limit
FCh > 525 W and ≤ 550 W Slot Power Limit
FDh > 550 W and ≤ 575 W Slot Power Limit
FEh > 575 W and ≤ 600 W Slot Power Limit
FFh Reserved for Slot Power Limit Values above 600 W
Previously only values F0h, F1h and F2h were covered.