#!/bin/bash # A script for testing compilability of different configurations # (c) 2004--2005 Martin Mares set -e TEST=0 function try { TEST=$(($TEST+1)) TDIR=tests/$TEST mkdir $TDIR echo "### Test $TEST: $@ ###" | tee $TDIR/log CUST=$1 shift SUBST= APP="!!### Added by check-customs:" while [ -n "$1" ] ; do X=$1 Y=${X#!} if [ "$X" != "$Y" ] ; then SUBST="${S}/^$Y/s/^/# /;" else APP="$APP!$X" fi shift done ( cd $TDIR cp -a ../../$CUST custom sed "$SUBST;p;d" <../../$CUST/config.mk >custom/config.mk echo $APP | tr ! '\n' >>custom/config.mk if ! make -f ../../Makefile s=../.. >>log 2>&1 ; then echo " FAILED" exit 1 fi echo " PASSED" ) } rm -rf tests mkdir tests if [ -n "$1" ] ; then try "$@" else try free # the free version try bare !CONFIG_INDEXER !CONFIG_SEARCH # absolutely stripped version try bare # the bare version try debug/matcher-test # bare + custom stats and matchers try centrum !CONFIG_GATHERER !CONFIG_GATHERD !CONFIG_SHEPHERD !CONFIG_REAPD !CONFIG_INDEXER !CONFIG_MUX !CONFIG_WATSON # search servers try centrum !CONFIG_GATHERER !CONFIG_GATHERD !CONFIG_SHEPHERD !CONFIG_REAPD !CONFIG_MUX !CONFIG_WATSON # indexing server try centrum !CONFIG_GATHERD !CONFIG_SHEPHERD !CONFIG_INDEXER !CONFIG_SEARCH !CONFIG_MUX !CONFIG_WATSON # reapd server try centrum # full Centrum config try debug/custom CONFIG_SHARED=1 # debugging configuration with shared libs try debug/custom # debugging configuration fi