Logging ======= LibUCW contains a powerful system for logging of messages. Depending on your needs, it can be used either as a very simple logger which writes all messages to stderr or to a single file, or as a multi-stream logger in which different messages can be directed to different streams and the streams can be combined in various ways. Simple logging -------------- The basic logging functions are defined in <>. To log a message, call `msg(L_xxx,@fmt,@args)`, where `L_xxx` is a category of the log message (`L_INFO`, `L_WARN`, `L_ERR` etc.), @fmt is a format string as for printf, and @args are additional arguments to be substituted to the format string. A newline character is automatically appended; the message should not contain any control characters. The first argument of `msg` can be OR'ed with additional flags. Most notably, you can add `L_SIGHANDLER` if you wish to log a message from a signal handler (calling time-related functions in libc from signal handlers is generally unsafe, so `msg` does not log a timestamp in such cases). By default, all messages are logged to stderr. If you wish to use a log file, call `log_file(@name)`. All subsequent logging will use this file and stderr will be redirected there, too. Names of log files can contain strftime() escapes, which are expanded on the fly. This makes it easy to start a new log file every day. Example ~~~~~~~ #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { log_init(argv[0]); log_file("/var/log/utterances"); msg(L_INFO, "This program does nothing, but successfully."); return 0; } Log streams ----------- More generally, the logger can use multiple log streams. Each stream can be directed to a logging back-end (log file, syslog, ...) and equipped with a filter which selects a subset of the messages received. A stream can also have substreams attached, which are passed a copy of all log messages sent to the parent stream. Streams are identified by <> and also by their registration number. Messages can be directed to a stream by OR'ing the registration number to the first argument of msg(). When a log stream receives a message, it is processed as follows: 1. If the log level of the message does not match the set of accepted levels of the stream (@levels), the message is dropped. 2. The filter hook of the stream is consulted and if it returns a non-zero value, the message is dropped. 3. The message is passed to all substreams of the stream. 4. The message is formatted according to the formatting flags (@msgfmt) of the stream. 5. The handler hook of the stream is called (if it exists). When no stream is explicitly selected, msg() uses the default stream, which has registration number 0 and which is also returned by log_default_stream(). This stream has no explicit destination, but it can have substreams. (When a program starts, the default stream is connected to stderr; a call to log_file() establishes a file logging stream and links it as the only substream of the default stream.) Streams are reference-counted. When a stream is created, it gets reference count 1. When it is linked as a substream of another stream, its reference count is incremented. Closing the stream by log_close_stream(), unlinking it or closing a parent stream (which causes an unlink) decrements the reference count and when it drops to zero, the stream is removed and all its substreams unlinked. Example ~~~~~~~ #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { log_init(argv[0]); struct log_stream *ls = log_new_file("/var/log/utterances"); msg(L_INFO | ls->regnum, "Aye captain, we have a log file"); msg(L_INFO, "Alas, stderr still works"); return 0; } Processes, threads and signals ------------------------------ When you fork a new process, it automatically inherits all currently configured log streams. You should however call <> to update the logger's notion of the current PID (at least when you use PID's in your log messages). The <> function itself can be called from multiple threads in parallel and it is atomic by design. The functions for setting up the logging machinery are however not reentrant (they follow our general rule about functions that affect global state). Logging from signal handlers is problematic, as is doing almost anything in signal handlers, because almost all libc functions are not signal-safe. Most importantly, functions for converting time to a human-readable representation aren't safe. LibUCW therefore offers only limited logging services in such situations and you must use the `L_SIGHANDLER` flag to request it. Otherwise, deadlocks get ready to happen. ucw/log.h --------- !!ucw/log.h