# Automatic configuration of the UCW Library # (c) 2005--2008 Martin Mares # (c) 2006 Robert Spalek ### Installation paths ### Log "Determining installation prefix ... "; if (IsSet("CONFIG_LOCAL")) { Log "local build\n"; Set("INSTALL_PREFIX", ""); Set("INSTALL_USR_PREFIX", ""); Set("INSTALL_VAR_PREFIX", ""); } else { Set("PREFIX", "/usr/local") unless IsSet("PREFIX"); my $ipx = Get("PREFIX"); $ipx =~ s{/$}{}; Set("INSTALL_PREFIX", "$ipx/"); my $upx = ($ipx eq "" ? "/usr/" : "$ipx/"); Set("INSTALL_USR_PREFIX", $upx); $upx =~ s{^/usr\b}{/var}; Set("INSTALL_VAR_PREFIX", $upx); Log Get("PREFIX") . "\n"; } Set("INSTALL_CONFIG_DIR", '$(INSTALL_PREFIX)$(CONFIG_DIR)'); Set("INSTALL_BIN_DIR", '$(INSTALL_USR_PREFIX)bin'); Set("INSTALL_SBIN_DIR", '$(INSTALL_USR_PREFIX)sbin'); Set("INSTALL_LIB_DIR", '$(INSTALL_USR_PREFIX)lib'); Set("INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR", '$(INSTALL_USR_PREFIX)include'); Set("INSTALL_PKGCONFIG_DIR", '$(INSTALL_USR_PREFIX)lib/pkgconfig'); Set("INSTALL_SHARE_DIR", '$(INSTALL_USR_PREFIX)share'); Set("INSTALL_MAN_DIR", '$(INSTALL_USR_PREFIX)share/man'); Set("INSTALL_LOG_DIR", '$(INSTALL_VAR_PREFIX)log'); Set("INSTALL_STATE_DIR", '$(INSTALL_VAR_PREFIX)lib'); Set("INSTALL_RUN_DIR", '$(INSTALL_VAR_PREFIX)run'); ### OS ### Test("OS", "Checking on which OS we run", sub { my $os = `uname`; chomp $os; Fail "Unable to determine OS type" if $? || $os eq ""; return $os; }); if (Get("OS") eq "Linux") { Set("CONFIG_LINUX"); } elsif (Get("OS") eq "Darwin") { Set("CONFIG_DARWIN"); } else { Fail "Don't know how to run on this operating system."; } ### Compiler ### # Default compiler Test("CC", "Checking for C compiler", sub { return "gcc"; }); # GCC version Test("GCCVER", "Checking for GCC version", sub { my $gcc = Get("CC"); my $ver = `$gcc --version | sed '2,\$d; s/^\\(.* \\)*\\([0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\\).*/\\2/'`; chomp $ver; Fail "Unable to determine GCC version" if $? || $ver eq ""; return $ver; }); my ($gccmaj, $gccmin) = split(/\./, Get("GCCVER")); my $gccver = 1000*$gccmaj + $gccmin; $gccver >= 3000 or Fail "GCC older than 3.0 doesn't support C99 well enough."; ### CPU ### Test("ARCH", "Checking for machine architecture", sub { my $mach = `uname -m`; chomp $mach; Fail "Unable to determine machine type" if $? || $mach eq ""; if ($mach =~ /^i[0-9]86$/) { return "i386"; } elsif ($mach =~ /^(x86[_-]|amd)64$/) { return "amd64"; } else { return "unknown"; } }); sub parse_cpuinfo_linux() { open X, "/proc/cpuinfo" || undef; my %pc = (); while () { chomp; /^$/ && last; /^([^\t]+)\t+:\s*(.*)$/ and $pc{$1}=$2; } close X; return ($pc{'vendor_id'}, $pc{'cpu family'}, $pc{'model'}); } sub parse_cpuinfo_darwin() { @cpu = (`sysctl -n machdep.cpu.vendor`, `sysctl -n machdep.cpu.family`, `sysctl -n machdep.cpu.model`); chomp @cpu; return @cpu; } sub parse_cpuinfo() { my @cpu; if (IsSet("CONFIG_LINUX")) { @cpu = parse_cpuinfo_linux(); } elsif (IsSet("CONFIG_DARWIN")) { @cpu = parse_cpuinfo_darwin(); } $cpu[0] = "" if !defined $cpu[0]; $cpu[1] = 0 if !defined $cpu[1]; $cpu[2] = 0 if !defined $cpu[2]; return @cpu; } Test("CPU_ARCH", "Checking for CPU architecture", sub { my $mach = Get("ARCH"); my $arch = ""; if ($mach eq "i386") { Set("CPU_I386"); UnSet("CPU_64BIT_POINTERS"); Set("CPU_LITTLE_ENDIAN"); UnSet("CPU_BIG_ENDIAN"); Set("CPU_ALLOW_UNALIGNED"); Set("CPU_STRUCT_ALIGN" => 4); if (IsSet("CONFIG_EXACT_CPU")) { my ($vendor, $family, $model) = parse_cpuinfo(); # Try to understand CPU vendor, family and model [inspired by MPlayer's configure script] if ($vendor eq "AuthenticAMD") { if ($family >= 6) { if ($model >= 31 && $gccver >= 3004) { $arch = "athlon64"; } elsif ($model >= 6 && $gccver >= 3003) { $arch = "athlon-xp"; } else { $arch = "athlon"; } } } elsif ($vendor eq "GenuineIntel") { if ($family >= 15 && $gccver >= 3003) { if ($model >= 4) { $arch = "nocona"; } elsif ($model >= 3) { $arch = "prescott"; } else { $arch = "pentium4"; } } elsif ($family == 6 && $gccver >= 3003) { if ($model == 15) { $arch = "prescott"; } elsif (($model == 9 || $model == 13) && $gccver >= 3004) { $arch = "pentium-m"; } elsif ($model >= 7) { $arch = "pentium3"; } elsif ($model >= 3) { $arch = "pentium2"; } } } # No match on vendor, try the family if ($arch eq "") { if ($family >= 6) { $arch = "i686"; } elsif ($family >= 3) { $arch = "i${family}86"; } } Log (($arch ne "") ? "(using /proc/cpuinfo) " : "(don't understand /proc/cpuinfo) "); return $arch; } else { return "default"; } } elsif ($mach eq "amd64") { Set("CPU_AMD64"); Set("CPU_64BIT_POINTERS"); Set("CPU_LITTLE_ENDIAN"); UnSet("CPU_BIG_ENDIAN"); Set("CPU_ALLOW_UNALIGNED"); Set("CPU_STRUCT_ALIGN" => 8); if (IsSet("CONFIG_EXACT_CPU")) { # In x86-64 world, the detection is somewhat easier so far... my ($vendor, $family, $model) = parse_cpuinfo(); if ($vendor eq "AuthenticAMD") { $arch = "athlon64"; } elsif ($vendor eq "GenuineIntel") { $arch = "nocona"; } Log (($arch ne "") ? "(using /proc/cpuinfo) " : "(don't understand /proc/cpuinfo) "); return $arch; } else { return "default"; } } else { return "unknown"; } }); if (Get("CPU_ARCH") eq "unknown") { Warn "CPU architecture not recognized, using defaults, keep fingers crossed.\n"; } ### Compiler and its Options ### # C flags: tell the compiler we're speaking C99, and disable common symbols Set("CLANG" => "-std=gnu99 -fno-common"); # C optimizations Set("COPT" => '-O2'); if (Get("CPU_ARCH") ne "unknown" && Get("CPU_ARCH") ne "default") { Append("COPT", '-march=$(CPU_ARCH)'); } # C optimizations for highly exposed code Set("COPT2" => '-O3'); # Warnings Set("CWARNS" => '-Wall -W -Wno-parentheses -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Winline'); Set("CWARNS_OFF" => ''); # Linker flags Set("LOPT" => ""); # Extra libraries Set("LIBS" => ""); # Extra flags for compiling and linking shared libraries Set("CSHARED" => '-fPIC'); if (IsSet("CONFIG_LOCAL")) { Set("SONAME_PREFIX" => "lib/"); } else { Set("SONAME_PREFIX" => ""); } if (IsSet("CONFIG_DARWIN")) { Set("LSHARED" => '-dynamiclib -install_name $(SONAME_PREFIX)$(@F) -undefined dynamic_lookup'); } else { Set("LSHARED" => '-shared -Wl,-soname,$(SONAME_PREFIX)$(@F)'); } # Extra switches depending on GCC version: if ($gccver == 3000) { Append("COPT" => "-fstrict-aliasing"); } elsif ($gccver == 3003) { Append("CWARNS" => "-Wundef -Wredundant-decls"); Append("COPT" => "-finline-limit=20000 --param max-inline-insns-auto=1000"); } elsif ($gccver == 3004) { Append("CWARNS" => "-Wundef -Wredundant-decls"); Append("COPT" => "-finline-limit=2000 --param large-function-insns=5000 --param inline-unit-growth=200 --param large-function-growth=400"); } elsif ($gccver >= 4000) { Append("CWARNS" => "-Wundef -Wredundant-decls -Wno-pointer-sign -Wdisabled-optimization -Wno-missing-field-initializers"); Append("CWARNS_OFF" => "-Wno-pointer-sign"); Append("COPT" => "-finline-limit=5000 --param large-function-insns=5000 --param inline-unit-growth=200 --param large-function-growth=400"); if ($gccver >= 4002) { Append("COPT" => "-fgnu89-inline"); } } else { Warn "Don't know anything about this GCC version, using default switches.\n"; } if (IsSet("CONFIG_DEBUG")) { # If debugging: Set("DEBUG_ASSERTS"); Set("DEBUG_DIE_BY_ABORT") if Get("CONFIG_DEBUG") > 1; Set("CDEBUG" => "-ggdb"); } else { # If building a release version: Append("COPT" => "-fomit-frame-pointer"); Append("LOPT" => "-s"); } if (IsSet("CONFIG_DARWIN")) { # gcc-4.0 on Darwin doesn't set this in the gnu99 mode Append("CLANG" => "-fnested-functions"); # Directory hierarchy of the fink project Append("LIBS" => "-L/sw/lib"); Append("COPT" => "-I/sw/include"); # Fill in some constants not found in the system header files Set("SOL_TCP" => 6); # missing in /usr/include/netinet/tcp.h } # Determine page size Test("CPU_PAGE_SIZE", "Determining page size", sub { my $p; if (IsSet("CONFIG_DARWIN")) { $p = `sysctl -n hw.pagesize`; defined $p or Fail "sysctl hw.pagesize failed"; } elsif (IsSet("CONFIG_LINUX")) { $p = `getconf PAGE_SIZE`; defined $p or Fail "getconf PAGE_SIZE failed"; } chomp $p; return $p; }); if (IsSet("CONFIG_LARGE_FILES") && IsSet("CONFIG_LINUX")) { # Use 64-bit versions of file functions Set("CONFIG_LFS"); } # Decide how will ucw/partmap.c work Set("PARTMAP_IS_MMAP") if IsSet("CPU_64BIT_POINTERS"); # Option for ucw/mempool.c Set("POOL_IS_MMAP"); # Guess optimal bit width of the radix-sorter if (Get("CPU_ARCH") eq "default" || Get("CPU_ARCH") =~ /^i[345]86$/) { # This should be safe everywhere Set("CONFIG_UCW_RADIX_SORTER_BITS" => 10); } else { # Use this on modern CPU's Set("CONFIG_UCW_RADIX_SORTER_BITS" => 12); } # If debugging memory allocations: #LIBS+=-lefence # Remember PKG_CONFIG_PATH used for building, so that it will be propagated to # pkg-config's run locally in the makefiles. Set("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", $ENV{"PKG_CONFIG_PATH"}) if defined $ENV{"PKG_CONFIG_PATH"}; # Return success 1;