#!/usr/bin/perl # Configure script for the sub-authentication daemon # Inspired by LibUCW examples use warnings; use strict; our($srcdir, $libdir); BEGIN { # Find the sources my $pkgfile = "subauthd.c"; if (!defined ($srcdir = $ENV{"SRCDIR"})) { if (-f $pkgfile) { $srcdir="."; } elsif ($0 =~ m@^(.*)/configure$@ && -f "$1/$pkgfile") { $srcdir=$1; } else { die "Don't know how to find myself. Please set SRCDIR manually.\n"; } } # Ask pkg-config if libucw is installed and find its configure modules `pkg-config libucw --atleast-version=3.13`; !$? or die "Package `libucw' (version 3.13 or newer) not found. Is PKG_CONFIG_PATH set properly?\n"; $libdir=`pkg-config libucw --variable=perl_modules_dir`; chomp $libdir; die "Unable to find the libucw configure system\n" if $? || not defined $libdir; } use lib $libdir; use UCW::Configure; Init($srcdir, 'default.cfg'); Log "### Configuring subauthd ###\n\n"; Include Get("CONFIG"); # What should be detected? require UCW::Configure::Build; require UCW::Configure::Paths; require UCW::Configure::C; require UCW::Configure::Pkg; # Get some libraries UCW::Configure::Pkg::PkgConfig("libucw") or Fail("libUCW is required"); Finish(); Log "\nConfigured, run `make' to build everything.\n";