# Configuration file for MO Evaluator # (c) 2001 Martin Mares # Directories and users MO_ROOT=/home/mo EVAL_USER=mo-eval EVAL_GROUP=mo-eval TEST_USERS="mo-test1 mo-test2" # UID range assigned to contestants CT_UID_MIN=21000 CT_UID_MAX=29999 # Test user for sandboxing TEST_USER=${TEST_USER:mo-test1} ### all of the following variables can be overriden in per-task config file # Default task type (file or interactive) TASK_TYPE=file # Known source file extensions EXTENSIONS="c C cpp p pas" # Extra compiler flags (null, but can be overriden) EXTRA_CFLAGS= # For each source extension, we must give compiler command COMP_c='/usr/bin/gcc -O2 -g -o $EXE $EXTRA_CFLAGS $SRC' COMP_C='/usr/bin/g++ -O2 -g -o $EXE $EXTRA_CFLAGS $SRC' COMP_cpp="$COMP_C" COMP_p='/usr/bin/fpc -Ci -Cr -g -O2 -So -Sg -o$EXE $EXTRA_CFLAGS $SRC' COMP_pas="$COMP_p" # Sandbox options used when compiling COMP_SANDBOX_OPTS='-m65536 -t60 -w -e' # Sandbox options used when testing TEST_SANDBOX_OPTS='-a2 -f -m$MEM_LIMIT -t$TIME_LIMIT' # -w for wall clock measuring # For stdio tasks append '-i$PROBLEM.in -o$PROBLEM.out'