SUBAUTHD(8) =========== NAME ---- subauthd - A server for the sub-authentication service SYNOPSIS -------- *subauthd* 'options' DESCRIPTION ----------- Please see *subauth*(1) for an overview of the sub-authentication service. This daemon maintains all sub-accounts and answers requests for authentication from system services (e.g., via the *pam_subauth* module), and requests for changes in accounts and tokens (e.g., via the *subauth*(1) client). OPTIONS ------- *-C, --config=*'file':: Use the specified config file instead of the default one. If multiple instances of this option are given, all files are loaded. *-S, --set=*'section'*.*'key'*=*'value':: Set a configuration variable. In fact, the argument of *--set* can be an arbitrary configuration expression; please see documentation on the LibUCW configuration system for full explanation. FILES ----- /etc/subauthd SEE ALSO -------- *subauth*(1)