Protocol spoken by the submit server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) Server sends "+OK\n" or "+TLS\n" (2) TLS is started if requested (3) Client sends hello, server replies (4) Loop: client sends command, server replies Except for the initial "+xxx" message, all requests and replies are simple objects as handled by the Sherlock library. Each line starts with a single-character attribute name followed by the value of the attribute, the object is terminated by an empty line. Parentheses can delimit nested blocks. Every reply contains either a "+" or "-" attribute denoting status (OK/failed). The value of the attribute is a message for the user, which should not be interpreted in any way. Hello request: Uusername Hello reply: (only status) Submit request: !SUBMIT Ttask Ppart <-- optional part ID Ssize Xextension (after the request is ACK-ed, the client sends raw data and then server sends a 2nd reply) Submit reply: (only status) Submit reply after data: (only status) Task status objects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (T <-- task Tname (P <-- task part Pname Vid <-- which version is current (V <-- submitted version Vid Tsubmit_time Sstatus Hhash Xextension ) ) )