#!/usr/bin/perl # This is a generic update hook script for GIT repositories. # Written by Martin Mares and placed into public domain. use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use File::Temp; use POSIX; my $mail_to; my $subject_prefix = "GIT"; my $max_diff_size; GetOptions( 'mail-to=s' => \$mail_to, 'subject-prefix=s' => \$subject_prefix, 'max-diff-size=s' => \$max_diff_size, ) and @ARGV == 3 or die <] Options: --mail-to=
Send mail to the given address --max-diff-size= If the diff is too long, send just a summary --subject-prefix= Prefix subjects with [] (default: GIT) AMEN my ($ref, $old, $new) = @ARGV; $ref =~ s{^refs/heads/}{} or exit 0; $old ne $new or exit 0; my $repo = POSIX::getcwd(); $repo =~ s{.*/}{}; my $subj = '[' . $subject_prefix . ($ref eq 'master' ? '' : "/$ref") . ']'; my $out = File::Temp->new() or die; my $outname = $out->filename; $out->autoflush(1); open ORIG_STDOUT, '>&', \*STDOUT; close STDOUT; open STDOUT, '>&', $out or die; my @rev_list_options = ('--pretty', '--no-abbrev', '--date=iso'); my @diff_options = ('-C'); sub scan_branches() { # Is there any branch pointing to $new ? for (`git branch -v --no-abbrev`) { chomp; my ($name, $sha) = /^..(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ or die; if ($name ne $ref && $sha eq $new) { return $name; } } return; } sub scan_commits() { my @commits = (); for (`git rev-list $old..$new --pretty=format:"# %H (%P) %s"`) { chomp; /^# / or next; my ($hash, $parents, $subject) = m{^# (\S+) \(([^)]*)\) (.*)} or die; push @commits, { hash => $hash, parents => [ split /\s+/, $parents ], subject => $subject, }; } return @commits; } sub most_recent() { print $out "Most recent commits:\n\n"; system 'git', 'rev-list', @rev_list_options, '--max-count=20', $new; } sub output_size() { $out->seek(0, 2); return $out->tell; } if ($old =~ /^0+$/) { # Creation of a branch $subj .= ' Created branch'; my $copy_of = scan_branches(); if (defined $copy_of) { $subj .= " as a copy of $copy_of"; print $out "Created branch $ref as a copy of $copy_of ($new).\n"; } else { print $out "Created branch $ref ($new).\n\n"; most_recent(); } } elsif ($new =~ /^0+$/) { # Deletion of a branch $subj .= ' Branch deleted'; print $out "Deleted branch $ref ($old).\n"; } else { my $lca = `git merge-base $old $new`; die if $?; chomp $lca; if ($lca eq $old) { # Fast forward ... scan all objects my @commits = scan_commits(); my @nonmerges = grep { @{$_->{parents}} == 1 } @commits; @commits or exit; # Construct subject # Try to recognize simple merges and display them as such my $c0 = $commits[0]; my $n0 = $nonmerges[0]; my $c0p = $c0->{parents}; if (@{$c0p} == 2 && ($c0p->[0] eq $old || $c0p->[1] eq $old) && $c0->{subject} =~ m{^\s*Merge branch '([^']*)' into (\S+)} && (($1 eq $ref) != ($2 eq $ref))) { # Pushed a merge of the current branch with another local branch $subj .= ' ' . $c0->{subject}; } elsif ($n0) { # Otherwise take the subject of the first non-merge commit $subj .= ' ' . $n0->{subject}; } else { # If there is none, take the first merge $subj .= ' ' . $c0->{subject}; } print $out "Push to branch $ref ($old -> $new)\n\n"; # If there are multiple commits, print an overall diffstat first if (@nonmerges > 1) { $subj .= ' [' . (scalar @commits) . ' commits]'; print $out 'Pushed ', (scalar @commits), " commits. Overall diffstat:\n\n"; system 'git', 'diff', '--stat', $old, $new; print $out "\n"; } my $pos_after_header = output_size(); # Show individual commits with diffs and stats system 'git', 'log', @rev_list_options, @diff_options, '-p', '--stat', "$old..$new"; # If the file is too long, truncate it and print just a summary if (defined($max_diff_size) && output_size() > $max_diff_size) { $out->truncate($pos_after_header); output_size(); print $out "Diff was too long, printing just a summary.\n\n"; system 'git', 'log', @rev_list_options, "$old..$new"; } } elsif ($lca eq $new) { # Rewind $subj .= ' Branch rewound'; print $out "Rewound branch $ref ($old -> $new).\n\n"; most_recent(); } else { # Otherwise it is a rebase $subj .= ' Branch rebased'; print $out "Rebased branch $ref ($old -> $new).\n\n"; print $out "Commits from common ancestor:\n\n"; system 'git', 'rev-list', @rev_list_options, $new, "^$old"; } } $out->close(); if (defined $mail_to) { close STDIN; open STDIN, '<', $outname; system 'mutt', '-F/dev/null', '-x', '-e', 'set charset="utf-8"', '-e', 'set send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-2:utf-8"', '-e', "my_hdr X-Git-Repo: $repo", '-e', "my_hdr X-Git-Branch: $ref", '-e', "my_hdr X-Git-Old-SHA: $old", '-e', "my_hdr X-Git-New-SHA: $new", '-s', $subj, $mail_to; } else { open STDOUT, '>&', \*ORIG_STDOUT; print "Subject: $subj\n\n"; system 'cat', $outname; }