- Integrate pdf-tools.cc with the rest of the code - What if an input page specifies /Rotate? - Better error messages from instantiation - "-f" switch - Help - Cropmarks: settable colors | # Position bbox on a new paper | paper("a4") | paper(w=210mm,h=297mm,pos=(t|b|c)(l|r|c)) | # Scale paper to a new size | scaleto("a4") | scaleto(w=210mm,h=297mm,pos=tl) | # Fit image to a paper | # If paper is given: scale image | # If no paper is given: adjust paper to image + margins | fit("a4") | fit(w=, h=) | margin= hmargin= vmargin= | lmargin= rmargin= tmargin= bmargin= | pos= | # Adjust paper size | expand(10mm) | expand(h=10mm, v=20mm) | expand(l=10mm, r=10mm, t=10mm, b=10mm) | # Adjust image size (in terms of margins around) | margins ... params like expand cropmarks mark=box # Box around image mark=cross # Crosses in the corners mark=out # Out-pointing half-crosses in the corners (default) mark=in # In-pointing half-crosses pen=1pt # Line width len=5mm # Cross arm length offset=5mm # Distance from border | book | signature= # Crop to image box crop bleed=5mm # Allow bleeding over the image box # Can be written as: mix(cat) { modulo(2){1}, modulo(2){2} } duplex long-edge | merge | modulo | half | # Add an empty page after the current one | add-blank | n= | paper... | # Set either: | # - paper size + margins | # - scale + margins | nup(hnum, vnum) | by=rows/cols # Filling order (default: rows) | by=tile # Tile with copies of a single page | paper / w / h # Specify paper size, default=copy from 1st image | + fit options (*margin, pos) | tpos=... # Position of images inside their tiles (default: tl) | crop # Crop to image | mixed # Allow images of different sizes | rotate=1 # Override rotation decision | scale=1 # Override scaling factor | hspace / vspace / space # Distance between tiles | cmark, cpen, clen, coffset # Cropmark parameters # Send pages to multiple pipes and merge their results mix { ..., ..., ...} cat # Concatenate results (default is interleave) cycle # When one pipe ends earlier, cycle it from start pad # When one pipe ends earlier, add blank pages