Moe meta-files ############## Grammar: ~~~~~~~~ = * = ( | | ) = ":" "\n" = * = "(" "\n" = ")" "\n" = (|)* = (A-Z | a-z | 0-9 | "-" | "_")+ = ( | 0x09)* = ("\n" | "#" "\n") -- there can be multiple attributes with the same name -- spaces can be present only where explicitly allowed by the grammer Input to the queue manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ task: name of the task subtask: name of the sub-task (for open-data problems) source: file name of the submitted source codex(...) attributes specific to CodEx Added by the queue manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ queue-enter: when did the submit enter the queue (unix timestamp; set by qman according to the original timestamp of the meta-file) queue-eval: timestamp of the start of evaluation queue-done: timestamp of the finish of evaluation Added by the evaluator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ test( results of a single test -- mandatory: id: the name of the test points: number of points assigned status: status code: OK = passed successfully CE = compile error FO = forbidden operation (forbidden syscall atd.) RE = runtime error (exitcode set) SG = killed by signal (exitsig set) TO = timeout WA = wrong answer PA = partial answer PE = protocol error (in case of interactive tasks) XX = internal error (e.g., error when calling judge) message: human-readable status message (not intended for machine parsing) -- optional: time: run time in seconds (float) time-wall: run time on wall clock (float seconds) mem: used memory in bytes exitcode: program exit code exitsig: signal causing process death killed: set to 1 if the process has been killed (and therefore the time and memory usage are incomplete) )