Assignment of peripherals and pins ================================== SPI2 emulated TM1618 LED driver USART1 debugging TIM3 TM1618 timeout TIM4 timing of IR remote control Blue Pill pinout +--------------------+ | VBATT 3.3V | BluePill LED | PC13 GND | | PC14 5V | | PC15 PB9 | | PA0 PB8 | | PA1 PB7 | | PA2 PB6 | | PA3 PB5 | | PA4 PB4 | | PA5 PB3 | | PA6 PA15 | | PA7 PA12 | | PB0 PA11 | | PB1 PA10 | RXD1 - debugging console | PB10 PA9 | TXD1 - debugging console | PB11 PA8 | IR remote control | RESET PB15 | MOSI2 - LED driver data input | 3.3 V PB14 | MISO2 - unused | GND PB13 | SCK2 - LED driver clock | GND PB12 | SS2 - unused +--------------------+