How to set up the evaluator: ---------------------------- Edit `config', especially MO_ROOT, EVAL_USER, EVAL_GROUP, TEST_USERS, CT_UID_MIN and CT_UID_MAX. Create $MO_ROOT (here we assume it's /aux/mo) Create the evaluation users (outside $CT_UID_MIN .. $CT_UID_MAX): mo-eval:x:65000:65000:MO Evaluator:/aux/mo/eval/mo-eval:/bin/bash mo-test1:x:65001:65000:MO Tester 1:/aux/mo/eval/mo-test1:/bin/bash mo-test2:x:65002:65000:MO Tester 2:/aux/mo/eval/mo-test2:/bin/bash Create the evaluation group: mo-eval:x:65000: Create the contestant users (inside $CT_UID_MIN .. $CT_UID_MAX; as many as you wish; the names don't matter): mo00:x:65100:65100:MO Contestant 00:/aux/mo/users/mo00/mo00:/bin/bash ... mo99:x:65199:65199:MO Contestant 99:/aux/mo/users/mo99/mo99:/bin/bash ... and their groups (preferably with the same ID's): mo00:x:65100: ... mo99:x:65199: ... and their passwords ... Run bin/mo-install to create the infrastructure. Run bin/mo-create-contestants to create contestants' home directories, files from template/* will be copied there automatically. If users are logging in remotely, set quotas and other limits for them. Don't use limits.conf for that since with sshd the limits would affect _root_ (probably bug in interface between sshd and PAM). Just add to /etc/profile: if [ $UID -ge 65100 -a $UID -le 65199 ] ; then ulimit -Sc 8192 # core file size ulimit -SHu 32 # processes ulimit -SHn 256 # max open files ulimit -SHv 262144 # max virtual memory fi