Option parser ============= Libucw contains a parser of command-line options, more versatile and easier to use than the usual `getopt()` and `getopt_long()`. It follows the traditional UNIX conventions of option syntax, but the options are defined in a declarative way, similar in spirit to our <>. - <> - <> - <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> [[example]] Example ------- Let us start with a simple example: a program with several options and one mandatory positional argument. #include #include int english; int sugar; int verbose; char *tea_name; static struct opt_section options = { OPT_ITEMS { OPT_HELP("A simple tea boiling console."), OPT_HELP("Usage: teapot [options] name-of-the-tea"), OPT_HELP(""), OPT_HELP("Options:"), OPT_HELP_OPTION, OPT_BOOL('e', "english-style", english, 0, "\tEnglish style (with milk)"), OPT_INT('s', "sugar", sugar, OPT_REQUIRED_VALUE, "\tAmount of sugar (in teaspoons)"), OPT_INC('v', "verbose", verbose, 0, "\tVerbose (the more -v, the more verbose)"), OPT_STRING(OPT_POSITIONAL(1), NULL, tea_name, OPT_REQUIRED, ""), OPT_END } }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { opt_parse(&options, argv+1); return 0; } [[anatomy]] Anatomy of options ------------------ Most options have the following properties: - <> defining overall behavior of the option - Short name: one character. Set to 0 if the option has no short form. Alternatively, the short name can refer to a <>. - Long name: an arbitrary string. Set to NULL if the option has no long form. - Variable, where the value of the option shall be stored, together with its <>. - <> further specifying behavior of the option (whether it is mandatory, whether it carries a value, whether it can be set repeatedly, etc.). - Help text, from which the help displayed to the user is constructed. - Extra data specific for the particular class. The help is generated in a three-column format. The first column contains the short names, then come the long names, and finally option descriptions. The help text starts in column 2 (where it can describe the option's argument); you can use the tab character to advance to the next column. When a newline character appears, the text continues on the next line in column 1. [[opt_h]] ucw/opt.h --------- This header file contains the public interface of the option parser module. !!ucw/opt.h