What's that?

LibUCW is a general-purpose C library providing both implementation of common algorithms (like sorting, heaps), support for performance computing (fast buffered IO) and some generic data structures. In short, it is a library of things the authors consider useful in most of programs written in C.

As a bonus, there is a build system you can use in your program, documentation system and few perl modules.

It is developed as part of the Sherlock Holmes search engine.


Additional libraries

The package contains few other libraries which you might find useful. You can build & install libUCW with them or without. However they are not documented and are more specific.


The library is available under the terms of GNU Lesser Public License (LGPL) with the exception of few modules, which are in public domain.

There is also a commercial version of the library, available with the commercial version of Sherlock Holmes. However, unlike the Sherlock Holmes, the commercial version of library does not come with additional features.


The library is developed together with Sherlock Holmes by the same authors. Most of it was written by Martin Mareš, Robert Špalek, Pavel Charvát and Michal Vaner.


Currently, only a beta-version (3.99) is available. Expect a stable version once the beta version is tested and considered stable.

You can download it via HTTP or via FTP.


Although the documentation is not yet complete, you can browse the part which is already written. You can compile the same documentation from the package.

Reporting bugs

All reports about bugs, inconveniences or ideas for new features are welcome at Patches implementing them are welcome even more ;-).

If you use the library to your pleasure, the authors will be glad to hear that at the same address.