How to Configure Sherlock libraries =================================== What can be configured ---------------------- There are two different levels of configuring/customizing program based on sherlock libraries: - runtime configuration in configuration files (see <>) - compile-time configuration of the libraries: config switches set before compiling, selecting optional features. Where to build -------------- If you run configure in the source directory, it prepares for compilation inside the source tree. In this case, an `obj` subdirectory is created to hold all generated files (object files, binaries, generated source files etc.) and all final files are linked to the `run` subdirectory. No other parts of the source tree are written into. Alternatively, you can compile in a separate object tree (which is useful when you want to build several different configurations from a single source tree). In order to do that, switch to the destination directory and issue `/configure ...`. This way, configure will create the `obj` and `run` directories locally and set up a Makefile which refers to the original source tree. How to configure ---------------- To set up compilation, possibly overriding default compile-time options, just run: ./configure [