# Automatic configuration of the UCW Library # (c) 2005 Martin Mares ### Compiler and its Options ### # Default compiler Test("CC", "Checking for C compiler", sub { return "gcc"; }); # GCC version Test("GCCVER", "Checking for GCC version", sub { my $gcc = Get("CC"); my $ver = `$gcc --version | sed '2,\$d; s/^\\(.* \\)\\?\\([0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\\).*/\\2/'`; chomp $ver; Fail "Unable to determine GCC version" if $? || $ver eq ""; return $ver; }); # C flags: tell the compiler we're speaking C99 Set("CLANG" => "-std=gnu99"); # C optimizations Set("COPT" => '-O2 -fstrict-aliasing -march=$(CPU_ARCH)'); # C optimizations for highly exposed code Set("COPT2" => '-O3'); # Warnings Set("CWARNS" => '-Wall -W -Wno-parentheses -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Winline'); # Linker flags Set("LOPT" => ""); # Extra libraries Set("LIBS" => ""); # Extra flags for compiling and linking shared libraries Set("CSHARED" => '-fPIC'); Set("LSHARED" => '-shared -Wl,-soname,lib/$(@F)'); # Extra switches depending on GCC version: if (Get("GCCVER") eq "3.0") { } elsif (Get("GCCVER") eq "3.3") { Append("CWARNS" => "-Wundef -Wredundant-decls"); Append("COPT" => "-finline-limit=20000 --param max-inline-insns-auto=1000"); } elsif (Get("GCCVER") eq "3.4") { Append("CWARNS" => "-Wundef -Wredundant-decls"); Append("COPT" => "-finline-limit=5000 --param large-function-insns=5000 --param inline-unit-growth=200 --param large-function-growth=400"); } else { Log "WARNING: Don't know anything about this GCC version, using default switches.\n"; } if (IsSet("CONFIG_DEBUG")) { # If debugging: Set("DEBUG_ASSERTS"); Set("DEBUG_DIE_BY_ABORT") if Get("CONFIG_DEBUG") > 1; Set("CDEBUG" => "-ggdb"); } else { # If building a release version: Append("COPT" => "-fomit-frame-pointer"); Append("LOPT" => "-s"); } # If debugging memory allocations: #LIBS+=-lefence #CDEBUG+=-DDEBUG_DMALLOC #LIBS+=-ldmalloc ### CPU Type and Features ### Set("CPU_ARCH" => 'i686') if !IsSet("CPU_ARCH"); Set("CPU_I386"); Set("CPU_LITTLE_ENDIAN"); #CPU_BIG_ENDIAN=1 Set("CPU_ALLOW_UNALIGNED"); Set("CPU_STRUCT_ALIGN" => 4); Set("CPU_64BIT_POINTERS"); ### OS Type ### Set("CONFIG_LINUX"); # Return success 1;