How to Configure Sherlock ************************* 1. What can be configured ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are three different levels of configuring/customizing Sherlock: - runtime configuration in cf/sherlock and cf/local (see doc/config) - compile-time configuration: config switches set before compiling, selecting optional features (see sherlock/default.cfg) - customization: a set of C declarations and functions, which define word types, attributes and the ways to match them. In most cases, you should use the "free" customization designed for searching in web pages and similar documents. If you want just a simple search engine for indexing databases, the "customs/bare" customization can be better. If you want to extend Sherlock beyond that, you will probably need to write your own customization -- just follow the structure of the "free" customization and the comments there. 2. How to configure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To set up compilation for a given customization, possibly overriding its default compile-time options, just run ./configure [