mj.ucw.cz Git - pciutils.git/commit
lspci: Decode all defined fields in the Device Capabilities 2 register
Decode all defined fields in the Device Capabilities 2 register.
The difference from "lspci -vv" output now looks like this:
- DevCap2: Completion Timeout: Range ABC, TimeoutDis+, LTR+, OBFF Not Supported ARIFwd+
+ DevCap2: Completion Timeout: Range ABC, TimeoutDis+, NROPrPrP-, LTR+
+ 10BitTagComp-, 10BitTagReq-, OBFF Not Supported, ExtFmt-, EETLPPrefix-
+ EmergencyPowerReduction Not Supported, EmergencyPowerReductionInit-
+ FRS-, LN System CLS Not Supported, TPHComp-, ExtTPHComp-, ARIFwd+
Signed-off-by: Frederick Lawler <fred@fredlawl.com>