Binary search ============= * <> * <> !!ucw/binsearch.h [[examples]] Examples -------- You can find few examples of binary search usage. Although we define only few macros, they can be used for several different cases, for example to find lower elements in a (non-)decreasing array or even to find elements in a (non-)increasing array. static int inc[10] = { 1, 4, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 20, 25, 50 }; static const char *str[5] = { "aaa", "abc", "bflmpsvz", "rep", "rep" }; static int dec[3] = { 5, 2, 1 }; // find the first equal element printf("%d\n", BIN_SEARCH_EQ(inc, 10, 4)); // prints 1 printf("%d\n", BIN_SEARCH_EQ(inc, 10, 15)); // prints -1 (not found) // find the first greater or equal element printf("%d\n", BIN_SEARCH_GE(inc, 10, 9)); // prints 5 printf("%d\n", BIN_SEARCH_GE(inc, 10, 10)); // prints 5 printf("%d\n", BIN_SEARCH_GE(inc, 10, 4)); // prints 1 printf("%d\n", BIN_SEARCH_GE(inc, 10, 99)); // prints 10 (not found) // find the last equal element (or -1 if does not exist) #define CMP_LE(ary, i, x) ((ary[i]) <= (x)) int i = BIN_SEARCH_FIRST_GE_CMP(inc, 10, 4, CMP_LE); printf("%d\n", (i && inc[i - 1] == 4) ? i - 1 : -1); // prints 2 // find the first greater element printf("%d\n", BIN_SEARCH_FIRST_GE_CMP(inc, 10, 25, CMP_LE)); // prints 9 // find the last lower or equal element (or -1 if does not exist) printf("%d\n", BIN_SEARCH_FIRST_GE_CMP(inc, 10, 25, CMP_LE) - 1); // prints 8 // find the last lower element (or -1 if does not exist) printf("%d\n", BIN_SEARCH_FIRST_GE(inc, 10, 25) - 1); // prints 7 // find the first greater or equal string #define CMP_STR(ary, i, x) (strcmp((ary[i]), (x)) < 0) printf("%d\n", BIN_SEARCH_GE_CMP(str, 5, "bfl", CMP_STR)); // prints 2 // find the first lower or equal element in the non-increasing array #define CMP_GT(ary, i, x) ((ary[i]) > (x)) printf("%d\n", BIN_SEARCH_FIRST_GE_CMP(dec, 3, 4, CMP_GT)); // prints 1