Map { # Data sources Source { # Input file File dump.osm # File format: # osmxml OpenStreetMap XML # fixed Fixed objects (no File used, see FixedObjects section below) # shape ESRI shape file (partial support only) Format osmxml # MapCSS stylesheet to apply (multiple style-sheets are allowed) StyleSheet poskole.css # Enable inline style properties (tags "style:" or "style:::") InlineStyles 1 } Source { Format fixed StyleSheet poskole.css InlineStyles 1 } # Projection of our map Projection "+proj=utm +zone=33 +ellps=WGS84" # Which part of the map should drawn (in projected coordinates) MinX 464737 MaxX 471140 MinY 5552849 MaxY 5557376 # Draw on A3 paper PageWidth 420 PageHeight 297 # Draw on A4 paper # PageWidth 297 # PageHeight 210 # Clip output to the requested rectangle Clip 1 # Rotate the map by 90 degrees Rotate 0 # Draw blue border around the requested rectangle DrawBorder 0 # Write SVG output here SVGOutput output.svg } FixedObjects { # Fixed objects may be placed at specific positions on the paper # with specific tags. Remember to enable the "fixed" data source. Object { X 374 Y 25 Tag style:icon-image '"icons/logo.svg"' Tag style:icon-width 36 Tag style:z-index 99 } } Debug { # Dump map data exactly as parsed DumpSource 0 # Dump map data after projection to Map.Projection DumpAfterProj 0 # Dump map data after conversion to on-paper coordinates DumpAfterScaling 0 # Dump intermediate representations of multipolygons DumpMultipolygons 0 # Dump stylesheet as parsed DumpCSS 0 # Dump styling decisions DumpStyling 0 # Dump planning and drawing of symbols DumpSymbols 0 }