#!/usr/bin/perl # Mail robot for processing of PCI ID submissions # (c) 2001--2002 Martin Mares # (c) 2008 Michal Vaner use Mail::Header; use Getopt::Long; use IO::Handle; BEGIN { unshift @INC, "."; } use PciIds::Db; use PciIds::Log; use PciIds::Notifications; use PciIds::DBQ; my $patch = 0; my $emulate = 0; my $debug = 0; my $original = ""; my $author = ""; GetOptions( 'patch!' => \$patch, 'emulate!' => \$emulate, 'debug!' => \$debug, 'orig=s' => \$original, 'author=s' => \$author ) || die "Usage: mailbot [--patch] [--emulate] [--debug] [--orig ] [--author ]"; my $reply = ""; my $reply_plain = ""; my $msgid = ""; my $subject = ""; my $tables = PciIds::DBQ::new( connectDb() ); my $hasAuth = $tables->dbh()->prepare( 'SELECT id FROM users WHERE email = ?' ); my $hasItem = $tables->dbh()->prepare( "SELECT 1 FROM locations WHERE id = ?" ); my $addItem = $tables->dbh()->prepare( "INSERT INTO locations (id, parent) VALUES (?, ?)" ); my $addComment = $tables->dbh()->prepare( "INSERT INTO history (owner, location, discussion, nodename, nodenote) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" ); sub submitItem( $$$$$ ) { my( $id, $name, $description, $text, $author ) = @_; my $created; $id =~ s/(.{8})(.+)/$1\/$2/; $id =~ s/(.{4})(.+)/$1\/$2/; $id = "PC/$id"; if( length $id > 12 ) { my( $vendor ) = ( $id =~ /^PC\/....\/....\/(....)/ ); $vendor = "PC/$vendor"; $hasItem->execute( $vendor ); error( "Missing subsystem vendor" ) unless( $hasItem->fetchrow_array ); } $hasItem->execute( $id ); unless( $hasItem->fetchrow_array ) { tlog( "mailbot: Item created (empty) $id" ); my $parent = $id; $parent =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//; $addItem->execute( $id, $parent ); $created = 1; } $addComment->execute( $author, $id, $text, $name, $description ); my $hid = $tables->last(); tlog( "mailbot: History created $hid $id ".logEscape( $name )." ".logEscape( $description )." ".logEscape( $text ) ); notify( $tables, $id, $hid, $created ? 2 : 1, $created ? 0 : 1 ); if( !$tables->notifExists( $author, $id ) ) { $tables->submitNotification( $author, $id, { 'recursive' => 0, 'notification' => 0, 'way' => 0 } ); } } if (!$patch) { $hdr = new Mail::Header; $hdr->modify(1); $hdr->mail_from(COERCE); $hdr->read(*STDIN{IO}); $hdr->unfold(); $mfrom = $hdr->get('Mail-From'); chomp $mfrom; ($mfrom =~ /^MAILER-DAEMON@/i) && blackhole("From mailer daemon"); $mfrom =~ s/ .*// or blackhole("Malformed envelope sender"); ($reply = $hdr->get('Reply-To')) || ($reply = $hdr->get('From')) || blackhole("Don't know who should I reply to"); chomp $reply; if ($reply =~ /<(\S*)>/) { $reply_plain = $1; } elsif ($reply =~ /^\S+$/) { $reply_plain = $reply; } else { $reply_plain = $mfrom; } $reply_plain =~ tr/\n'"\\//d; $msgid = $hdr->get('Message-Id'); chomp $msgid; my $subj = $hdr->get('Subject'); chomp $subj; if ($subj =~ /^IDS: (.*)/) { $subject = $1; } $author = $reply_plain; } $home = "$ENV{HOME}/"; my $scripts = "$home/ids/perl/scripts"; $tprefix = "${home}tmp/mbot-$$"; # Little hack to stop spam: ignore everything from people not already in database $hasAuth->execute( $author ); my( $authorId ) = ( $hasAuth->fetchrow_array ); if( defined $authorId ) { tlog( "mailbot: Active user ($author) id: $authorId" ); } else { blackhole("Dropping email from $author, not in database.\n"); } mkdir("${home}tmp", 0777); mkdir($tprefix, 0777) || error("Cannot create tmpdir"); chdir($tprefix) || error("Cannot chdir to tmpdir"); open(TEMP, ">patch") || error("Cannot create tmpfile"); if ($debug || $reply eq "") { open(LOG, ">&STDOUT") || error ("Cannot create outfile"); } else { open(LOG, ">log") || error ("Cannot create outfile"); LOG->autoflush(1); } if ($reply) { print LOG "Got mail from $reply, will reply to $reply_plain.\n"; print LOG "Scanning mail for patch.\n"; } else { print LOG "Scanning STDIN for patch.\n"; } while () { while (/^--- /) { $l0 = $_; $_ = ; if (/^\+\+\+ /) { print TEMP $l0; print TEMP $_; while (1) { $_ = ; chomp; if (/^\s*$/ || !/^[ +\@-]/) { close TEMP; process(); exit 0; } print TEMP "$_\n"; /^@@ -\d+,(\d+) \+\d+,(\d+) @@/ || error("Malformed patch"); $old = $1; $new = $2; while ($old || $new) { $_ = ; print TEMP $_; if (/^ /) { $old--; $new--; } elsif (/^-/) { $old--; } elsif (/^\+/) { $new--; } else { error("Malformed patch"); } if ($old<0 || $new<0) { error("Malformed patch"); } } } } } } error("No patch found"); sub cleanup { chdir($home); `rm -rf $tprefix` unless $debug; exit 0; } sub blackhole { my $reason = shift @_; print STDERR "Blackholed: $reason\n"; cleanup(); } sub error { my $reason = shift @_; print LOG "$reason\n"; mail_reply($reason); cleanup(); } sub process { print LOG "Patch found.\n"; print LOG "Searching for original pci.ids version.\n"; foreach $orig (($original eq "") ? glob("$home/origs/*") : ("../../$original")) { print LOG "Trying $orig\n"; unlink "pci.ids"; unlink "pci.rej"; print LOG `/usr/bin/patch &1 >orig.db.unsorted`; $? && error("Error parsing original ID database"); print LOG `sort -k1 orig.db`; $? && error("Error sorting original ID database"); print LOG `$scripts/ids_to_dbdump &1 >new.db.unsorted`; $? && error("Error parsing the patched pci.ids file"); print LOG `sort -k1 new.db`; $? && error("Error sorting the patched pci.ids file"); print LOG "Finding ID differences.\n"; `diff -U0 -b new.db orig.db >diffs`; if ($? > 256) { error("Diff failed. Why?"); } elsif (!$?) { error("No ID changes encountered."); } open(DIFF, "diffs") || error("Cannot open the diff"); $subject = undef if $subject eq ''; my $live = (!$emulate && !$debug); while () { chomp; /^(\+\+\+|---)/ && next; /^[+-]/ || next; ($tt,$id,$name,$stat,$cmt) = split /\t/; if ($tt =~ /^\+(.*)/) { defined $seen{$id} && next; $name = $cmt = ""; } elsif ($tt =~ /^-(.*)/) { $seen{$id} = 1; } else { error("Internal bug #23"); } print LOG "$id\t$name\t$cmt\n"; submitItem( $id, $name, $cmt, $subject, $authorId ) if $live; } $tables->dbh->commit(); close DIFF; $time = localtime; `echo >>$home/mailbot.log "## $time $reply"`; `cat result >>$home/mailbot.log`; print LOG "Done.\n"; mail_reply("OK"); cleanup(); } } error("Unable to find any version of pci.ids the patch applies to."); } sub mail_reply { my $reason = shift @_; my $sendmail_opts = "-fvorner+iderr\@ucw.cz '$reply_plain' vorner+idecho\@ucw.cz"; if ($debug || $reply eq "") { print "$reason\n"; return; } elsif ($emulate) { open(MAIL, ">&STDOUT") || die; print MAIL "SENDMAIL $sendmail_opts\n"; } elsif (!open MAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail $sendmail_opts") { print STDERR "Unable to ask mailer for replying!!!\n"; print LOG "Unable to ask mailer for replying!!!\n"; exit 1; } print MAIL "From: The PCI ID Robot \n"; print MAIL "To: $reply\n"; print MAIL "Subject: IDbot: $reason\n"; print MAIL "In-Reply-To: $msgid\n" if $msgid ne ""; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL <) { print MAIL "$_"; } close L; } print MAIL "\n--- End ---\n"; close MAIL; } sub url_encode { $_ = shift @_; s/([^a-zA-Z0-9.!*,_-])/'%'.unpack('H2',$1)/ge; s/%20/+/g; $_; }