[arrayd | array declaration (var)] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) $Param(VariableName): array[0..$Param(HighNumber)] of $Param(String); | [arrayc | array declaration (const)] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true $(AttributesEnd) array[$param(0)..$param(1)] of $param(Type) = (|); [cases | case statement] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true $(AttributesEnd) case $param(var) of : |; : ; end; [be | begin end else begin end] begin | end else begin end; [casee | case statement (with else)] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true $(AttributesEnd) case $param(var) of : |; : ; else ; end; [classf | class declaration (all parts)] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) $Param(ClassName) = class($Param(InheritedClass)) private public | constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; [classd | class declaration (no parts)] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) $Param(ClassName) = class($Param(InheritedClass)) | end; [classc | class declaration (with Create/Destroy overrides)] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) $Param(ClassName) = class($Param(InheritedClass)) private protected public | constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; published end; [d | debugln] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true $(AttributesEnd) debugln(['$ProcedureName() '|]); [fors | for (no begin/end)] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) for $Param(CounterVar) := $Param(0) to $Param(Count) - 1 do | [forb | for statement] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) for $Param(CounterVar) := $Param(0) to $Param(Count) - 1 do begin | end; [function | function declaration] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true $(AttributesEnd) function $param(Name)($param( )): $param(Type); begin | end; [hexc | HexStr(Cardinal(),8)] HexStr(PtrUInt(|),8) [ifs | if (no begin/end)] if $Param(Conditional) then | [ifb | if statement] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) if $Param(Conditional) then begin | end; [ife | if then (no begin/end) else (no begin/end)] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) if $Param(Conditional) then | else [ifeb | if then else] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) if $Param(Conditional) then begin | end else begin end; [procedure | procedure declaration] procedure $Param(ProcName)|($Param()); begin | end; [ofall | case of all enums] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true $(AttributesEnd) of |$OfAll()end; [trye | try except] try | except end; [tryf | try finally] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) try | finally $Param(FreeStatement,default) end; [trycf | try finally (with Create/Free)] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) $Param(VarName) := $Param(TMyClassName).Create; try | finally $Param(VarName,Sync=1).Free; end; [whileb | while statement] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) while $Param(LoopCondition) do begin | end; [whiles | while (no begin)] while $Param(LoopCondition) do | [withb | with statement] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) with $Param(Object) do begin | end; [b | begin end] begin | end; [withs | with (no begin)] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) with $Param(Object) do | [withc | with for components] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) with $Param(Object) do begin Name:='$Param(NameText)'; Parent:=Self; Left:=$Param(0); Top:=$Param(0); Width:=$Param(0); Height:=$Param(0); Caption:='$Param(CaptionText)'; end; | [fpc | Conditional FPC Mode] $(AttributesStart) RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) {$IFDEF FPC} {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {$ENDIF} | [todo | ToDo item creator] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true RemoveChar=true $(AttributesEnd) { TODO -o$Param(Author) : $Param(Note) } | [w | writeln] $(AttributesStart) EnableMakros=true $(AttributesEnd) writeln('$ProcedureName() '|);