SubauthD { # Path to local socket over which clients communicate with the daemon SocketPath @INSTALL_RUN_DIR@/subauthd.socket # Path to database of users and accounts Database @INSTALL_STATE_DIR@/subauthd.db # An optional path to a key for signing temporary tokens. # If it is defined, temporary tokens survive daemon restart. Otherwise, # the daemon creates a new key on every startup. TempKeyFile @INSTALL_STATE_DIR@/subauthd-temp-key # Maximum number of simultaneous client connections MaxConnections 1000 # Authentication zones: each zone contains accounts for local users # (at most one per user), zones are completely independent. Zone { # Name of the zone Name mail # One-line description Description E-mail # Allow automatic creation of accounts: when a user tries to create # a password/token in a zone where he has no account, the account is # created. If turned off, all accounts must be created explicitly # by the super-user. AutoCreateAcct 1 # Allow users to set a password AllowPasswd 1 # Allow users to create a token, set maximum number of tokens per user AllowTokens 16 # Allow users to create a temporary token, set maximum lifetime of such token MaxTempValidity 3600 } }